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Sparkclaw sat in anxieted silence as he waited for Massacre's response.
"You mean to tell me, that your Clan lost two useful cats in one night?" The silver tabby snarled.
Sparkclaw gulped. "Yes, the kit went missing and an apprentice went looking for her and soon disappeared as well. The Clan couldn't pick up their scents." The deputy explained.
Massacre slowly closed his eyes and breathed out through his nostrils. "Okay, two is not that big of a difference. It's fine, we'll manage." Massacre reoped his eyes and stared at Sparkclaw. "Where is Mousepelt?"
"Um,-" the nervous deputy began, shuffling his tabby paws.
"I'm here," came a gruff reply from the shadows; Mousepelt's staggering form followed soon after. "Sorry I'm late, I ran into a-"
"Shut up! Just shut up!" Massacre yelled. "I don't need your excuses! Besides, it doesn't matter, your here now anyway."
Mousepelt looked as if ready retort, but kept his mouth shut.
"Okay, now. What night would be best to kidnap all the cats, so no more get away?" Massacre asked, shooting a glare in Sparkclaws direction. He gaze flicked to his paws.
"I would say around the next few moons. Nothing has happened recently." Mousepelt said kindly, staring at Massacre. His green eyes sparkled.
"That would be just perfect. Sparkclaw, is that acceptable?" Massacre cooed, glancing back at the deputy.
"Yes, that would be fine." He said, straightening. Massacre smiled. "Now, back to business. I've been thinking about our recruits, and a new thought struck my mind. Not everyone's going to want to participate. So I need you two to pick the ones that will be specifically engaged to learn our ways." Massacre stared at the two toms. "Your choice is now, will you join this Clan? If you do, you will be gifted with fighting skills never known in Clan history."
"Um-" Mousepelt began but Massacre raised his tail, silencing him.
"So, make your decision now, will you join me? And leave behind your old Clan lives?"
After the two toms thought, they nodded vigorously.
"Good. Now, I know we'll lose a lot of precious cats by letting them decide but, luckily, we have my right-paw group of friends to help add to the equation." As if on command, cats padded out of the bushes all at once, cheeky smiles on their muzzles.
"Now, are you cats ready for your first training?" Massacre asked, licking his lips. The cats around him chuckled and laughed, sharp teeth glistening in the moonlight.
"Um, question?" Mousepelt spoke up.
"Yes?" Massacre chided.
"How exactly will we capture all the cats?" He wondered.
"I'm glad you asked," Massacre said. "After we have taught you our ways, we will attack both camps, nabbing the cats and leaving nearlt without a trace. Then we will train the cats that choose the training and raise up our new Clan!"
What's the name?" Sparkclaw asked.
Massacre smiled then threw his head back and triumphantly yowled, "Hail to VengeanceClan!"

Warriors the Clans Reborn: Enemies WithinWhere stories live. Discover now