Chapter 11

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"Ashstar, I would like to know why Frostheart is Sunpaw's mentor and not me." Flarestorm exclaimed, ruffling Frostheart's fur. She wrinkled her nose. "She's only been a warrior for less than a moon. I on the other paw have been one for more then enough moons." Flarestorm pointed out. "And what about Dewsplash and Birdflight? They've been warriors for longer."
Ashstar sighed heavily. "Flarestorm-" she began.
"Don't 'Flarestorm' me, I have more experience then she does in being a warrior and you know it!" She yowled angrily. She glared at Frostheart. "And I bet you know it, too." She sneered at her. Frostheart rolled her eyes. Right as her torso had made it past the thorn entrance, Ashstar called for her. Flarestorm had gone straight to their leader to question her rights in training. Sunpaw wasn't too thrilled.
"Flarestorm, I don't want to be upfront with you, but-" Ashstar began again.
"Do it, I can take it." Flarestorm interrupted again.
Ashstar breathed through her nostrils, closing her eyes and bunching her brows. "Alright." She looked back up and stared into Flarestorm's eyes. "Flarestorm, I picked Frostheart because she would be better for Sunpaw." She explained.
Flarestorm growled. "And why is that?" She said with quiet fury.
"Because, she is um, well-" Ashstar began, stammering.
"Just tell me!" Flarestorm shouted.
"Do not yell at your leader!" Ashstar yowled in return, stamping her paw. Flarestorm shrunk into her pelt. "You want honestly? Fine. I chose Frostheart because you are hardheaded. And also hotheaded." Flarestorm flinched. "You get angered easily and don't get along with others that often. Frostheart has been a warrior for less then a moon, yes, but she is more qualified then you. Sunpaw is softer then she needs to be, and I believe Frostheart will be able to coax her out of her shell in the most correct way." Ashstar said, standing taller. "And make her a great warrior. Dapplepelt did the same for Frostheart." She added. Frostheart felt her cheeks warming. Her leader dipped her head. "You may go, Flarestorm."
The tabby warrior flattened her ears. "But-" she stuttered.
"You are dismissed, Flarestorm." Ashstar said, more sternly. Flarestorm threw a glare at Frostheart then stomped out of the den without a word.
"Is . . . is she going to receive a punishment or . . ?" Frostheart trailed off.
Ashstar sighed while shaking her head. "Yes, I'll give her one, she just needs to know she cannot yell at her leader." She faced Frostheart. "I'm sorry she brought you into this. You truly are a better match for Sunpaw then she would ever be. I promise I'll fix her behavior, you may go." Frostheart dipped her head and padded out of the den silently.
Sunpaw flicked her ears as raised a paw and pushed back the lichen covering the front of her den. "Did you get a punishment?" She asked.
Frostheart shook her head. "No, but Flarestorm is."
Sunpaw gasped. "What?" She asked fearfully. "Oh, I hope I never get a punishment."
Frostheart tilted her head at her. "Why? Are you afraid of a punishment?" Sunpaw nodded quickly. Frostheart laughed. "And why is that?"
She licked her chest fur embarrassingly. "Well, some of the other apprentices told me they get really bad."
Frostheart arched a brow. "Oh yeah, how bad?"
Sunpaw shuffled her paws. "Like, we would have to get beaten, or watch for hawks, or sit outside of camp for awhile or-"
Frostheart held up and paw to silence her. "Woah woah woah, who told you this?"
"Um, it was Birdflight and Blackshade." Sunpaw said quietly.
Frostheart rolled her eyes. "Typical Blackshade." She sighed. "Toms."
Sunpaw nodded in agreement. "So," she said, turning the conversation around. "Are we gonna explore the camp now?"
Frostheart chuckled. "Of course, let's go. I'll take you to Ancient Oak, then the Training Hollow, and then we'll go to the Split Rock. Ooh, and then we'll stop go to the beach and circle back, sound good?" Sunpaw blinked.
"Um, can you say that again?" She said.
Frostheart snorted with laughter. "Sorry, I'm just excited. I remember my first time outside of camp." She shook out her fur. "Well, shall we get started?" Sunpaw hesitated, then nodded. "Then let's get to it!" With that, Frostheart jumped up and began padding towards the thorn entrance with Sunpaw on her heels. In no time at all they reached the Ancient Oak.
"Wow, it's so, big!" Sunpaw gawked, tilting her head bad to see the trees entire bulk.
"Yep, this is where we train to learn how to climb trees."
Sunpaw froze. "In this tree? Look how high it is! It's taller then any tree I've ever seen!" She looked down and noticed something at its trunk. She approached the sloping roots. "What happened here?"
Frostheart followed her eyes and frowned. There were deep grooved in the nook of the tree. "Oh um, well that was from, a few moons ago. Back when Wolfpaw and I were um, still kits."
"A few moons ago? Your a warrior Frostheart, this was not a few moons ago." Sunpaw insisted.
Frostheart sighed. "Ok, no. It want a few moons ago. But it sure does feel like it." Frostheart blinked and looked to her right. "So, there was a fox, his name is Crackling Stone, we've had a few run-ins with him. But anyway, he was in the territory right here, and fighting our warriors. Wolfpaw and I were there, and-"
"Wait, you said you were kits at this time." Sunpaw narrowed her eyes. "You snuck out of camp?"
Frostheart widened her eyes. "What? Oh, no. Um, well - it's hard to explain. Before this had happened, I did sneak out of camp. But I managed to catch a mouse at four moons so Ashstar, for my punishment, had me go on one hunting patrol and birder patrol each day, and I was with Blackshade, Leafpelt and Mosstripe at the time when he attacked." She took a deep breath. "Wolfpaw came to get me, and got involved." She grit her teeth in frustration. "Since she had her gift, she could communicate with him. He nearly killed her, but she got out safely." Frostheart thought of her tail accident. "Well, mostly."
"What happened?" Sunpaw asked innocently.
"Well, while she was fighting him-" Frostheart began.
"She fought him?" Sunpaw interrupted, gasping.
"Yes, she was so brave. Anyway, he ripped off part of her tail in the process and obviously, there was nothing we could do."
Sunpaw blinked. "So, part of Wolfpaw's tail, is missing? I would've never noticed." She sighed.
Frostheart turned. "C'mon, let see the rest of the territory." Sunpaw nodded, and bounced after her on light paws.

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