Chapter 1

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Wolfpaw bounded around a corner and stopped at a flat-tree entrance. The voices were still whispering. As she crouched to leap into the space, a fluffy, black and white tom waddled out and was suddenly nose-to-nose with Wolfpaw. He backed up abruptly and hissed. He looked the same age as Angelkit.
"Who are you?" He asked hostilely, trying his best to look intimidating. His high pitched voice made Wolfpaw choke back a laugh. There was fear behind his bright blue eyes. "Are you the cat that tried to hurt my littermate?" He teethed, wrapping his tail around his leg nervously. Wolfpaw knit her brows together.
"Hurt her? Why would my Clan do that?" Wolfpaw asked, rolling her eyes.
The young kit tilted its head on an angle. "What's a clam? Isn't that something that's in the Ocean?" He asked innocently.
"What's an Ocean?" Wolfpaw asked.
He giggled, forgetting Wolfpaw wasn't welcome. "It's a really, really big lake with lots and lots of water. And it doesn't taste very good, it's salty." The kit explained.
"Flip! Who are you talking to?" Came an angered mew from inside the room the kit had come from. "Come back this instant!"
Wolfpaw flinched and stared intently at the kit, willing him not to give her away. He blinked and pressed his ears flat to his head. Suddenly he let out a bloodcurdling cry.
"Theres an intruder!" He yowled. Wolfpaw froze, hearing multiple sets of paws thumping her way, and a slight jingling. Flip stared at her and fluffed out his already thick fur. Stepping back, Wolfpaw looked toward the entrance and locked eyes with a golden tabby she-cat. Her amber eyes were lit with rage. Next to her, a grey tom with one red ear and red paws glared at her with menacing green eyes. Gulping, Wolfpaw unsheathed her claws. Bumping into the she-cats hind leg, a brown she-kit and a tom kit similar to the older tom, fell into each other and then slowly stood up.
"Charlie! Cocoa! Get back in the bedroom, now!" The tom growled, not taking his eyes off Wolfpaw.
"But daddy, Angel's hiding where we can't get to her!" The she-kit complained. "She won't come out."
Bounding forward, Wolfpaw bunched her muscles and leaped over the two kits. They shied away as she sailed over their heads and landed on her paws neatly.
"Get her!" The mother yelled, turning round. The tom, Charlie, Cocoa, and Flip followed suit. Wolfpaw bounded into the room to see Angelkit, shivering underneath a soft-boulder.
"Wolfpaw!" She cried, sticking her head out from under it. "What are you doing here?" The others skidded to a stop inside the room. The atmossphere was thick with mixed emotions. Then Wolfpaw felt teeth in her scruff as the tom lifted her off the ground. Wolfpaw yowled and twisted in his grip.
"That's enough of your shenanigans, forest cat," He hissed in her ear. Wolfpaw felt his teeth clamp harder and she cried out in pain.
"Mommy! Stop him!" Angelkit howled.
"Thomas! Let her go!" The mother yowled. Thomas held her gaze, then dropped Wolfpaw from his muzzle. She landed with a grunt. Angelkit dove out of the soft-boulder and began to lick her cheek.
"Wolfpaw, are you alright?" Angelkit gasped in her ear. Wolfpaw nodded nimbly. "I'm sorry about what my kin did to you." She apologized. Standing, Wolfpaw made eye contact with the queen.
"Alright, first things first. Who are you cats? And what are you saying about LightClan attacking Angelkit?" Wolfpaw exclaimed.
"Angel," the she-cat corrected. Wolfpaw huffed. "I am Sunshine, this is Cocoa-" she gestured to her daughter. "-and Flip-" she pointed her tail at him. "-and this is Charlie." She pointed to him. "This is Thomas, my mate." Sunshine added. He flicked his whiskers. "Who are you?"
"I am Wolfpaw, apprentice of LightClan." Wolfpaw introduced. "Now tell me What's going on."
Sushine gave her a skeptical look. "Us? Why don't you tell me what's going on. Why are you hurting my poor kitten?" Sunshine hissed.
"We didn't. My Clan would never do that! If any Clan were to do that it would be OutClan!" Wolfpaw yelled. Sunshine gave her a look that didn't believe.
"Mother, Wolfpaw did not hurt me. In fact, LightClan's been a lot better life then soft one of a kittypet anyway." Angelkit spoke up. Wolfpaws eyes moistened. She was learning fast. Sunshine gave her a sympathetic look.
"But sweetie, don't you want to get adopted?" She said calmly.
"No!" Angelkit exploded. "I never did from the start! That's why I ran away! But I didn't expect to be picked up by forest cats that have treated me better then any Twoleg!" Angelkit teethed.
Sunshine looked stricken. "But the housefolk missed you. They were looking for you. You don't want the delicious food they provide for us?" Wolfpaw wrinkled her nose.
Kittypet slop?
"I'm done eating that slop you call food! Why not branch out and try a mouse?" Angelkit said hopefully. Cocoa stuck out her tongue in disgust.
"The fur and everything?" She exclaimed. Angelkit nodded enthusiastically. Flip frowned.
"Catching your own food?" Sunshine thought aloud. "Thomas what have they done to our daughter?" She asked.
"They've poisoned her with talltales." Wolfpaw opened her mouth to object but Angelkit stepped in.
"LightClan is the best thing that's ever happened to me! It is not poison, but an antidote. Clan life is great. I have a loving female figure taking care of me up in your place mother." Angelkit paused. This was hard for her.
She needs to do this on her own. A voice echoed in Wolfpaws mind.
Sandeye? Wolfpaw guessed.
She needs to do this on her own. He repeated. She has broken from her kittypet roots. Let her do this. Do not interfere.
Wolfpaw glanced back up at Angelkit, seeing her in a fighting stance.
"They've even taught me some battle moves to defend against the rivaling Clan," Angelkit said proudly. Thomas stepped forward.
"You mean, you won't stay with us?" He asked innocently.
Angelkits blue eyes blazed. "You dragged me here against my will! How do you expect me to react? I just told you all these important details about my new life and all you care about is if your precious little Angel stays put!" Angelkit's eyes hardened. "I am a cat of LightClan. I am not a kittypet anymore. And if you can't except that, then I don't know how you'll see me, but this is my life. You can't decide for me." Everyone's mouths were hanging open. "I will not be-" but something cut off her mew.
Wolfpaw heard the voice. But it was not like any voice she had ever heard before. It was in-animal. Alien.
"Did you forget the eggs? Cause I don't want to drive al the way back into the city just to grab eggs." A Twoleg sighed. Wolfpaws breath caught in her throat. She could understand Twolegs! She stumbled on her paws and collapsed.
I can understand Twolegs!
"Wolfpaw!" Angelkit yowled, shaking her shoulders. "What's wrong?"
Wolfpaw strained her ears as they conversed more.
"Wait, what time is it?" The same Twoleg asked. "The Simons will be here any minute for the kittens!" Wolfpaws heart leaped into her throat.
"We have to get out of here." she whispered.
"What?" Angelkit questioned.
"The Twolegs are coming. And they're coming to adopt." Wolfpaw said. Angelkits eyes widened.
"Wait, how do you know?" She asked suspiciously.
"It doesn't matter, we just need to get out of here, now." Wolfpaw said, standing up.
"My daughter is not going anywhere." Thomas interfered.
"Just shut it!" Wolfpaw yowled. "She does not want to be here so you need to let her go!" Wolfpaw shrieked. "She does not like it here, so you need to let her go!" Wolfpaw howled.
"She didn't even tell us why," Thomas argued.
"She just told you why, so let her go!" She yelled. Thomas's eyes turned to the outside as they heard foot steps.
"Too late, forest cat. She doesn't have a choice." Thomas said triumphantly. Wolfpaw looked to the flat-tree way as a Twoleg walked into the room. Scrambling to her paws, Wolfpaw dove under the soft-boulder, ignoring the smell. The Twoleg looked down at Angelkit.
"I thought we lost this kitten." It wondered aloud. Stooping down, the Twoleg tried to grasp Angelkit in its paws but drew back when she snarled. Wolfpaw watched as Angelkit hissed and clawed at the stubborn Twoleg as it tried to pick her up again. Finally, she pinched Angelkits scruff between two paw pads and carried her over to what looked like a metal spider web. Shivering, Wolfpaw blinked as the Twoleg put Angelkit into the metal web then padded away, and did likewise to the other kits. Thomas and Sunshine sided up the webs sides and stared up at the Twoleg.
I'd better stay hidden. But what about Angelkit?
The Twoleg started walking towards the soft boulder. Wolfpaws heart stopped.
"What is this doin' here? It should be in the cage." It sighed. "How did you guys manage that?" She asked, turning towards Thomas and Sunshine. They returned its gaze without flinching. Wolfpaw shivered. Stooping down, the Twoleg picked the soft-boulder up by its forepaw and jumped back in alarm when it saw Wolfpaw.
Oh no.
"Well, what have we here? We're rounding up cats all over the place." It sighed happily. "And it's an older kit. I'm sure it would be fine to add to the mix we have already." Wolfpaw unsheathed her claws as the Twoleg leaned down and grabbed at her scruff. "Feisty one, aren'tcha?" It said sweetly then picked her up by her scruff as well. She placed Wolfpaw into the webbing and then walked away.
You cat napper!
"Wolfpaw!" Angelkit bounded over to her and rubbed her muzzle against her cheek. "I'm sorry I got you into this."
"You didn't do anything, Angelkit." Wolfpaw promised. "I came here on my own."
"Yes, but if I had never been taken, you wouldn't of had to come." Angelkit sighed. "If only if been a better cat maybe this have would've never happened." She added to herself. Wolfpaw sighed. What would happen now?

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