Chapter 28

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Steadily padding through the cool grass under the light of the moon, the two clans finally reached the entrance to Massacre's camp. Wolftail couldn't help but feel annoyance, seeing as Shadefoot was back to his usual and obnoxious self. Seeing where the grass parted to reveal a tunnel, Ashstar and Thistlestar made their way to the front and faced the four groups.

Ashstar started. "OutClan and LightClan, friends and family." She said softly, her shoulders white from the moons glow.

Wolftail rolled her eyes. Man they sure say the same things over and over again. She looked back up as Thistlestar continued.

"It's time to put our plan into action." He directed. His dark eyes shifted from cat to cat. "Remember, we use stealth to get our clanmates back, not violence." Multiple displeased murmurs rolled through he group of cats and Wolftail couldn't help but share their pain. Ashstar scarred her claws through the grass in front of her, snagging dirt and soil, and everyone's attention.

"These cats are larger then ya and have trained differently then we have ever thought. So be advised to do this as silently as possible," she said, looking around. Her amber eyes bore a mix of fear and vengeance. "And if they sound the alarm, get the young ones and run."

Silence followed, and Wolftail glanced around, seeing her clanmates and OutClan cat's alike looking bloodthirsty and cold. Sighing at their hasty actions, she snapped her muzzle forward when she heard her name.

"Wolftail," Thistlestar said. "Since yours and group two have been reduced to only three cats, seeing as Falcontail stayed behind with his mate Moleclaw to watch after her, your groups will enter their camp first and make sure there's no one else awake inside."

Wolftail smiled as she was recognized, but that quickly changed to a frown when Shadefoot stepped forward. Growling, Wolftail shoved her way forward and puffed out her chest. "You got it, Thistlestar!" Seeing Shadefoot blink twice in her peripherals, Wolftail couldn't help but smirk at the OutClan tom and looked forward, anticipation flooding through her veins.

Thistlestar dipped his head. "Yes, thank you Wolftail for your, enthusiasm." He said, a little annoyed but still modest, for the most part.

"Anyway," Ashstar started. "Now that you know what your doing, why don't you two groups go." She said, beckoning them forward. Standing triumphantly, ready to lead the groups in, Wolftail quickened her steps to the front of the line only to realize that Briarnose was leading. Nearly running into her friends hind leg, close enough for her whiskers to brush up against his dark fur, Briarnose looked back at her in confusion. Feeling embarrassed, Wolftail stopped and watched silently as Briarnose turned to Brownpelt and then Greyheart, leading them forward. Brownpelt gave Wolftail a longing look before padding quickly with his group members. Standing stiffly, Wolftail grunted in disgust as Shadefoot ran his shoulder against hers.

"Wouldn't be so quick to assume your role, little missy." He whispers in her ear, before butting her with his flank. "Get used to being in the shadows Wolftail, that's where you belong." He added, picking up his pace in order for her to not have time for a witty response. Growling, Wolftail padded slowly after the OutClan tom, Darktail now at his side, their heads bent together in quiet conversation. The black and white warrior could hear obvious laughter coming from the two.

No doubt it's about me, she thought bitterly. I'm always the butt of the joke with these guys. Sighing, she followed after them begrudgingly as they made their way to the tunnel in front of them. Ducking under the loose and drooping floral stalks, Wolftail looked into the darkness and couldn't help a shiver. The unknown blackness vividly reminded her of when she'd gotten stuck in the underground tunnels and drowned. She wouldn't have gotten out of it alive if it weren't for Brownpelt, and it was just then she realized that she'd never properly apologized to him.

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