Chapter 6

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Wolfpaw watched as Simon-Twoleg opened the silvermesh flap, setting her free. She leaped out and landed on more weird-feeling stuff and instantly regretted it. She jumped up, trying to avoid the ground. She hated this stuff's feeling beneath paw, and now that she had to touch it again, she just wanted to get away. Angelkit came to her side and put her paws on her shoulders to restrain her.
"Angelkit, stop!" Wolfpaw gasped, trying to get free. Surprisingly enough, Angelkit held firm. She was getting big, strong muscles developing beneath her fluffy pelt. After some time, Wolfpaw finally relented and stilled.
"The Twoleg's gonna think you hate it here," She warned.
"I do!" Wolfpaw scoffed.
"But we don't want her to think that." Angelkit said. "That's your first lesson, being calm in a Twoleg's presence."
"Oh, so your my mentor now?" Wolfpaw asked, standing up.
Angelkit gave her a knowing smile. "Hey, your the one that asked me to help you."
"Yeah, not order me around." Wolfpaw said, rolling her eyes. Angelkit smiled nonetheless.
"Just trust me. She'll never let you outside if you don't behave." Angelkit said warmly, stroking Wolfpaws fur. It began sticking up in alarm.
"She'll never let me out?" Wolfpaw fretted. "How will I mark the border!?" Angelkit titled her head on an angle. Wolfpaw considered what she just said. "Okay, that's not what I meant." She added, sitting down.
"Well, I've never actually used one, but Mama's told me about these things called 'litter boxes'. You use them inside the Twolegden." Angelkit said, her eyes trained on the ceiling in thought.
"You mean, go in here?" Wolfpaw whispered.
"Well yeah." Angelkit said as if it was the simplest thing in the world. Wolfpaw flattened her ears. Angelkit laughed. "Cmon, it's not that bad."
"Maybe for you." Wolfpaw insisted. Angelkit wiggled her ears.
"When do you think we'll get back?" Angelkit asked out of the blue.
Wolfpaw shrugged. "Could be weeks, moons." She sighed. Then a thought came to her head. "Angelkit, how old are you?" She asked her.
Angelkit tilted her head in thought. "Five moons."
"Angelkit, I have an idea. While you teach me about Twolegs, I'll be your stand in mentor."
Angelkit tilted her head again. "Wolfpaw, your still an apprentice." Angelkit scoffed.
"Yeah but I was about to have my assessment. I heard Dapplepelt and Mosstripe talking about it." Wolfpaw lied. Angelkit gave her a disbelieving look. "Alright, alright. They weren't discussing it, but I've been an apprentice for a while." Wolfpaw reassured.
"Wolfpaw." Angelkit said, suddenly stiffening. "The Twoleg's are coming."
Wolfpaw's pelt stuck out and she flattened her ears. Simon-Twoleg came around the corner with a trail of kits following after. Wolfpaw shrank in her pelt as they neared.
"What are we gonna name them?" A young male Twoleg asked.
"The cream one's name is Angel." Simon-Twoleg explained.
"Ooh! Let's name the black one Whitefang!" Another kit cut in. Wolfpaw wriggled her nose. "Cause' it looks like a wolf." It added.
"It's Wolfpaw." She hissed defiantly. Angelkit held up a paw to her mouth, stifling a mrrow of amusement. Wolfpaw glared at her. "What? They called me Whitefang." She defended.
"They're Twoleg's, they don't do well naming us." Angelkit laughed.
"Then why do you keep the names they give you?" Wolfpaw asked. Angelkit shrugged. "Got you there." Wolfpaw said triumphantly. Angelkit blinked, not fazed.
"Do you want to go outside?" She asked.
"Is that even a question?!" Wolfpaw gasped.
"Then be nice to the Twoleg's." Angelkit advised. Just then, a Twoleg kit approached the two cats. Angelkit swiveled her head as the Twoleg picked her up softly under her forelegs and hefted her into her pink arms.
"Angelkit!" Wolfpaw yowled. She just have her a reassuring look.
"Trust." She murmured and began purring. Wolfpaw froze as another kit approached her.
"Come here, Whitefang." It cooed. 
"It's Wolfpaw." She snorted and crouched as the Twoleg kit reached for her. Holding her breath, Wolfpaw solidified as the kit wrapped her pink paws around her small body and hoisted her into the air. Angelkit blinked at Wolfpaw approvingly.
"Angelkit I'm going to scream out of fear." Wolfpaw whispered.
"Wolfpaw, don't scream. Just purr." Angelkit said nicely, purring herself. But no matter how hard she tried to hide it, Wolfpaw could tell Angelkit wasn't exactly in her comfort zone.
It's as if she were never a kittypet!
"Purr, Wolfpaw!" Angelkit pleaded. "She might let us out!" Swallowing, Wolfpaw purred as loud as she could, her throat beginning to hurt from the effort. The Twoleg kit purred along with her, nuzzling her chin on the top of her head affectionately.
Weird Twolegs!
"Can you let us out?" Wolfpaw pleaded. "I really want to be outside." She added, showing her kit eyes. This reminded her of when she had snuck out of camp to follow Rainspot and Splotchpaw to the Moonpool. It seemed so long ago. Suddenly, the Twoleg took a step, scaring Wolfpaw extremely. Fighting the urge to slide out her claws to hold on, Wolfpaw looked up to see the kit heading for a clear-like stone flat-tree and pushed it aside. Looking through the clear-stone, Wolfpaw saw grass, it's small shoots a healthy green. Wolfpaw became excited.
I'm going outside! At last!
Wolfpaw nearly leaped out out of the kits paws just to touch it. Crouching down, the Twoleg carefully set Wolfpaw in the grass and backed up. Turning around, she went through the clear-stone as the second kit put Angelkit down.
"See, nothing to it." She said.
"Great! Now we can try and find a way out!" Wolfpaw cried. Angelkit nodded and started glancing around. Approaching a fence that lined the square of grass, Wolfpaw looked up, glancing around. "Angelkit!" She yowled over her shoulder. "We could just jump over the fence and make our way back to the lake!"
Bunching her muscles, Wolfpaw leaped of the fence and landed neatly. Angelkit was staring up at her in awe.
"C'mon, Angelkit! Jump!" Wolfpaw said, beckoning with her black tail.
She bit her lip. "I don't know of I can jump that high." She murmured, dragging one of her paws around in circles.
"You never know till you try." Wolfpaw said, excited nonetheless. They were going to finally escape!
"Okay," Angelkit sighed and crouched down. Closing her eyes then opening them, she leaped but missed the fences top by a tail-length. Scrabbling at the wood, she finally fell back down and landed on her rear.
"Mouse-dung!" She hissed.
"Try again." Wolfpaw urged. She did. She failed. They went on trying for what felt like a moon until Angelkit sat back on her haunches and blew through her nose, frustrated.
"I can't do it Wolfpaw. There has to be another way." She growled. Wolfpaws hope had kept diminishing a sliver every time Anglekit missed and now that she had given up, Wolfpaw leapt from the fence and sat down next to Angelkit. She noticed how Angelkit was flicking her tail from side to side, clearly more upset then she'd ever been. "Hey, it's okay. We'll find another way." Wolfpaw meowed then looked around. Another idea came to mind. "Every time we get let out, we'll dig a hole to make our escape. And till then, we'll train each other." Wolfpaw concluded.
Angelkit wiped the sadness from her face and perked. "I'm sure we'll be the best mentors ever." She smiled and Wolfpaw felt joy rearing her pelt. They were one step closer towards home.

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