Chapter 12

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Frostheart sat, tearing off pieces of her finch, stripping it clean. Brownpelt passed by her and nodded, then went on, calling to Dewsplash. She came his way and sat down, licking a paw while flicking her ears in sign of listening. Pushing aside her half eaten finch, Frostheart sat her head onto her paws.
Nothing to do.
She perked as a thought came to her head.
I could go visit Ocean.
Standing and stretching, she looked around for Sunpaw. Nowhere. Nodding, she walked outside of the barrier and made her way to the forest outside of camp. Once she was at the cliff right above her cave, she leapt off and splashed into the water. Diving down and down, she made her way to the tunnel, and stopped.
Wait, I can't visit her, I don't speak her language.
Rolling her eyes, she turned around and stroked back towards the surface. Once she was nearly there, she froze when another body leapt into the watery depths. It had a brown and black pelt. It was Briarpaw! His eyes widened in shock when he caught sight of her. She sat there, locking eyes with him, nearly forgetting she was underwater, then began swimming again. She broke through the surface and waited for Briarpaw to rise. Bu he never did.
"Briarpaw?" She questioned aloud. Nothing, but bubbles were beginning to erupt to the surface. "Oh no." She moaned, beginning to worry. She turned, looking for any signs of a brown and black tom. Still nothing. Suddenly, something wrapped around Frostheart's hind leg and yanked her down, towards the surface. She gasped just in time before the water closed over her head, cold and familiar. She looked down as water rushed past her to see Briarpaw, with his forepaw clenched onto her hind paw.
Why does he have me by my leg?
With further inspection, she noticed his hind leg was tied with a thick twine-like weed. His eyes were rolling around quickly, his movements desperate. Letting go of her paw, Briarpaw gestured to his wrapped paw and looked back at her. Getting the message, she swam down to snap the weed. Clamping her jaws around the thick vine, she crunched her teeth together. It came apart with a snap. Grasping Briarpaw's scruff, she paddled to the surface speedily. They burst through with a gasp, breathing in the sweet air. Making her way to shore, Frostheart dragged the OutClan tom to land. Briarpaw stiffened in her jaws as he got his footing, and sat down with a wet slap.
"What happened?" Frostheart yowled once Briarpaw had caught his breath.
"Well, I thought I'd go for a swim, but I didn't expect to see you coming up. So once you passed, I turned around and somehow got caught in the weeds." He looked at her. "I would've drowned down there, if it weren't for you." He added, licking his chest fur embarrassingly.
"Well, what matters is your here now." Frostheart said, laying her head onto his neck. "And that your safe." He purred affectionately. Frostheart felt a low purr rumbling in her throat and slowly let it crawl out.
Briarpaw chuckled at her and then gasped. "Oh, that's right! Since your here, I can tell you something I've been waiting to say!" He said excitedly. "I received my warrior name." He mewed proudly.
Frostheart gasped. "Really?" She asked.
He nodded, his eyes pleased. "Yep, I'm Briarnose now." He said.
"Congratulations, Briarnose!" She cheered, licking his cheek. He began purring again, rubbing his cheek against hers.
She nuzzled him, then walked out of the shallows and shook out her pelt, splattering water droplets, reaching Briarnose. He shook his head and began walking. He flinched as he stood up, holding up his hind leg, the one that got caught. Frostheart glanced down and noticed it was twisted the wrong way.
Did he wrench it?
"What happened now?" She sighed heavily, rolling her eyes.
He sucked in a breath. "I don't know. But it really hurts." He began hobbling towards the trees. "I've got to see Lionpelt and Cloudstreak, they'll fix it." He took another step and collapsed. Frostheart hurried to his side and crouched down. He heaved himself to his paws again. "I can do it, I'll make it there." He sighed, gritting his teeth. Frostheart pressed her shoulder against his to steady him.
She huffed with the weight of the tom. "We're gonna get you there safe and well." She said, holding him up. "Where's your camp?"
Briarnose shook his head. "Frostheart, you can't! Your not OutClan!" He argued. "I can't let you."
Frostheart shoved her muzzle into Briarnose's face. "I'm going." She said fiercely, causing him to flinch. "And you can't stop me. Besides, I have a plan. I'll drop you off at the front of your camp, then watch from the side to see that your okay, how does that sound?"
Briarnose's ears drooped. "Fine, just don't get seen, alright?" He pleaded, using kit eyes. Frostheart nodded and he brightened, smiling.
She began walking towards his camp, making their way into the woods. "Let's go."

Frostheart was panting heavily, helping Briarnose limp towards camp. His bulk was insane, dragging her down. Finally, she stopped at the entrance and let go, relishing the freedom.
"Ok, is this good?" She panted.
He nodded with a glint of amusement in his eye. "Perfect."
Frostheart dropped his dead weight down and let out a huge sigh. Briarnose groaned. "Ugh, thanks Frostheart." He croaked softly. She licked his cheek affectionately and looked around.
"Now what?" She asked when she didn't understand what they were supposed to do.
"We need to get their attention." He said. "Can you yowl for me?" Briarnose asked.
The blood drained from Frostheart's face. "Me? Why?" Briarnose glared at her. She got the message. "Oh, right." Taking a deep breath, she let out a bloodcurdling cry, so loud it shook her entire body. Letting it slowly due out, she staggered, but gradually for her balance back.
Briarnose looked at her. "Now, go! Before they come! Go, go!" He exclaimed, then laid his head down. Frostheart nodded then bounded into the trees just as the ferns rustled at the entrance and a few clanmates of Briarnoses appeared. Frostheart watched as they hauled into their camp with ease. Following from the sidelines, she watched with the eyes of a hawk as they continued to drag him to what she assumed was the Medicine Cat den and noticed Maplepaw pad up to them, a questioning look in her eyes. Carefully dragging him further, he was safely put into the den and then was gone. Heaving a sigh, Frostheart turned tail and ran back to her camp, hoping no cat saw her as she hared through the trees.

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