Chapter 2

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Frostpaw padded along behind Flarestorm in her search patrol. It was the next morning and the whole of the Clan was looking for the lost kit. Angelkit had gone missing and no one had seen her disappear. No one had heard her say anything that sounded like she wasn't happy in Clan life. She was fitting in fine, her kittypet roots diminishing. But she had disappeared without a word or trace. What had happened?
"OutClan dawn patrol!" Mistfur suddenly hissed. "Get down!" She added, ducking. Frostpaw crouched low, and listened as voices came within ear shot. Frostpaw glanced over the ferns and recognized a brown and black pelt padding by.
Briarpaw's here!
Frostpaw's heart fluttered. Then she remembered the task at hand and ducked again. She shook her head to clear it. She couldn't think about Briarpaw right now. Flarestorm started to creep forward but Mistfur slammed a paw onto her tail.
"Watch it!" She snarled.
"Are you trying to start a fight?" Mistfur growled. "They haven't done anything wrong!"
"So what?" She teethed. Mistfur's pelt spiked in anger. Flarestorm was a good warrior, but she was also an arrogant one. "Just get down!" Mistfur repeated.
"Hey you LightClan cats! We can hear you!" Yowled an OutClan warrior. Mistfur threw a glare at Flarestorm then stood up. Frostpaw followed suit and her breath caught in her throat as she recognized a red she-cat.
"Well if it isn't little miss Dung-face!" Jumppaw snickered. Frostpaw flattened her ears angrily. Briarpaw glanced her way for the first time, sympathetic. "Look at that, the overgrown kit's upset."
Frostpaw unsheathed her claws and felt a tail on her back. She was shocked to see who it belonged to.
"Don't let her get to you." Flarestorm whispered. Frostpaw closed her eyes and let her fur lie flat.
"What do you want, Jumppaw?" Mistfur asked, swinging her tail from side to side.
She raised her chin. "I am not Jumppaw. I am Jumpfrost." She growled, smirking. Frostpaw rolled her eyes. "So, what makes you LightClan cats think you can challenge our patrol?"
Mistfur exhaled impatiently. "Challenge? What challenge?" Flarestorm spat, butting in. Mistfur slapped her tail over her muzzle. She gave a muffled growl.
"We're searching for a lost kit. Have you-"
Jumpfrost never let her finish. "A lost kit?" Her eyes glittered. "Oh, do tell."
"Nevermind." Mistfur said through gritted teeth. "Let's just go." She started to pad off and flicked her tail for her patrol to follow. Blackshade shot a glare at the OutClan cats then followed after. Flarestorm grunted and obeyed, her head down. Briarpaw was staring at Frostpaw longingly. Stay here, his eyes pleaded. I need to tell you something.
Glancing Mistfur's way, Frostpaw called, "I think I scented some prey along these bushes! All catch up later!"
"Alright!" Dapplepelt replied. Briarpaw smiled.
"Hello!" He mowed cheerfully. "I need to tell you, Brownpelt and Wolfpaw something. Meet me in our meeting place tonight." He said quickly, looking over his shoulder. Were they being watched.
"Okay." Frostpaw shuffled her paws.
"So who's lost in your Clan?" He asked, wrapping his tail around his paws.
"Angelkit." He tipped his head. "She was a kittypet." He wiggled his nose disbelievingly.
"A kittypet?" He gawked.
"Hey!" Frostpaw defended. "She's fitting in fine. Her kittypet roots are diminishing quickly." He eyed her skeptically.
"Alright," he shrugged. "So-"
"Briarpaw!" An unseen cat yowled, cutting him off.
"Oh, well, gotta go!" He bounded up the slope behind him then glanced back once he was at the top. "Don't forget!" Then he disappeared. Frostpaw smiled then started after her patrol.

"Where's your prey?" Blackshade asked, suspiciously. Frostpaw swallowed.
"Oh, um-" she bit her lip. "-It went up a tree." He looked at her skeptically.
"You sure? Or were you talking to that OutClan tom?" He asked mischievously. Frostpaw froze. Did he know?
"Of course not!" Dapplepelt cut in. "Everyone loses their prey once in a while." She looked at Frostpaw and winked. Did she know? Frostpaw nodded her thanks and padded on with her patrol.
Frostpaw padded into camp with Flarestorm. They had no luck in finding Angelkit. They hadn't even caught a scent. Maybe the other patrols had better luck. Leafpelt came bounding their way. Her swollen belly slowed.
"Any luck?" She puffed , grey eyes hopeful. The patrol shook their heads solemnly. Her thick rail drooped. "Oh, alright." Frostpaw felt sympathy crawl into her gut. She missed Angelkit, but Leafpelt must be devastated at her disappearance. Sniffing the air, Frostpaw caught Brownpelt's scent.
"Brownpelt!" She called to the tom. He looked her way, a mouse swinging from his jaws.
"What is it?" He asked, padding over.
Frostpaw leaned close to him, so no other cat could hear. "Briarpaw needs to speak with us tonight." Frostpaw looked around. "Where's Wolfpaw? She's not with you?"
Brownpelts ears dropped. "I haven't seen her all day." His eyes went out of focus. "Is she avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?" He said to himself. Frostpaw put a reassuring tail in his shoulder.
"Hey, she isn't avoiding you. She's warming up to you, just be yourself." He snorted. "But you said you haven't seen her all day? Wasn't she in your patrol?" Frostpaw asked.
"No," he said simply. "I thought she was in yours or Mosstripe's." Frostpaw tried to ignore the twisting in her gut. Where was Wolfpaw? Was she missing too? Had she disappeared as-
"Let all cats old enough to catch prey gather beneath the Glowing Rock for a Clan meeting!" Came Ashstars yowl. Frostpaw wiggled her ears then padded towards the great rock. It sparkled in the sunshine. It looked as if flecks of gold were carefully placed into its midst. The sun silhouetted Ashstars musclular body as she looked around the Clan.
"Clanmates, we have received news about Angelkit's disappearance." Frostpaw saw Leafpelt perk. Ashstar glanced her way, then Whistlepelt's way. "But it is not good news." Leafpelt closed her eyes and Darkface placed his sleek tail over her back. They dipped their heads into conversation. Whistlepelt gave a confused look and glanced at Whitefoot. "We did happen to find a scent in one of the patrols." She glanced at Frostpaw. She blinked selfconsciously. Why was she looking at her family specifically? Frostpaw swallowed. Unless . . .
"The scent belonged to Wolfpaw." Frostpaw gasped and she felt Brownpaw stiffen. Whitefoot's eyes widened and Whistlepelt let out a low moan.
Ashstar closed her eyes. "There is more. We believe that the culprit was Angelkit's kittypet father." Yowls of protest. "And their scent trail leads right to the Twolegplace den." Confused murmurs. Frostpaw couldn't believe her ears. Wolfpaw had gone to Twolegplace? But why?

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