Chapter 21

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Frostheart watched, frozen in terror as Massacre's so-called 'VegeanceClan' ravaged and attacked her Clanmates and the camp. Warriors were being thrown to the ground in a flash, and some didn't get back to their paws. Frostheart scrambled to get to her paws and back up into the den when a shadow fell across her field of vision. Gulping, she looked up in disbelief to see a wicked smile plastered across a mousy-brown muzzle. There was new scar on top of his muzzle that Frostheart noticed.
"Mousepelt?" She gasped, not sure what to feel.
Mousepelt crouched down to her eye level and sniffed. "Do I know you?" He snarled, baring his teeth. "Because I've never seen you before today." His eyes narrowed. "How do you know who I am?" Mousepelt snarled through clenched teeth. Frostheart swallowed. Being away from the Clan customs had changed this shy and cowardly tom, for the worst.
Frostheart shook her head. "You wouldn't know me, but, you've ... changed," she whispered the last part, afraid of how he would take it. His eyes narrowed yet again.
Mousepelt shook his pelt and straightened, pride gleaming in his amber gaze. "I've changed for the best." He said triumphantly. "Massacre's leading has opened my eyes and I know now where my heart truly lies." His excitement turned to suspicion again and he raised a brow. "But how did you know I changed in the first place?" His eyes suddenly widened in recognition. "Oh, your the cat that Massacre told me about! The one he tried killing by dumping you in the lake!" Frostheart winced; he wasn't talking about her. He had mistaken her for her missing sister, Wolfpaw. Mousepelt could tell he had touched a nerve and he licked his lips and took a threatening pace forward.

 Mousepelt could tell he had touched a nerve and he licked his lips and took a threatening pace forward

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Frostheart gasped, fear wriggling deep inside her. "Mousepelt, wait! You don't need to do this!" She exclaimed, trying to back away as she laid on the ground. She couldn't move because of her condition and swallowed hard as Mousepelt continued to stalk forward, licking his lips. He extended his claws as he got closer. Frostheart felt wall behind her as she scooted away and felt cold fear consume her. Snarling, Mousepelt leapt, bowling her over onto her side and they rolled over the ground. Frostheart cried out in pain as she felt her wounds reopen and unsheathed her claws. Hissing, she out all of her energy into her paws and threw Mousepelt off, exposing her belly. He shook out his pelt and flattened his ears. Then he laid eyes on her belly and gasped, frozen with a raised paw in the air, claws gleaming. What is he doing?
"Oh my, did I ...?" He questioned, his eyes softening in the slightest. Frostheart clenched her teeth as blood continued to pool and she rolled back over. She looked back up at the warrior. Mousepelt had his paws glued to the ground in horror, seeing her deep wounds, and took a step back.
Frostheart looked at him. "Mousepelt?" She questioned, confused. Why is sparing me?
Understanding seemed to overcome Mousepelt and he shook his head, his eyes cold again. "You're not worth my time," he muttered then bounded away. Frostheart stared after him in awe. He still has good in him! I can't believe it! Her happiness and relief died as a grey tabby bounded her way. Massacre laid his green eyes on her, and, seeing her weakened state, he raised a paw, but not before a black and white body slammed into him from behind and slashed his right eye. Massacre yowled in pain and crumbled to the ground. Getting his footing, he looked up at the mysterious warrior and gasped.
"You again!?" He snarled in disbelief. "But I drowned you, how are you alive!?"
Frostheart finally got a good look at her savior and her breath caught and she gasped. It can't be, there's no way ... "Wolfpaw, is that you?" She said, barely audible. But Wolfpaw didn't respond but kept her eyes on Massacre.
"I have my ways Massacre," she hissed. "Now surrender, or I'll rip your pelt off." Wolfpaw growled, baring her teeth.
Massacre smirked and licked a claw. "Would you really, with the Warrior Code holding you back?" He sneered. Wolfpaw gasped. "Warrior cats aren't allowed to kill any cat, no matter what they've done." Massacre snarled, licking his lips. Wolfpaw took a staggering step back as Frostheart gasped. He knows about the Warrior Code.
Suddenly, a panicked yowl cut through the air. Leafpelt bounded out of the nursery, chasing after three rogues as they all ran for the thorn entrance, all with a kit. Wolfpaw froze.
"My kits, someone save them! My kits, please! Save them!" Leafpelt cried and Darktail came to her side, nuzzling his nose against her cheek. Frostheart watched Wolfpaw began bounding after them, but was cut short as Massacre sunk his claws into her tail.
Frostheart debated helping but she felt blood still seeping. She looked around for Rainspot or Splotchwing as Massacre said, "Your not going anywhere, those kits are ours." Frostheart watched as Wolfpaw hissed and leapt for his throat, clawing his fur. He yowled angrily and reared back, shaking her off. Falling with an oof, Wolfpaw gasped as he barreled into her. Not seeing any medicine cats, Frostheart grit her teeth and began to crawl into den once more, searching for cobwebs. She heard muffled howling outside and tried to ignore it as she looked. Oh, where are they?! She continued to look as she swept her gaze over the dens many shelves of herbs, strong scents hanging in the air. She saw a small thing of cobwebs carefully stuffed into a shelf and she sighed in relief. Crawling forward, Frostheart tore some from the wad and carefully placed it over her wound, quickly grabbing another. When she was satisfied, she crawled back outside to see a creamy pelt tearing after a pair of rogues, yowling in outrage, each carrying one of Leafpelt's kits. Angelkit!
"Get back here with those kits or I'll shred you!" She growled. Frostheart stared in awe as Angelkit began to slow down rapidly, and one of the rogues made it through the thorns. Pivoting, she launched herself at the next rogue but he dodged and escaped through entrance as well, Deerkit swinging from his jaws. Growling, Angelkit yowled and bounded after them, trying to catch up. She's only a kit, what is she thinking?! Just then, Browpelt came up from behind her and leapt into the air, landing on top of the rogue raking his claws down her back and hissing. Frostheart watched silently, full of anxiety, as Brownpelt clawed and batted at his opponent. Her ginger fur was a much darker crimson and her black stripes were pretty much invisible. She opened her mouth and Softkit fell from within the rogues grip, landing awkwardly. Wolfpaw bounded in her direction and quickly grasped her scruff in her mouth. Brownpelt was still fighting the rogue that had taken Softkit until she threw him off. He slid over the ground and stood up, shaking his head as she bounded away. Glancing around, Frostheart watched as the rogues clambered through the thorn entrance in retreat, Sparkclaw being at the rear? He disappeared soon after along with the rest. She growled. Traitor! The dust finally cleared as Angelkit walked back through the thorn barrier, her plot scarlet. She had no kits with her. Softkit mewled in Wolfpaws maw, and she put her on the ground. They shared some words and then Wolfpaw gestured to Leafpelt and the kit bounced away, burying herself in her mothers fur.
"Softkit, you're okay!" Leafpelt said, relieved. Frostheart smiled slowly, feeling her heart swell as mother and kit nuzzled each other. Soon enough, Darkface padded up to his daughter and licked her between the ears. As the white warrior watched them in quiet observation, a yowl split the air. Jerking her head up, she saw Wolfpaw leaning over the body of her father, Whitefoot. She nuzzled his cheek with her nose and Frostheart felt her heart break. Whitefoot, he's dead.
A ripple of gasps echoed around the camp as they laid eyes on their fellow warrior and Wolfpaw, mixed emotions present. Frostheart heaved herself to her paws and limped slowly towards where Whitefoot lay, his green eyes glazed. Frostheart grit her teeth as she saw multiple bodies laying around the camp, unmoving and stiff.
Frostheart looked up as her leader started to speak. "We, we must ..." She stuttered. Taking a deep breath, she started again. "We must bury our dead." A solemn silence settled over the camp as warriors went to gather the Warriors that had passed. Wolfpaw grasped Whitefoots scruff as Frostheart sauntered up to her. The litter mates locked eyes filled with sadness.
"Let me help you." Frostheart meowed gently, gritting her teeth with the effort to move.
Wolfpaws gaze rested on hers then moved down to her wounded belly. "Your hurt." She said bluntly.
"I know." She said. "Please," Frostheart urged. "let me do this."
Wolfpaw let out a huge sigh, so much so it must of hurt, and nodded silently. Both littermates grasped their father, Wolfpaw with his scruff and Frostheart with his hind legs, and they set him down in front of the Glowingrock. Fellow warriors followed. More bodies then Frostheart had assumed were laid down. She didn't want to look but forced herself to do so. She felt her jaw fall open in shock. Cindertail, Moontail and Sootpaw lay before her alongside Whitefoot. She heard a long, drawn out moan as Silkyfur padded to the front and nuzzled her face in Sootpaw's flank, then followed with Moontail. Frostheart felt her heart break a bit more. She felt broken at losing her father but Silkyfur had just lost two of her kits. Mistfur, Flarestorm and Greyheart came to her side and said their goodbyes in hushed whispers. Icepaw walked slowly from behind Honeyclaw and pressed his forehead against Sootpaw's flank and let out a choked sob. Blackshade padded forward and laid his head on top of Sootpaw's respectively. He whispered something and Frostheart noticed a golden head press against her. She looked down at Sunpaw.
"Frostheart, why ... Why did this happen?" She whispered, questioning.
Frostheart drew her closer and licked her ears. "I don't know Sunpaw," Frostheart couldn't think straight, driven by grief to the fallen warriors. "but you should go say goodbye before she is buried." Sunpaw stared at her sadly then padded forward, head and tail down. Whistlepelt padded up to Wolfpaw's side and wrapped her tail around her. Wolfpaw leaned into their mother and let out a sob. Whistlepelt sniffed sadly then went over to Cindertail and pressed her nose against her littermates cheek thoughtfully. Everyone's silent vigil lasted for hours and Frostheart finally looked up once Ashstar cleared her throat. She noticed the suns morning rays were starting to peek over the trees.
"Smalltail, Thornpelt and Whispermouth, will you bury our Clanmates?" Ashstar asked the elders and they all nodded. Padding forward, they grasped Cindertail in their midst and began carrying her out of camp. Warriors and apprentices went to pick up their other deceased Clanmates and followed after them, disappearing through the trees. Frostheart limped back towards the medicine den, searching for Wolfpaw. The black and white warrior was no where to be seen. Cold fear crept up on the white warrior.
"Wolfpaw, wherever you are, don't let your grief and maybe even guilt, drive you to make any dumb decisions." She whispered aloud, and padded into the dark den, full of anxiety and fear for her lost littermate once again.

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