Chapter 17

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Frostheart took a step back and stumbled over her own paws. "What?" She whispered, standing back up.
Briarnose smiled a small smile. "Will you be my mate Frostheart?"
She blinked and looked down. "Briarnose, I . . ." She began but trailed off. It was so sudden. Being mates with another Clan cat. Imagine if anyone found out if she said yes. What would be the consequences? But she loved this tom, she had for a while now. Finally coming to a decision, she came closer to Briarnose and licked him on the cheek. "Yes Briarnose, I will be your mate."
He smiled and let out a cheer. "Oh Frostheart, I love you!" He gave her cheek a return lick. She giggled and rubbed her face against his. "Think of the possibilities now that we're mates! We could, we could have . . ." He cut off his own sentence and became serious.
Frostheart leaned away from him and looked into his eyes. "Briarnose? What were you going to say?" She asked, already knowing the answer.
He swallowed. "We could have, um, we could have-" he began again.
Frostheart leaned close to him and finished. "Kits, I know." She whispered. He sighed and nodded. "I would love that." She mewed quietly.
Briarnose exhaled. "Yeah, it would be awesome." He said, rubbing a paw along to ground. "So that's all I wanted to tell you." He said licking his lips. "You can go home now."
She leaned closer still. "No, I think I'll stay. I'll leave when you leave." She said sweetly.
He gulped and his cheeks pinked. "Well, I'm leaving right now, so we can go." He said tensely. Frostheart chuckled and stood. He stood abruptly and nearly fell over. Frostheart let out a mrrow of laughter and twined her tail with his and began padding towards the exit. She felt a tug and Briarnose sided up to her, his mouth in a nervous frown. She smiled and began running. He grunted and began running beside her, his frown slowly disappearing. Slowly, she let her tail unwind from his and ran harder, and he kept her pace. They finally reached the glimmering pool and Briarnose slowed to a stop, Frostheart passing him. Gasping, she dove into the pool, not looking back. She heard a splash and looked to her left to see Briarnose, stroked confidently. She matched him stride for stride. They swam through the water like otters, being experienced enough to swim gracefully. They broke the surface as one and began swimming back towards shore. The crawled out onto the sandy beach and shook out their sodden pelts.
Frostheart began to pad into the woods when Briarnose stopped her. "Hey um, Frostheart? Maybe we could walk together until we reach the border, is that ok?" He asked nervously, sweeping his tail from side to side.
Frostheart hit him on the flank with her tail. "Sure, now quit acting so weird, furball." She teased. He wriggled his nose then smiled, padding into the woods with the LightClan cat padding behind him.
They walked for some time, enjoying the warm sun bathe their drying pelts. Quaking Aspen's whispered overhead and Frostheart relished the sounds of the forest. Then her thoughts darkened as she recalled Massacre trying to drown Wolfpaw and Brownpelt in the lake. She shivered, wondering where he was now. She hadn't seen Sparkclaw for the last few moons, or heard of Mousepelt. Thistlestar hadn't said anything about him otherwise. But then again, when would a Clan leader admit their weaknesses?
"Frostheart, look out!" Came Briarnoses warning yowl, awakening Frostheart from her daydreams. She had been so deep in thought, she didn't realize she had veered off the path and was heading straight for a bramble bush. She skidded to a stop, shivering as she pictured thorns puncturing her pelt. Briarnose bounded to her side.
"What in the name of StarClan was that?!" He gaped. "I called your name over and over again, but you didn't do so much as flick your ears!" He teethed, eyes wild.
Frostheart stared at him shamefully. "I was deep in thought was all." She murmured. He snorted and pressed his face against hers.
"Don't scare me like that!" He sighed, lapping her cheeks. "I can't lose you to StarClan yet!"
She snorted playfully. "Its a bramble bush, not a badger." Frostheart teased, cuffing him on the ear. He shook his head and padded on, Frostheart tailing him. After they passed the bush,
being a few cat-lengths ahead of it, a scent hit Frostheart, raising the fur along her back.
Briarnose looked at her. "What?"
He asked innocently.
Frostheart's pupils slitted. "I caught a scent." Don't you smell it?" She asked through gritted teeth.
Briarnose gave a huge whiff, then his eyes widened, the whites showing ominously. "Now I smell it." He said worriedly. He looked at her. "Did you have to say badger?!" He exclaimed, right as the big, black beast shoved its way through the bushes ahead of them and gave a mighty roar. Frosheart's warrior instincts immediately kicked in, and she launched herself at the badger, scratching its face fiercely and digging in with her claws. Briarnose leapt for its back as it howled in pain, shaking Frostheart off its muzzle and bearing down on her. She hissed as it leaned close, forcing her to the ground. Letting out a yowl, she slammed her paw against its jaw and it reared back, shaking its massive head. Taking her chance, Frostheart pulled herself forward until she was under it and she clawed its belly fur. It howled and lowered its head to snap at her. She continued to pummel its white belly while Briarnose sunk his claws into its back. It stomped its forepaws, trying to shake off the tom. Frostheart growled and wrapped her jaws around the curve of its belly and sunk her teeth into flesh, drawing blood. The badger yowled and snapped at her again, this time finding purchase. Letting out a startled yelp, Frostheart was thrown from under the badgers belly to a dip in the ground. She rolled to a stop and shook her head, trying to clear it. As her vision focused, she saw the badger throw Briarnose off, sending him spinning through the air and he landed with a grunt. Then it faced her with its lips curled. Snarling, it charged her, lowering its head as it lumbered her way. Frostheart hissed and lifted a forepaw and struck it as dove at her, sending it off course. It shook its head and growled. Once it could focus, it swiped at her, catching her shoulder. Frostheart winced in pain and looked up into its beady brown eyes. They were filled with malice. Roaring, it slammed its paws onto the white warriors back and raked its claws through her fur, Frostheart wailing in agony. Gripping her pelt, the badger rolled her onto her back.
Standing on its hind legs, it swung its limbs fiercely and brought down it's forepaws.
"Frostheart!" Briarnose yowled.
The badger sunk its claws into her flesh just above her chest and scored a savagly deep cut, down to the end of her belly. She yowled in pain, everything starting to pass in slow motion. Blood dribbled from her parted mouth as the world around her began to spin. Her breahing quickened. Blood was gushing from her wounds and she could barely see. As the badger lifted its paw for another blow, a sharp, bloodcurdling yowl split the air. Blinking to restore her vision, Frostheart glanced at Briarnose. Flames had engulfed his amber eyes and he was bounding across the dirt in long strides. The badger threw its head in his direction as he bunched his muscles and leaped over its hulking body. He landed in front of the wounded warrior and flattened his ears, curling his lips and snarling. Briarnose stood with his legs apart, guarding Frostheart.

With a growl, he lashed out and sliced the badgers snout, quickly dodging a blow and nipping its leg

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With a growl, he lashed out and sliced the badgers snout, quickly dodging a blow and nipping its leg.
"Briarnose!" Frostheart exclaimed as one of the badger's claws caught his nose. He growled but kept fighting, un fazed. Roaring, he leapt up and wrapped his jaws around the badgers, snarling loudly as he bit down hard. The badger whined and tried shaking him off. But Briarnose held firm, biting harder. Finally, the badger relented and threw him off, limping away into the distance until he was nothing but a silhouette.
Briarnose turned to her, panting heavily, the flame not yet quenched from his eyes. Finally his gaze softened as he turned to Frostheart and inspected her.
He nudged her muzzle with his own and sniffed her. "You need help, now." He said seriously.
Feebly, Frostheart whispered, "Take me to my camp. Rainspot and Splotchwing will heal me." She croaked.
Briarnose snorted. "My camps closer then yours, we're going to mine." He said firmly. He took a paw step closer and crouched down.
Before he could open his mouth, Frostheart objected. "Take me to mine, it'll be easier."
He blinked at her slowly. "Easier how?" He challenged.
"Because it's my Clan!" She exclaimed hoarsely.
Briarnose leaned forward and gave her cheek a lick. "I can't carry you that far, you'll bleed out before I get you there." He said.
Frostheart gasped. "What?"
"Brace yourself." Briarnose said ignoring her question, and slid his head and shoulders under her limp body. She get breath caught and she growled in pain as he hefted her onto his back and slowly stood up. He groaned but held firm. Frostheart tried to cling on but didn't have the strength. She felt herself slide and finally sunk her claws into his pelt and steadied herself.
"You ok?" He asked.
She nodded then realized her couldn't see it and mumbled a yes. Briarnose purred then began padding towards his camp, crossing the scent line and padding into the trees.

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