Chapter 29

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Wolftail breathed heavily through her nose as Brownpelt looked at her anxiously. "Wolftail please, I don't feel comfortable with you going to see her." He said, looking uncomfortable. Wolftail rolled her eyes at her mates ridiculous and uncalled for actions. It was the next morning after their brief meeting with OutClan, and things had returned back to normal. But one thing still sat in the back of Wolftail's mind, and she wanted to go and ask the one person she knew could give her some answers.

Wolftail sighed long and hard. "Brownpelt, it's fine, Ocean's a healer, and she's wise, she knows what she's talking about." She said forcefully. "Besides, she's also a friend, I know she'd never do anything to hurt me."

Brownpelt snorted. "I don't care if she's a healer, a friend, or even an enemy! The point is, I just don't want you to go see her, she gives me a weird feeling whenever I'm around her." He exclaimed, looking frustrated.

Wolftail frowned. "Brownpelt, you've only met her once, and that was during the time we were trying to escape from OutClan!" She pointed out, tilting her head. "You just didn't get a good first impression, that's all."

"Yeah but she still gives me weird vibes, I can't shake those feelings." Brownpelt said hesitantly, pouting his lip in a deep frown. "I don't want you to get hurt."

Wolftail stared at her mate helplessly and sighed yet again. Stepping forward, she licked his cheek comfortingly and smiled and encouraging smile. "Hey, don't worry so much. You don't know her like I do, I'll be fine, ok?" She whispered, hoping to convince the stubborn tom.

Sighing, he looked away. "Fine, you can go." Brownpelt muttered, and then looked back at her seriously. "But promise me that as soon as you get back you'll tell me all about your visit, ok?" He asked, looking hopeful.

Wolftail sighed and chuckled softly. "Don't worry Brownpelt, I'll tell you everything, I promise." She vowed, smiling at him lovingly. He still had concern in his eyes that Wolftail couldn't shake, making her a frown in sadness. "Hey," she said softly to him, "I'll be okay, I'll be back in time for our morning meal, don't you worry."

Brownpelt looked at her deeply. "Please come back safe." He whispered, now looking at the ground. "I don't want to lose you."

Wolftail smiled a small smile and approached her mate slowly. Placing her jaw onto his back where his neck met, she rubbed the end of her muzzle along his coarse fur. "You won't lose me, I promise." She whispered softly, ruffling his pelt. Breathing in and out, she pulled away from Brownpelt and smiled. "I'll be back soon, I swear on my life."

Brownpelt looked like he wanted to say something, but then rushed forward and pressed his nose up against her cheek bone. "One last goodbye," he said quietly, before pulling away and looking her in the eyes. Sighing, he closed his eyes and then turned around, going back to his camp duties. Feeling chipper, Wolftail turned as well, and ran straight into Smokeheart.

"And just where do you think your heading?" He asked quizzically, giving her a suspicious once over.

Wolftail took a startled pace backwards. "O-oh, why Smokeheart! I-I didn't see you there, I um was just-"

"Don't play dumb Wolftail, where were you going before I stopped you?" Smokeheart repeated, looking agitated.

Wolftail swallowed harshly, not doubting rhat Smokeheart had heard it. "I was um, headed out for patrol is all." She fibbed, surely looking guilty.

Smokeheart gave her a blank stare, clearly not impressed. "With just you? There aren't any patrols organized right now." He informed her, looking skeptical. Wolftail smiled dumbly, nodding. "Your not a great liar Wolftail." Smokeheart deadpanned.

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