Chapter 27

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Wolftail padded along behind the three OutClan warriors irritably as they distanced themselves farther and farther away from her. Growling, Wolftail stopped and slammed her paw down.

"You guys need to slow down and follow me!" She hissed, clawing the soil below her. This only created a round of laughter from the three cats as they continued to walk ahead of her.

"No ones here to see this, so technically we don't have to listen to you." Shadefoot said behind his shoulder. "So be a good little LightClan cat, and let us do our thing, and you can do whatever you want to do."

Gritting her teeth, Wolftail breathed out of her nose in order to calm herself down and cleared her throat. "I've been assigned as your leader, so your supposed to follow me!" She exclaimed, flicking her tail from side to side in annoyance.
Shadefoot stopped and Wolftail ran directly into his hind leg. Shaking her head, she stepped back as he turned around.

"Yeah, your the mediocre leader whom everyone thinks we're going to follow, but we're all stronger, smarter and bigger then you are, so I think we'll lead instead." Shadefoot said, turning back around and padding forward.
"Come on guys," He said to Dawntail and Moleclaw. "Let's get going, we're holding up the others."

WolftIl looked around in frustration. "There's no one here for you to hold up, because you went off the path to find a shortcut to begin with!" She yowled, trying to make them stop. This only earned a laugh from all three warriors.

"That may be true, but that doesn't stop us from taking our sweet time." Dawntail said, brushing it off. "The others can wait on us."
Wolftail felt her blood beginning to boil at her ridiculous answer. "Do you have any idea how that'll make us look?" She demanded, feeling her lip curl.

"No, but we have an idea of how it'll make you look." Moleclaw said, looking at Wolftail over her shoulder. She shrugged at her nonchalantly when she grit her teeth in anger. "Too bad, so sad." She said smartly, looking forward again.
Wolftail growled as her last straw was pulled. Unsheathing her claws, she butted past Moleclaw and Shadefoot and stopped in front of them, causing the trio to come to a halt. They all stared at her, dumbfounded, as her nostrils flared.

"I've been named as your leader, so you will follow me or face the consequences!" Wolftail shouted, getting in Shadefoot's face. She scrunched her nose up against his and curled her lip as he narrowed his eyes down at her. "So quit ignoring me, and do as I say!" She demanded, leaning away from the large tom. Looking smug, Wolftail's triumphant grin soon diminished as Shadefoot took a step closer to her as Moleclaw and Dawntail closed in.

Leaning down and getting really close so that all Wolftail could see was his ice blue eyes, Shadefoot growled, "if you tell me what to do ever again, I'll make sure that nothing ever comes out of your mouth again."

Wolftail wrinkled her nose in disbelief. "You wouldn't touch me." She said quietly, starting to get a little intimidated. Shadefoot leaned even closer as his large stature towered over the LightClan she-cat and she attempted to move back. Feeling her blood turn to ice, she realized she was pinned up against a large rock with no way of escaping. Fumbling over her words, she tried to speak up. "I-If you lay a paw on me, I'll tell Thistlestar!"

Shadefoot smiled smugly. "Thistlestar will believe our words over yours any day." He looked on either side of him at his two clanmates and they shared a look. Looking back at Wolftail, he glared at her as he whispered, "there are three of us, and only one of you, so I'd keep your mouth shut and follow us if you don't want Thistlestar and Ashstar after you once we've told them what you've done."

Wolftail narrowed her eyes. "But I haven't done anything!" She screamed, leering at the tom. "Your the one who has kept us behind and such!"

Shadefoot stepped even closer, standing over the shying away LightClan cat. "They don't know that, and they never will." He said softly. "So stay out of our way, or there will be consequences."

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