Chapter 13

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Wolfpaw padded out into the yard to see dirt flying through the air, caused from Angelkit's paws. Carefully dodging the airborne soil, Wolfpaw padded closer and looked down into the hole to see Angelkit scraping desperately. She'd made a dent into the ground.
Clearing her throat, Wolfpaw said, "Need some help?"
With a start, Angelkit turned with dirt clodding her muzzle and her eyes softened. "Wolfpaw! Your here!"
She gave her a lopsided smile. "I still have three working legs." She said sarcastically with amusement. "I came to help."
Angelkit let out a sigh. "Oh good. I've been working at it for hours."
Wolfpaw nodded. "Yeah, and you haven't even made a dent." She chuckled. "You really do need my help."
Angelkit rolled her eyes. "Hey, it's a big dent! And I've been doing it all on my own!" Wolfpaw smiled cheerfully. Angelkit was a determined cat, showing the older apprentice how good she was.
She's going to be a great warrior someday.
"Ok, let's get to it." Wolpfaw hopped into the hole with ease. Stroking out with her forepaws, she began hauling dirt out into the open. Losing her balance, she fell flat on her face into the moist dirt.
Angelkit gasped. Then she placed a paw over her mouth and stifled a laugh. "Are you okay, Wolfpaw?" She giggled. Shaking dirt from her ears, Wolfpaw chuckled. She nodded enthusiastically. Angelkit smiled then went back to digging. Switching to just one paw, she scooped again and glanced over the wall of of dirt to see the sun slowly descending towards the mountains. Sundown. Heaving a sigh, Wolpfaw worked harder, side by side with Angelkit. Time dragged on. After some time, Angelkit sighed.
"Alright, we're almost done." She said at last. The sun had gone down what seemed like moons ago. Now the two cats were working in the dark. Flicking her ears as a noise sounded, Wolfpaw turned to see a Twoleg holding up a circular dish and waving her arms at the sliding clear-stone.
"Meals on." Angelkit said, stretching. Licking her lips, she hopped out of the hole and padded over. Wolpfaw followed more slowly. Walking slowly into the home, she matched Angelkit step for step. Then an idea came to her mind.
Bounding forward, she let out a yowl. "Race ya!"
Angelkit ran after her. "Your on!" Pounding across the slick wood, the two she-cats were nose-to-nose as they made their way to the bowl of pellets. Holding up so Angelkit could win, Wolfpaw reared back as the kit zoomed past and stopped at the food with a cheer.
"I win!" She yowled.
"You sure did, now let's eat." Wolfpaw congratulated, padding up to the bowl and crunching the prey-smelling pellets. She couldn't wait to eat real prey, not this sorry excuse for a meal. Finishing her fill, she walked over to the soft-boulder and curled up.
"What are you doing?" Angelkit questioned, walking up to her.
"Taking a quick rest, the hole can wait." She explained. "Well wake up later tonight when the Twolegs are asleep the. Make our getaway." Wolfpaw finished. Angelkit snorted but curled up to her nonetheless. Wolpaw purred and closed her eyes. But sleep wouldn't come. Glancing around, she thought of home, being with the cats she knew. Frostpaw, Briarpaw, Brownpelt. She snorted defiantly. No, she wasn't looking forward to seeing him. He had told Silkyfur's kits that they were mates! They weren't. They were close friends. Maybe more, but not mates. Sighing, she looked up at the horizontal wall and took a deep breath.
Oh StarClan, can you hear me from here? If you can, please let us get home safe and sound.
Slowly, Wolfpaw dozed off with her family lastly on her mind.

"Wolfpaw! Wolfpaw!" Angelkit yowled into her ear. Jumping to her paws, she looked around.
"What? What is it? What's wrong?" She asked hysterically.
"The Twoleg, it locked the door! Now we can't get outside to finish the hole!" Angelkit explained.
Wolfpaw bit her lip in concentration. "Ok, let's go scratch on the clear-stone to get their attention." Angelkit nodded. Climbing out of the soft-boulder, both apprentice and kit padded over to the clear-stone and began scratching and banging.
"There not coming!" Angelkit moaned once they'd been at it for a few minutes. "It's no use!"
Wolfpaw narrowed her eyes. "Yowl."
"Yowl! Yowl like you never have before!" She said desperately. So they began yowling, and yowling. But no one came. Finally, Angelkit slumped to the floor.
"This is hopeless. They'll never come." She said, tone deaf. Wolfpaw sighed and glanced outside. No. She was not giving up. Not when they were so close.
Taking a deep breath, she let out a bloodcurdling cry, "LET US OUT! WE NEED TO GO HOME! NOW COME OPEN THE CLEAR-STONE AND LET US FREE!" She yowled, gasping for breath.
Angelkit stood, mystified. "That was amazing! They were sure to hear that!"
Sure enough, they heard footsteps. Wolfpaw gave a final cheer and waited while the Twoleg rubbed her eyes sleepily and opened the door. Once they were outside, they bounded to the hole with newfound energy and dug until their claws hurt. Until finally, grass peaked out and the wall crumpled. Angelkit glanced at Wolfpaw and smiled.
"This is it." She said quietly. "We're going home."
Climbing out of the hole, they shook out their pelts, ridding themselves of dirt, and began running down The Thunderpath in front of them.
We're coming LightClan. And we survived.

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