Chapter 9

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"We have a new warrior among us, Frostheart." Ashstar mewed. Cats from both clans yowled her name and Frostheart was filled with pride. She puffed out her chest. "Moving on, Newleaf has been kind to us, bringing plentiful prey to feed the clan." She went on once the yowls had died down.
"Your a warrior?" Briarpaw gawked. "That's great! My assessment's tomorrow!"
"Congratulations, Frostheart!" Maplepaw jeered. The moon had passed and Maplepaw had become an apprentice.
"Thank you, Maplepaw." Frostheart meowed, dipping her head in thanks. "I bet your warrior name will be Briarkit." Frostheart teased, facing the Tom again. He rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, whatever Frostdung-face." He teased. She swatted him with her tail. Brownpelt shuffled up next to them.
"I bet it will Briarnosy." He sneered.
"You just won't let it go, will you?" Frostpaw asked, annoyed. He smiled and romped off. "So, Briarpaw-"
"Shh! This a Gathering! Stop chattering like starlings!" Coldflight hissed, turning her head to face the trio.
"Sorry Coldflight." Maplepaw mewed, shuffling her paws.
"I would expect better behavior from my apprentice." Coldflight huffed. With her nose in the air, she stalked off.
"Coldflight is your mentor?" Frostheart gaped. "On, that must be tough." She whispered. The apprentice nodded solemnly then faced the leaders. Frostheart faced them too, then felt her heart drop as a familiar red she-cat made her way towards her and Briarpaw.
"Well, look who it is." Jumpfrost sneered, walking up to them and sitting right in between the two. "I didn't think you'd ever become an apprentice - let alone a warrior - when I first laid eyes on you. But I've been surprised." She scoffed, leaning closer to Briarpaw. He shrugged her off and scooted closer to Frostheart.
"What do you want, Jumpfrost?" Frostheart hissed, flattening her ears to her skull.
"I don't know, why don't you tell me? Briarpaw's been spending so much time with you, it's like he's your friend." She spat the last word like it was a piece of crow-food. Frostheart stiffened. Did she know? Frostheart was beginning to think she hadn't kept her secret as best as she thought.
"Yeah, we're friends. Just friends." He said defiantly. Frostheart knew he didn't mean it, but the words still stung. Jumpfrost harrumphed then stalked away, her tail and chin high in the air. When she was gone, Frostheart carefully looked around to make sure no cat noticed her entwine her tail with Briarpaws.

"Leafpelt's kits are coming!" Sunkit yowled, bounding out of the nursery, projecting her snout towards the medicine den. Splotchwing - having been made a full medicine cat the last two half moons ago - poked her head out along with Rainspot. They hurried towards the den in a hasty stumbling set of paws. Darkface stumbled out of the warriors den and waited impatiently outside the nursery, flicking his tail every so often. Within no time at all, four healthy kits were suckling at Leafpelt's belly.
"Can I see them?" Frostheart asked Rainspot as she padded out. She dipped her head and the white cat padded into the den. Four, strong kits snuggled against Leafpelt's warm belly.
"They're beautiful." Frostheart whispered.
Leafpelt smiled then let out a sigh as her eyes darkened. "I just wish Angelkit could see them. She wanted to get to know them so well." She meowed quietly. Frostheart felt her heart strings tug. She missed Angelkit so much, she was one of her favorite young cats and with her missing with Wolfpaw, a heavy burden weighed on Leafpelt. Darkface licked her cheek affectionately. "She'll come home safe, I just know it." He assured her. She put on a weak smile then glanced at her kits.
"Do they have names?" Frostheart asked anxiously. Leafpelt nodded. She gestured to a tom with her thick tail. His pelt was like his father's, just a lot lighter. The dark brown parts of his pelt had a grey tint to them as well. "This is Sleetkit-" she said, then pointed to the she-kit next to him. She was also very similar to her father. A spitting image of him. "This is Finchkit-" she gestured to another she-kit. She looked just like her mother, except her creamy features were dark brown. "This is Softkit-" then she gestured to the last she-kit. She was also a Siamese like her father, with slightly fluffier ears. "And this is Deerkit." She concluded. Frostheart felt overcome with joy. The new kits would make great warriors when they grew.
"Frostheart!" Called the leader from outside. Dipping her head to the mates, Frostheart backed out of the den and looked for Ashstar. She was nowhere to be seen.
"She's in her den." Mewed Moontail from behind her. Frostheart jumped and Moontail let out a mrrow of amusement. Frostheart dipped her head in thanks, slightly embarrassed, and made her way to the leader's den.
"Ashstar?" The white warrior called, narrowing her eyes at the sudden gloom of the darkness.
"Ah, Frostheart, I need to tell you something." The black leader said kindly.
Frostheart sat down and wrapped her tail over her paws. "Sure, what is it?" She questioned.
"I would like you to lead your first hunting patrol." She said simply.
Frostheart froze. "My, my first hunting patrol? Are you sure Ashstar?" She checked nervously.
The leader nodded. "Of course, I haven't the slightest doubt in you, Frostheart." She praised.
Frostheart smiled and nodded.
"Should I arrange it right now?" She asked.
"The sooner the better." Ashstar said smoothly. "Now, off you go." She beckoned. Frostheart dipped her head, then passed out of the den and called her fellow warriors.

"Good job everyone, hunting was a success!" Frostheart cheered, her squirrel and finch swinging from her jaws.
"Great leading, Frostheart!" Flarestorm congratuled her. She felt her cheeks pink at the compliment. "Cmon, let's head to camp! I heard there's an apprentice ceremony today." Everyone nodded and picked up there pace until they reached camp.

"Icekit, you have reached your sixth moon and are ready to become an apprentice. From this moment on, until Icekit has earned his warrior name, he will be known as Icepaw." The black leader announced. She turned towards the crowd. "Honeyclaw, this is your first apprentice. You had exceptional training from Sparkclaw, and I hope you can pass on your skills to Icepaw."
Honeyclaw dipped her head. "I will, Ashstar." She said. Icepaw hopped over to Honeyclaw and scrunched noses with her, his new mentor purring affectionately.
Ashstar turned to the other kits. "Sootkit, you have also reached your sixth moon and are ready to become an apprentice. From this moment on, until Sootkit has earned her warrior name, she will be known as Sootpaw. Blackshade, this is also your first apprentice, and I expect you to pass on your strength and endurance onto Sootpaw." The arrogant warrior nodded his head as the grey apprentice padded to him and tapped her nose against Blackshade's.
"And finally, Sunkit. you as well have reached your sixth moon and are ready to become an apprentice. From this moment on, until Sunkit has earned her warrior name, she will be known as Sunpaw." Ashstar's amber eyes settled on yet another warrior and spoke. "Frostheart, you will train Sunpaw. With your skills in hunting and fighting, I hope you train an exceptionally gifted apprentice." Flarestorm's has dropped open as she realized she would not be Sunkit's apprentice.
Frostheart froze. "I uh, I will Ashstar." She stammered. She was a mentor. Ashstar had picked her to be Sunpaw's mentor. The leader dipped her head and the clan disbanded.
The small golden striped she-cat pranced over to Frostheart and touched her nose. "Im so glad your my mentor, Frostheart. I was scared I'd get Flarestorm." She shivered.
"Me too." Frostheart managed to reply. She was still shocked. She was Sunpaw's mentor, not Flarestorm. But why? She had just been made a warrior less then a moon ago. Why her?
"Frostheart!" Sunpaw exclaimed.
She junped. "Oh, sorry, what?"
"I asked when I'm gonna see the territory. Can we go right now?" She begged.
Frostheart smiled. "Sure."

Warriors the Clans Reborn: Enemies WithinWhere stories live. Discover now