Chapter 20

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Wolfpaw and Angelkit had ended up staying a few nights with Colby rather then one. Finally, they woke up one morning to find Colby's makeshift nest unoccupied. Sniffing the shifted
ferns, Wolfpaw picked up a slightly stale scent.
"She left last night," She stated. "probably while we were sleeping." Wolfpaw sighed sadly. "We'll never see her again."
Angelkit nudged her flank with her nose.
"Hey, it'll be alright." She whispered.
Wolfpaw sighed again. "Yeah, I know." She said softly. Angelkit smiled and pulled back to look at her.
"Come on, lets go, Colby said we'd get to the camp by the end of the day if we left right as we woke, so let's be on our way." She suggested. Wolfpaw smiled sadly and nodded. They started off and soon crested the first hill, their bodies filled with energy and buzzing with excitement at the idea that they were finally going to get home. The further they went, the more Wolfpaw felt guilt about being such a fox-heart to Colby. Her guilt grew so much to the point where she thought it was eating her alive, the only solution being to verbally discuss it.
She stopped suddenly and Angelkit gave her a questioning look. "I can't go on," she said slowly. She took a deep breath and soon found she didn't have control of her voice and let out a bloodcurddling cry. "I can't go on like this, knowing that Colby may not ever forgive me!" She yowled, startling Angelkit. Her fur spiked along her back as she recoiled seeing Wolfpaws dramatic change in demeanor. The apprentice began to shake uncontrollably, her eyes darting around fearfully. "I was such a fox-heart, and all she did was show us kindness and make sure we were well fed! How could I have been so cruel?!" She cried hysterically, collapsing onto the ground in agony. Angelkits ears were pressed flat against her skull, her light blue eyes so wide you could see the whites. Wolfpaw continued to scream. "Oh, Sandeye, I've failed you!"
Angelkit tilted her head, all anxiety forgotten. "Sandeye? But, there's no-"
Wolfpaw cut her off. "I can't and I'm not fit to fulfill this prophecy!"
Now Angelkits ears perked. "Prophecy?" She said unbelievably. "What prophecy?" But Wolfpaw wasn't listening, She just kept squabbling, until finally, her eyes closed and she was swept off to dreamland.

Wolfpaw opened her eyes to find herself lying on nothing but air, and jumped to her paws. Glancing around, she gasped to see stars upon stars filling the landcape around her, as if she was floating in space. When she hadn't walked more then a few steps, a pale face thrusted out in front of her so sudden, that she fell back on her rump.
Once she had recovered, she scoffed. "Sandeye, what was that for?" She asked irritably.
The sandy tom chuckled, amusement in his eyes. "Sorry Wolfpaw, I didn't mean to take you away from your journey home," He apologized. "but I had to know why you were feeling so guilty." He said and wrapped his tail around his paws. "Tell me."
Wolfpaw took a deep breath of fresh air and slowly closed her eyes. "I can't deal with the guilt of being such a fox-heart to Colby when all she did was show kindness and help us." Wolfpaw sighed and reopened her blue eyes. Sandeye      smiled at her sadly and took a pace closer. "I know you feel guilt," he said softly. "But Colby won't let this hold her back-"
"Hold her back from what?" Wolfpaw interrupted.
Sandeye looked at her. "Anything." He said simply. Wolfpaw snorted. His warm gaze became suddenly stern but not harsh. "Wolfpaw, now is not the time to argue, your Clan needs you, now." He said with wisdom in his eyes.
His words shook Wolfpaw. "What's wrong?"  She asked the StarClan cat.
He blinked at her. "Your Clan is in trouble, they're under attack." Sandeye told her hastily. Wolfpaw gasped and felt her blood turn to ice. "You must wake up and return to them."
Wolfpaw straightened and shook out her pelt. "Leave me, we must help them." She ordered, hoping she would be dragged from her slumber.
Sandeye held up a paw. "Wolfpaw, you must go directly to camp, don't wait, don't hunt, go." He said. "Take the first path you find, it'll lead you directly overhead LightClan's camp." Sandeye directed. Wolfpaw nodded and immediately collapsed to the ground and closed her eyes.

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