Chapter 24

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"So what exactly do you propose we do to get them back?" Snarled a skeptical Thistlestar. The large leader kept twitching his tail back and forth, perched on the branch high above the ground, irritated.
Ashstar continued. "I think it would be smart to send our strongest warriors to invade their camp and take back our stolen clan mates." She said triumphantly. Wolfpaw watched the leaders from below, with Brownpelt and Briarnose on either side of her. It had been a few days since the battle with Massacre's clan, and multiple cats were not present for obvious reasons; Wolfpaws own injuries hadn't even healed all the way. Frostheart's injuries were healing, but she would have scars lining her stomach. Rainspot had said she was perfectly healthy to have kits, and Wolfpaw couldn't help a glance at Briarnose.
"I swear," Ashstar went on, "that we will get back all of our apprentices and kits safely, all I ask is that we work together." Multiple cats were sorrowful and crestfallen over their apprentices. Leafpelt wasn't present in the Gathering, but Darkface was here, sitting stiff necked at the back, watching with a sullen frown. Wolfpaw looked over at Coldflight, Maplepaw's mentor, and was surprised to see her face was sad and forlorn, her frown deep. She couldn't help but feel a little but of pity for the OutClan cat, and glanced back up at the leaders as Thistlestar scoffed.
"We may have to work together for this cause, Ashstar, but it won't be fields of flowers and preyrich, it will be hard for our two clans to collaborate. How do you suppose they will get along? Like litter mates? No, they'll treat each other as they are, enemies." He pointed out, tail flicking.
Ashstar dipped her head, thinking. After a pause, she said, "that is a valuable point Thistlestar-" the OutClan leader harrumphed and smiled victoriously, "- as I was aware of it before you mentioned it, though, it is truth. Our cats are not going to get a long, so here's what I'm proposing: get your strongest cats rallied together, and I will gather mine. Once that is done, send them to our camp,-"
"Why not our camp?" Thistlestar interrupted, raising his chin defiantly. "Is our camp not good enough, or do you simply think that yours is better?" Multiple snickers were heard from the OutClan cats, and Wolfpaw wrinkled her nose. How immature.
Ashstar rolled her eyes and snorted. "Okay fine, we'll meet at your camp," Ashstar said begrudgingly. "Once there, the chosen warriors will start practicing attacks similar to theirs, and we'll be prepared for when we ambush them." She finished. Ashstar eyed Thistlestar, watching for his reaction.
The OutClan leaders eyes glittered. "This ambush plan sounds most exquisite." He purred. "Now, when do we plan on attacking the camp?" He inquired, claws extended. Thistlestar looked fearsome; he looked hungry for battle, and Wolfpaw felt a worm of fear wriggle in the pit of her stomach. That's not a good sign.
Ashstar straightened. "Within this moon." She answered, sitting taller.
Thistlestar grinned and lifted a paw, and began grooming it. His tongue lapped long and smooth along his claws as he looked at Ashstar. "Are we, the leaders, partaking in this battle?" He asked maliciously, his sickly sweet voice betraying his enthusiasm.
Ashstar seemed to be enjoying Thistlestar's gleeful self, so much so that she was starting to take after it. "Most definitely." She growled, licking her lips.
Wolfpaw gulped. "They're having too much fun with this," She whispered to Brownpelt. He nodded fiercely, eyes wide. Wolfpaw looked back to the leaders as Thistlestar cleared his throat.
"Well, that's that then," he concluded happily. "I think that should be the end of this Gathering." Collecting his limbs underneath him, Thistlestar leapt from the branch to the ground and began padding towards the fallen log. "Have your warriors meet at the border tomorrow morning!" He yelled over his shoulder as his warriors followed him outside the copse of trees. Briarnose nodded to Wolfpaw and Brownpelt and then ran after them, disappearing through the umber trunks.
Ashstar rolled her eyes again and leapt down as well. She jerked her head for her clan mates to follow and Woldpaw gaped her mouth open in a yawn, getting up to follow.
"Wolfpaw." Came a small mew from Brownpelt. Wolfpaw sighed, and turned to him, trying her best not to look annoyed. What does he want now?
"Yes Brownpelt?" She asked, smiling a little forcefully.
He swept his paw around in the dirt awkwardly, not meeting her gaze. "Can we talk?" He questioned, finally meeting her eyes.
Wolfpaw bunched her lips in thought and considered. Am I really comfortable to talk to him yet? She thought. I don't know how I'll respond, but I most definitely know what he's going to talk about.
Deciding to roll with it, Wolfpaw shrugged. "Sure Brownpelt." She said bluntly, feeling a bit awkward. Brownpelt's shoulders relaxed and the anxiety melted from his features. "Where do you wanna talk?"
Brownpelt cast his gaze at the clearing around them and licked his lips. "I was hoping on being able to talk here," his voice lowered, "I want this to be private."
Wolfpaw felt a sudden stab of fear. Yep, I definitely know where he's going with this. Gulping, the black and white apprentice let the brown warrior lead her to a secluded spot where wildflowers were growing. Sitting down across from Wolfpaw, Brownpelt curled his tail over his paws and cleared his throat.
"Wolfpaw, first I just wanna apologize for what I said to the kits. I was being arrogant and was desperate for your affections. I figured since you wouldn't hear it, it wouldn't matter if I said it." Brownpelt explained, his eyes downcast. Wolfpaw was taken aback, completely shocked. He's being so sincere.
Raising his back up to meet her gaze, he continued, "I'm sorry for falsely telling cats we were mates, and I apologize if I'm moving too fast."
"Brownpelt ..." Wolfpaw whispered, feeling her heart beat faster.
He held up a paw to silence her and Wolfpaw quieted. "I do realize this is harder for you then it is for me, and I'm sorry." He went on. His blue eyes penetrated Wolfpaw's soul. "But I've liked you for some time now, and being your mate would mean the world to me." Brownpelt chuckled to himself slightly, licking his lips nervously. "Wolfpaw, I want to be your mate. I really really do. And I was just wondering, would you consider it?" He asked fiercely, his eyes serious, searching hers. Wolfpaw gasped, taken aback. She felt herself nod very slowly, but she was too shocked to think ahead. Brownpelt's gaze perked slightly. And then he took it a step further. "Wolfpaw, will you be my mate?"
She shook her head, flabbergasted. This was so unexpected. Just before this, Wolfpaw was holding a tight ball of emotions inside her chest, and now after this conversation had started, she realized how honest and sweet Brownpelt was and the ball loosened. Though at times, he could be pretty hardheaded and stubborn and a little rough around the edges, Brownpelt was a good cat all the same. Wolfpaw found that, with little success at denying it, she had forgiven this lovesick tom. She realized all at once that deep in her heart, she had missed him while lost with Angelkit, and seeing him there, standing tall and brave, realized she felt the same.
Smiling to herself, Wolfpaw thought of their possible future. How many kits would they have? How many litters? Would the clan support it? Would cats approve? Would they be seen as different? So many questions swamped Wolfpaw's mind and she felt a little disoriented, but shook her head when she realized she had zoned out. Brownpelt's eyes were wide, waiting.
"Wolfpaw?" He questioned, concern and anxiousness alight in his eyes.
Wolfpaw returned her eyes to the tom. She had made her decision, and was ready to go places with this choice. "Yes Brownpelt, I'll be your mate."
The toms eyes widened. "R-really?!" He stuttered, his face revealing a joyful and light demeanor. He closed his eyes and reveled in what Wolfpaw assumed was great joy and instant relief, and then reopened his eyes. They were now serious, but sweet and hopeful. "Wolfpaw, thank you." Stepping closer, he nuzzled her cheek with his nose and inhaled deeply. He breathed in her scent and his eyes fluttered. Wolfpaw leaned her muzzle against his and licked his cheek softly, a long and slow lap. When she pulled away, Brownpelt was grinning ear to ear. Taking yet another step forward, he pressed his muzzle against the fur along her neck and gave a long and pleased purr. Leaning away from her, his eyes twinkled. "Let's get back to camp." 

Well there ya go! They are official! Wolfpaw and Brownpelt are now mates! Aren't you so happy? I am, I've been waiting to write this forever. Hope you enjoyed the chapter guys! Bye!

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