Chapter two :)

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A week later
This is a very long chapter :\

Mirrins POV

Adam forced me to go to the shops for him because he had no money because he spent it on clothes and he knew I had just got payed. I was in the Birthday card section of Tesco when someone shouted my name, I got a fright and looked up from the card "Hi!" I smiled and waved at Josh who was getting closer to me.

Josh's POV

As I got closer to Mirrin I saw her face she had a cut on her cheek and a dark patch that was a bruise, "what happened to your face" she instantly tried to cover it. "Nothing just clumsy old me" she lied. I could tell she was lying because when she lies she bends her fingers back as far as possible until it hurts her.

"Mirrin seriously... I've known you since we where like 4, what happened?" She looked down at her fingers. "Mirrin I don't even need to ask you, it was Adam wasn't it" her hurt, teary eyes looked up at me. I pulled her into a hug. Even though what Adam done made my blood boil I couldn't not comfort her.

She explained what she had been through with Adam and her parents moving. Mirrin parents never payed attention to her and they moved to Australia when she was 18, my mum and dad where basically her parents, which was what made us so close.

"But I can't leave him Josh, I have no where to go" she pleaded with me. An idea sparked in my head "Stay with us" I suggested, she looked up at me from her fingers again, "I dunno Josh, what would I say to Adam without him flipping out" she seemed broken. "Don't worry about it, you just need to say to him that you want to focus on your uni work.... You still go to uni right?" She smiled "yeah Josh you know how much I love chemistry" she was partially joking.

"I don't know Josh what if your friends don't like me or Adam doesn't let me leave" worry struck in her voice again. "Mirrin your not going to like this but Adam has changed you, you used to be so giggly and happy but now your always on edge and you worry about things that 3 years ago you wouldn't even have thought twice about. As your friend I think it's best you leave him" she was looking me in the eyes with tears falling down her face, she knew what I said was true, I brought her into a hug, "thanks Josh, I needed someone to tell me that, hey it's a good thing I never wore makeup today" she giggled while wiping her tears away I laughed. "I want you to do it today because you can't stay with him any longer he's damaged you, so go to his pack a bag with all your stuff and tell him your leaving. Then phone me and I'll come pick you up" she nodded her head and a wave of relief came over my body.
Mirrins POV

I parked my car, dreading what I was about to do.

I turned the key in the lock, Nobody was in, I checked all the rooms. This meant I can pack my bags without him getting suspicious.

I gathered all my clothes, makeup and everything else and flung it in a bag. I double checked I didn't forget anything and put the bag near the front door.

So many thoughts raced through my mind. What if he hits me again or stops me from leaving. I doubted my decision to leave but then I remembered Josh and how much he genuinely cared for me, like a big brother.

The door opened as I put away the shopping I stopped and popped my head around the fridge door "hi" I said nervously, he didn't say anything he just walked past me and took food from the fridge.

"What's the bag for?" He asked me. My stomach collapsed. This was it. "Listen Adam I love you but we aren't really working" I bent my fingers back as far as they would go without snapping. "I'm sorry" I said to break the awkwardness.

"You can't leave me, you need me" he scoffed. "Adam, I need to focus on my uni work" I picked up my bag and walked towards the door, he followed.

I put my hand on the door knob and before I could turn it he grabbed my wrist and whipped me around to face him. "Your a piece of shit anyway, I was only with you because I felt bad" his finger was so close to my face and he was still gripped onto my arm. I pulled away and opened the door "no cunts going to go out with you" he said as I ran out the flat and down to my car.

When I got in tears automatically fell down my cheeks I pulled out my phone and phoned Josh he answered almost instantly. I cried down the phone to him for 30 minutes but I could tell he was happy that I had finally got rid of Adam and he told me his address so I could drive to it, before I did I needed to fix my hair and do my makeup because I looked a mess.

I pulled up to a massive house. 'This must be it" I said aloud to myself. I stepped out the car, locked it behind me and walked towards the door, Josh answered "Hello, how are you?" He asked inviting me in "I've been better" I tried to in lighten the mood.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked confused, "they are out getting some things for a video they are filming". I knew about the guys being youtubers, it was me who convinced Josh to start showing his face in his videos.

"I'll show you your room!" Josh jogged up the stairs and I was a couple steps behind. He gave me a tour as we went up each set of stairs, "this is mine and Viks room, JJs room is just down there" he pointed down another small corridor thing, "your room is up the very top" we went up another set of stairs "Wow Josh you really have done good" I laughed

"Okay, this is Simons room and his toilet and this is your room it's an ensuite" we walked into a really big room. For a house of boys the decor was actually really nice. I set my bag down on the bed. Josh pointed to a door "that's your toilet, Mirrin I'm so happy for you and I hope you can go back to how you used to be" Josh smiled at me, "I hope I can too" I smiled back and we heard the front door open.

Me and Josh jogged downstairs to 5 guys all taking their shoes off at the front door. "Guys!" They all looked up at us, "Oh your the girl from that club" A small tanned dark haired guy said "Yeah" I nervously laughed. "This is Mirrin she is going to stay with us for a while" Josh informed them. "Oh yeah I remember you now, I asked you your name in the club" Cal said, I remembered him asking me my name. "Cal is it?" I asked and smiled, "Yeah" he smiled back. "Simon, Vikk, JJ and Harry" Josh pointed to them one by one and I said hi.

Josh told me to get settled in my room then he was going to get food for us all.
I stared to unpack my clothes in the drawers. I was sat on the bed on my phone when someone knocked on the door "Come in" I said as Simon entered "Hiya" I smiled "Hey, I left my laptop in here earlier" He said walking towards the MacBook sat on the floor, "Okay" I smiled again, "Ehm Josh asked me to ask you to come downstairs, I think he's getting food" Simon said standing in the door frame. I stood up from the bed and followed him down the stairs to the kitchen.

Everyone looked at me when I walked in "Hey!" I said to everyone while sitting on a stool next to JJ, "Do you want anything to drink?" Josh asked stood by the open fridge "Can I just get water please" he pulled out a cold bottle of water and threw it at me, I caught it in one hand "Good catch, your better than Vikk" Simon laughed waiting for Vikks response, "Oi.......Actually that's true, I can't even catch the cold" I laughed at how cute Vikk was.

"Pizza or Nandos?" Josh said looking at us all, "I don't mind" I said passing the question on to JJ, "PIZZA" JJ shouted Basically in my ear, I must have made a face when I got a fright because Vikk and Cal chuckled at me, "What?" I laughed along side them, "you'll get used to JJ" Vikk replied
That was a verrrrry long chapter probably one of the longest I've ever written!!! Anyway hope you liked this chapter of you did make sure to vote for it and answer the QOTC please, I love getting to know people :))

QOTC- What's you favourite day of the week??? :/ :)
Answer- My favourite days are Thursday's :) don't ask me why!!

Thanks for reading

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