Chapter nine :)

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I woke up super early this morning and just decided to go downstairs and clean up abit and by the time I was done it was noon and everyone was waking up.

I still had to come to grips with Simon getting with someone last night. I was thinking about it when Josh walked in. "Hey" I said unenthusiastically, "What's up with you? Did I do something last night because I can't remember a thing." I laughed "No"
"What's wrong then" Josh sat down.

"Josh you can't tell anyone!" I said to him checking no one was behind me, "I promise" he laughed. "I really like Simon and last night when you guys went out he got with a girl and brought her back to the house and it just made me jealous even though he's not my boyfriend" I looked at my fingers.

"Mirrin I'm going to give you the same advice you gave to me when it came to that Ashley girl in school" I chuckled remembering my conversation with Josh that day. "It's his loss not yours" Josh said looking me in the eyes. "Is that what I said?" I laughed doubting Josh's memory, "Nope probably not but I can't remember so I'm sticking with that." We both laughed, Josh knows how to cheer me up.

"Do you want to come McDonalds I said to JJ I would go get him somethings?" Josh offered, "Yeah I'll need to go get changed though" I smiled standing up "So do I" We both went upstairs and got ready.

I got changed into my grey high waisted skinny jeans, white basic t-shirt, my black vans and I quickly put some waves in my hair and left it down.(media)

I was waiting for Josh at the front door because he was asking Vikk if he wanted anything then he ran down the stairs. "Let's go" he clapped his hands then we went out to his car.

"Did you ask Simon if he wanted anything?" I asked still thinking about Simon. "I texted him but he never replied so he must still be asleep"

We got the McDonalds and bought some extra stuff just incase Simon was awake, "That's £15 please" the lady said. "I'm getting this" I said to Josh getting money out, "No your not" Josh tried to grab my hand but I already gave the money to the lady, I smirked at him as we left.

"Why did you do that I was gonna pay?" He moaned, "Because I wanted too" I smiled at him, stealing a chip from the bag.

As we pulled up to the sidemen house I could see two figure standing behind the foggy glass door, I got closer and I guessed they where kissing.

Me and Josh walked up to the door as it opened, "Bye babe" the girl smirks at Simon then turned to face me and Josh, I smiled at her and she looked me up and down before fake smiling at me.

I walk in the house ignoring Simon while Josh stayed and spoke to the girl and Simon.

I slumped down onto the chair in the kitchen, "What's wrong with you?" Harry said, "Nothing" I snapped "When did you get here?" I looked at Harry, "When you and Josh left" he frowned.

I realised that there was no need for me to have been rude to Harry, "Sorry Harry, I'm just annoyed at something stupid" he looked at me and smiled, "Simons girl?" He asked, "H....How did you know?" I asked, "Mirrin it's obvious you like him". Was it really that obvious, "Is it super obvious?" I asked, "Yeah, to be honest I'm surprised Simon has caught on yet" he laughed.

"What haven't I caught on to yet?" Simon said walking into the kitchen, I kicked Harry under the table he looked at me and I gave him the 'do something' face, "You haven't caught up on..... that TV series yet" Harry swiftly lied, I relaxed in my seat. "Oh yeah I've just not had any time" Simon replied sitting next to me.

'I don't like Simon, why would I like Simon. I only liked him because he was funny in that one video that's it. He wouldn't even have time for me with all the videos and editing he does. Yeah! I don't like Simon'. I told myself as I ate my food staring at my phone.


"I'm going upstairs to study" I said standing up from my seat and leaving the kitchen. I was slowly walking up the stairs because my eyes where fixed on my phone.

"So what happened last night" I heard Harry ask Simon which made me stop in my tracks, "Nothing" they all laughed signalling that Simon and that girl had got up to something. "So do you two go out?" JJ asked, "Yeah I think so, her names Emma" Simon replied, "She's coming over later if that's okay with you guys?" All the guys agreed.

My heart sunk a little. I don't even know why I tried to tell myself I didn't like Simon. I did. To make things better tonight he wants us all to get to know her. I ran up the stairs to my room.

Harrys POV

"Do you think Emma will mind Mirrin staying with us?" Josh asked, "She has no reason to be annoyed" Simon laughed. "How do you think Mirrin will react to meeting her?" Simon asked us. "I think she'll be fine, Mirrins really nice so I can't imagine her being rude or anything" I answered. "Yeah I suppose" he answered back.
I'm going to make the guys and Mirrin meet Emma in the next chapter! If you liked this chapter please vote for it and answer QOTC! Also have you guys got any advice I've apologised to my friend twice but she just keeps ignoring me, I have a really short temper and because she's ignoring me it's really annoying me that I'm taking the time to apologise and she's just being rude.

QOTC- have you got any pets???
Answer- I have two cats Jas and Stinky boy (yes that's his name don't judge)

Thanks for reading

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