Chapter twenty-two :)

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Simons POV

Last night Mirrin fell asleep on my shoulder so I carried her through to her bed and fell asleep.

When I woke up Mirrin was still asleep and I didn't want to wake her up so I had a shower got ready and went through to Cals to see if he wanted to film a video. Before I left I wrote Mirrin a note telling her where I was.

Mirrins POV

I woke up confused of my surroundings, I could have sworn I never came to bed last night and I was also confused as to where Simon was.

I didn't think much of it and as I got out of bed I saw a note sitting on top of my phone.

Gone through to Cals to film some videos come through when you're ready if you want, Simon :) x

I decided to get ready and go through the to Cals because I haven't spoke to him in a while so it will be nice to catch up with him.

I went for a quick shower, waved my hair, and I put my olive green tie up the front top on with my back converse and black high waisted jeans. I done my everyday makeup.

Before I left I grabbed my phone and my keys.

Cals POV

Someone knocked on the door but we knew it was Mirrin because Simon said she'd probably be over at some point. "Come in" I shouted concentrating on the Fifa game that me and Chip were playing.

"Hiya guys" Mirrin said as she walked in. I paused the game so I could say hi. "Hey Mirrin, how are you?" I asked pulling her into a hug. "I've been good how about you?" She smiled. "I'm great, oh Mirrin by the way this is Josh" I introduced them "Josh (chip) this is Simons girlfriend Mirrin!" They laughed a bit. "We've already met" Mirrin giggled. "I went to Mirrins door thinking it was yours" Josh laughed.

"Where's Simon?" Mirrin asked. "He went to the tesco across the road he won't be long" I replied. "Awe okay" she smiled.

Simons POV

I walked back into Cals apartment and Mirrin was sat on the couch watching Josh and Cal play FIFA. She looked up when she heard the door open and stood up walking towards me.

"How long have you been here?" I asked. "Not long" she replied wrapping her right arm around my waist. We both sat down on the couch. "You look great today!" I complimented her "I like that top" I smiled as she winked at me jokingly.

Me, Cal and Josh played FIFA for a couple of hours while Mirrin either watched us or was o her phone.

"I'm hungry" Cal announced after losing the game, we all agreed and we went over to Westfield for a Nandos.

Mirrins POV

We were sat eating food when my phone rang, I recognised the number to be my University but I just ignored it and kept on eating however they kept on phoning me and I was getting self conscious that Simon, Cal and Josh where getting annoyed at me.

"It's my uni I'm going to have to answer now, sorry" I apologised before smiling and standing up and leaving the table.

Simons POV

"I wonder what they want?" I said just after Mirrin left. "Probably telling her she's doing great of something like that" Cal joked.

Mirrin was out there talking for about a ten minutes before she returned back to the table. "What was that about?" I asked as soon as she sat down. "Nothing it doesn't matter" She smiled and continued eating.

Part of me didn't believe her but I didn't want to accuse her of lying because it probably was nothing.

*** Back to Mirrins place**

I was sitting in the living room watching TV when Mirrin came out her room, "Si?"
"Yeah?" I replied turning to look at her, "I've got to tell you something."

It could tell she was t happy because she hasn't been her smiley self since she got off the phone in Nandos.

Mirrins POV

"What is it?" Simon asked looking a bit worried. "Well you know when I was in the phone to the Uni?" I waited for his nod of agreement "They said that they have found me a place at Glasgow University in Scotland..."

Simons face dropped "Well, what does this mean?". I sighed, "Well, This has been my dream since I was in High School and it's such a big opportunity..." Simon looked annoyed.

"What, so you're just going to move over there?". I panicked a bit, "Well it's not definite, I'll still need to talk things through with the Uni and have an interview" Simon shook his head and stood up.

"Right so you only really care about yourself and your own future, you don't care about my feelings and you haven't even asked me about any of this" I felt bad.

"Simon you have a stable job, I work in a nightclub. This is my one chance to get a better job, I'm getting nowhere in the Uni that I'm at now. I'm still only 19! Your 22" I raised my voice.

"You haven't cared about age until now" he shot back at me. "I don't care about the age differ eve it's only 3 years. All I'm saying is I won't be young forever and I'm getting nowhere at the minute" I calmed myself down.

"Simon just put yourself in my shoes, I've been in University for a year and I have achieved nothing from it. This opportunity could be life changing. Do you want to be the one stopping me from achieving my full capability?" I questioned, he had a look of disgust on his face before grabbing his keys and phone and just walking out my place. I tried following him but he had left.

Just as I felt a lump in my throat forming my phone rang again, it was my University. I prepared myself to answer the phone.

Basically the phone call was them saying she had the interview tonight if she was available which she agreed to and the she done the interview and now it's a time skip to later.

After the interview I tried phoning Simon again but he never answered me. I left him multiple texts which he read but never replied to and by 12pm I had given up and I just ended up going to sleep.
Quietly sips tea.... If you liked this chapter please vote for it, show it some love <3 So today I got my Tragus pierced and it wasn't actually as painful as I thought it would be on a scale from 1-10 it was probably a 4 or 5. Here's what it looks like and I LOVE it
Yeah I can't sleep on my right side because it hurts but oh well I can deal with it :))

Qotc- do you watch the try guys on Buzzfeed, if you do who is your favourite???
Answer- My favourite is Ned. I find him SO funny :))

Thanks for reading

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