Chapter thirteen :)

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Josh had just left to head back to the football dome and I went straight to the kitchen to get an ice pack from the freezer.

I placed the cold ice pack onto my swollen eye delicately. The instant cold took away some of the pain but not all.

I went into the living room and turned on the TV whilst I lay on the couch, I must have fell asleep because I got awoken by knocking at the door, I got up from the couch, grabbed the ice pack and headed down to the door. My eye was no longer swollen it was just a tad sore and bruised.

I opened the door where Josh, Simon and Vikk stood drenched. I smiled at them, "Is it raining?" I teased stepping aside to let them in, "Yeah just a little bit" Simon laughed, "Awe mahn you guys are soaked and I'm nice and warm and dry" I kept teasing them.

Josh's POV

Mirrin was rubbing it in our faces that she was dry and we where soaked so I had an idea, I caught Simon and Vikks eye and signalled towards Mirrin they smiled because they knew exactly my plan.

Mirrin turned around to walk into the kitchen and I held up three fingers and one by one I put them down, 3...2...1..... "Now" we all jumped on Mirrin hugging her making her equally as wet as we where. Then the door bell rang.

Mirrins POV

Josh, Simon and Vikk jumped on me engulfing me into a wet hug which I didn't enjoy but I was saved by the door bell. I emerged from the group hug and answered the door. It was Emma.

"Oh hi Emma" I said over enthusiastically, "Hi Mirrin what happened to your eye" she falsely pretended to care, "Just silly old me wasn't paying attention" I snidely smirked. "That was stupid, but then again you don't have many brain cells" Emma laughed, "Excuse me I fucking go to University your a fucking beauty person" I said emphasising on the 'beauty' and walking into the kitchen.

I purposely plopped myself on to a seat making it as dramatic as possible, "You guys need to stop hating each other" Simon said, I met eyes with him then automatically looked away not wanting to make any contact with him.

Simon now knows that I like him because I kissed him, I just look desperate now. His eyes though..... They are so blue and his smile as well it's just so welcoming and the way he pulls his jumper sleeves over his hands just melts my heart..... No stop it, he has a girlfriend, an annoying ass bitchy one but still he's her boyfriend not mine and nor will he ever be mine.

"Sorry babe you can't force me to like her, I don't know how you guys can even live with her" Emma scoffed, that was the last straw she thinks Simon is hers well her kissed me so he's equally as much mine as he is hers...... kinda. "Emma I know something that could make you jealous and annoyed in a heart beat so I would be quiet" I said in her face as Josh, Vikk and Simon watched me storm out, "Mirrin nothing you do, say or have could ever make me jealous!" She shouted up the stairs, I walked back down and back into the kitchen.

Kissing me teeth, rolling my eyes and having an amused expression on my face, I scoffed "Really?", "Yes really, so what would supposedly make me jealous and annoyed?" She chuckled, I glanced over at Simon, he knew what I was about to tell her and he had a pleading expression on his face. I stopped myself "You know what Emma if it was up to me I would tell you but I'm not the only one in on this 'secret' " I turned around and walked out.
Heeyyyyy everyone how are you? Good I hope! :)) if you liked this chapter make sure you vote for it. Do you think Mirrin will tell Emma or do you think it will be Simon orrrr will it stay their little secret?? My back is honestly hurting so much right now it's unbelievable :(( I NEED NEW SIMON FANFICS TELL ME YOUR FAVOURITES, IM LOST BECAUSE TAMIS I NEVER MEANT TO HURT YOU IS OVER :(((((((

QOTC- What's your favourite subject in school????
Answer- Mines is art.. Only sometimes though :) haha

Thanks for reading

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