Chapter six :)

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Simons POV

Today was the day me and Mirrin are going to trick my viewers into thinking we go out.

I woke up and got showered and changed then headed downstairs to the kitchen, Mirrin and Josh was sat next to each other on their phones. "Hello." I said walking to the fridge getting a bottle of water.

"Hi." Mirrin looked up from her phone and smiled at me, "You ready for later?" I asked her, "Yeah, I'm really excited for some reason" she said, "I need to edit a GTA video first but after that okay?" "Yeah, I have to go to a class today anyway" she sighed, "Perfect" I smiled at her before returning upstairs to my computer to edit.

{Skip Mirrin being at Uni still Simons POV}

I heard the front door shut so I went down stairs. "You ready to film" I asked mirrin as she got water. "Yeah" she shouted over exaggerating by throwing her hands in the air. I laughed at her and she followed me up the stairs.

Mirrins POV

"I've never been in your room you know!" I said to Simon as we walked in, "You have now" he turned back to me and smiled.

Simon set up the camera whilst I sat in one of his spinny chairs and spun around. I took off my jacket because Simons room was roasting. I was wearing my bright denim blue high waisted jeans with a black and white jumper.

Eventually Simon sat down beside me. I stopped spinning and looked at him, "Won't this be awkward for us?" I laughed, he looked at me with a straight face "You've just made it awkward now" he laughed. "Fuck, sorry. It's only awkward if we make it awkward" I said making the situation worse, "I think you should just stop now" Simon joked, "Yeah probably for the best"

Simon introduced the video and he told me to hide under the desk and when he said my name I was to come up.

"Today I'm here with....." That was my cue to come up from under the desk but on my way up I banged my head on the desk, me and Simon both burst out laughing as I was knelt on the floor holding my head laughing hysterically

"Well I'm here with Mirrin but she banged her head" Simon said in between laughs as I sat back on the chair also still laughing. "Okay so we are doing a Q&A for you guys, I asked on Twitter for questions using the hashtag #minimintersgf and you guys caught on so we are going to answer your questions" he looked at me and smiled then I looked at the camera and smiled.

"Who is more flexible?" Simon asked.
"Definitely you" he said, "I can put both my legs behind my head!" I laughed, "Wait seriously?" He looked at me, "Yeah!" "Do it!" He urged me. "I don't believe you can do it" he teased "I can" I took my shoes off and one by one put my feet behind my head but o could only hold it for half a second before I had to untangle myself. "Wow, to be honest I didn't think you where going to be able to" Simon sat in amazement, "You try, I done it so you have to at least try" I said giving him some space by moving my chair back.

Simon cracked his knuckles and pretended to get hyped up, lifted one leg then put it back down, "right next question" I laughed at how fluently he changed the subject.

We finished filming the video and it was so fun filming with Simon he's so funny.

After we had finished filming me and Simon went downstairs because Vikk had texted us half way through the video asking what we wanted from Nandos so we where going down to get it now.

Simon walked in after me and I sat down next to Vikk and ate my food, at the table the guys literally talk about the most random things ever and some things girls just don't need to hear.

I ate half my meal then decided to go upstairs. I was lying in bed when the video came back into my head. I realised actually how much of a good time I had spending an hour alone with Simon. I think I've started to get feelings for him, and not kid on ones like real feelings but it pains me to think that he doesn't feel the same way towards me.

A/N- I know Mirrin works at nights but I'm not going to add them in unless it progresses the story line!!
I'm so tired right now and it's only 9pm when I'm writing this, btw I'm pre writing all of this story before I upload it because then it means that I'm more organised and can keep a consistent upload routine. Unlike my other one. So yeah I'm writing this on the 27th of January but I don't now when I'm uploading it. (Fun fact I'm uploading this 29/2/16, it's my birthday tomorrow going to be 15!!!!) Anyway if you liked this chapter please vote for it and please answer the QOTC!!! :))

Question- if you could change your name what would you change it to??
Answer- I would change my name to Sophie because I really love that name :))

Thanks for reading

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