Chapter one :)

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"Mirrin what the actual fuck, your so fucking stupid, you burnt the pizza" Adam shouted at me. I ran in to a kitchen full of smoke. "I'm sorry Adam, I'll pay more attention next time" I apologised. "I know you will, that was the last pizza, go to the shop and go buy me one.... I asked you to do one thing, have a pizza ready for me when I get in but your a dumb bitch that can't do fuck all"

I went into Adams room and put my shoes and jacket it on and walked back out "I'm sorry babe" I looked up at him while I hugged him. "It's fine," he barely hugged me back. " No it was my fault I didn't pay attention" I let go from our 'hug' and walked out his apartment.

I waited in the lift and when I went to step in the guy who lived a couple doors down from Adam was getting out and we bumped into each other, "oh... Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" I said really worried incase he was going to shout at me. "No it was my fault I was on my phone not paying attention" he smiled back and I giggled, "bye" I said to him as we went our own ways, "Bye" he smiled.

I'm not used to guys saying sorry, it's normally me who does the stupid thing and it's me who has to say sorry. I went to the shop for Adam and bought him a new pizza and carried it back carefully to his flat.

I walked into his flat while he was on the phone, "Mirrins back I'll talk later" he spoke quietly down the phone, "Who was that?" I asked timidly. "Why are you so nosey Mirrin, stay out of my business" he pushed past me. "Okay sorry" I said back quietly. I handed him his pizza and went and got changed for work tonight.

"Bye Adam" I shouted as I was about to leave, I waited a minute to see if he would reply but he never so I just left.

I drove to the night club I work in and parked round the back. I work in here every night except a Sunday from 8pm till 4am, Friday nights are always the busiest and tonight it was just me and Ellie working. Ellie's the only one I like in this place the rest are horrible to me because I'm the youngest and they think they can push me around. My whole life I've been pushed around but because of the shit I've been through in my life I'm too shy to stand up for myself.

I put my little apron thing on and started clearing tables. I hate my work clothes because everything needs to be black and "slutty" we aren't suppose to wear tights with our outfit but I do anyway and we are suppose to wear heels but I wear my vans.

"How are you?" Ellie asks as she pours a guy his drink, "I'm fine I'm just super tired because I had Uni this morning" I replied as I served a girl.

"MIRRIN!" My boss shouted giving me a fright, "yeah?" I answered, "table 7 needs to be served so get on it" my boss walked away I take my pen and notepad from my pouch and quickly walk over making sure I'm not stopped by other perverted men.

9 young guys are sat round a table, "hello what would you like?" I ask with my fake smile because I just don't want to be here. I go round the table getting their orders then I get to the guy I bumped into earlier. "Oh hi again" he laughs, it took me a while to realise who he was but I eventually realised "hey" I smiled back and asked what he wanted then headed back to the bar to get their drinks.

I speak out the order to Ellie and she pours them, I balance them onto the tray and carry them over. I hand each of them their drinks, smile and walk away.

Simons POV

Me, ,Harry, Ethan, Tobi, Vik, JJ, the cals and tobias are out for drinks in a new night club, Josh is coming but he was stuck in traffic for ages so he was late. We all ordered our drinks and drank them like water eventually Josh turned up, "Oi, you ordered drinks without me" he said jokingly. "Yeah man we weren't waiting on you" Harry laughed. "Fine I'll go up and get my own" Josh marched off up the the bar.

Mirrins POV

I was bent down under the bar and when I stood up I got a fright, "Josh?"

Josh's POV

I walked up to the bar, there was no one there then a young girl stood up, "Josh?" How did she know my name? It took me a while to recognise her but when I did my stomach done somersaults with happiness. "Mirrin, I've not seen you in ages" she allowed herself to smile. "After school finished I tried to keep in touch but you never answered or told me your number, you still with Adam?" I asked her a ton of questions because I was excited.

"Yeah sorry, I forgot to tell you my number and yeah I'm still with Adam" she let out a helpless sigh, "let me put my number in your phone" I insisted, Mirrin kind of held back at first but finally gave in "okay" she giggled cautiously handing me her phone, She wasn't how she used to be. 3 years ago if you where to start a conversation with Mirrin she would constantly be smiling and keeping the conversation flowing now she just seems very quiet and apologetic for some reason.

"So what brought you here" she slowly replied trying her hardest to keep talking, "my friends convinced me" I laughed pointing back at them all staring at me and Mirrin they almost instantly looked away. "Oh" she giggled "what can I get for you?" She stood with her hands behind her back, "ehm... A vodka and red bull please" she smiled "what?" I raised my eyebrows, "you haven't changed much, go sit down I'll get into trouble if I don't bring it over" she shoed me away "okay!"

I sat down at our table, "how do you know her?" Simon asked, "I went to school with her, I was her only friend" they all looked shocked "you where her only friend, how could a girl that looks like that only have one friend" Harry scoffed harmlessly, "because Mirrin was very smart, she had braces and quite bad acne, but man has she proved those bullies wrong now" I smirked
"Right so Josh you're trying to tell us that she" the pointed in her direction "she was an 'ugly' teenager?" Cal added
"Well, she wasn't ugly but she didn't look like she does now let's put it that way" she walked over and gave me my drink.

"Hey, what's your name?" Cal asked her as she was about to walk away "Mirrin" she smiled sweetly. "That's a nice name" a drunk cal replied, she tucked her hair behind her ear and looked down, "thank you" she said before walking off.
Hey, how do you like it.... You liking it so far, probably not because I can not write for the life of me I just for some reason really enjoy writing these haha!

QOTC- What's your favourite sidemen video?
Answer- The accent challenge <3

Thank you for reading

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