Chapter fourteen :)

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The next morning-

"Mirrin what where you going to tell Emma last night" Josh said whilst sitting on my bed watching me do my makeup. I looked at him through the mirror, "Em.... Nothing it doesn't matter" I continued my makeup, "Mirrin don't lie to me, Josh knows everything" Josh smirked. I turned around and looked at him this time. "Did you see?" I asked raising my eyebrows, he nodded looking a tiny bit confused. "Please don't mention anything about the kiss Josh, it was a mistake me and Simon both regret it... Well he regrets it more because of Emma but you can't make any sneaky comments about it" I turned back around to the mirror.

I looked up at Josh who was still looking at me but I could tell he was confused, "What is it Josh?" I said concentrating on my lipstick, "Mirrin.... I didn't know you two kissed, I thought you were talking about just you and Simon getting the ball together..." Josh nervously said, I turned to face him. "Joshhhh you tricked me into telling you.... You still can't tell anyone though" I made him pinky promise.

Josh left my room and I got ready, I had already done my hair I straightened it and I done subtle makeup so I just needed to get changed. Today I was wearing my light blue high waisted skinny jeans, my black cropped tshirt and my white and green Stan Smiths.(media)

I went down to the kitchen where Josh and Simon where sat, I sat next to Josh on a stool. It was really awkward because well me and Simon are already awkward and now Simon doesn't know that Josh knows that we kissed but I know that Josh knows and Josh knows when he isn't suppose to know.

Today all the sidemen plus Calfreezy, Amy and I are going to the London Dungeons. I'm really excited I love scary things, especially things like this.

Simons POV

I've been to the Dungeons before but I was like 11 and I'm actually quite excited and I'm vlogging because my viewers love it when I vlog.

"Josh where are we going today???" I shouted pointing the camera at him, "We're going to London Dungeons and I'm going to be really scared" Josh said hugging onto Mirrin, she looked up and hugged him back. "Oh wait before you turn your camera off" Mirrin said standing up and walking closer to me "We need to tell them something" she looked at me and smiled, I totally forgot that my viewers still think we go out. "Me and Simon don't actually go out, we never did... I'll leave it up to Simon to explain" She laughed and walked away.

"Yeah so guys me and Mirrin never actually went out we just though it was funny that you guys thought we went out so yeah we tricked you..... Don't be mad at me" I said to the camera.

(They have finished the 'tour')

"Right okay now we have a challenge for you all I'm going to put you guys into pairs, is it an even number?" The tour guide asked, we all nodded. The lady went round the group putting us into pairs. The pairs where Harry and Amy, Vikk and Josh, JJ and Tobi, Ethan and Cal and then she put me and Mirrin together which I was actually quite happy about because I need to talk to her.

"Okay so we have a mirror maze, in your pairs you are going to try and make your way through it and the fastest time wins.... But you guys won't be the only one in there" the tour smirked, "So there are 5 different entries into this maze so each of you go to a different one?" She said. We all looked around at each other and made our way to a different entry.

"3...2...1.... Go" me and Mirrin walked into the maze and started, it's so trippy because of all the mirrors.

Mirrins POV

Me and Simon started the maze not in any great rush but it was kinda awkward because of what I said last night to Emma and just because of what happened between us.

"Mirrin?" Simon broke the silence, "Yeah" I said putting my arms out to check for the mirrors, "Where you actually going to tell Emma last night" Simon said looking at me as I looked at him, "Would you hate me if I was going to tell her?" I looked at the ground, "No." He said, "Well then yes I was actually going to tell her but I'm not going to ruin your relationship so you don't need to worry I won't tell her" I fake smiled hoping he didn't know I was sad, "Okay thanks." He said. "Look there's the end, that wasn't that hard" I said changing the subject and walking out the maze.

It was just me and Simon now at the end of the maze whilst we waited for the others. "Simon serious question" I said looking at him, he looked back at me signalling for me to carry on. "What do you see in Emma?" I asked and he let out a chuckle, "She's really nice and pretty." I let out a small laugh.

Was he kidding on? Did he seriously just say Emma was nice? I'll agree with him for the pretty part of that statement but nice? She's definitely not nice.

"What... Why you laughing?" He smiled because he knew why I laughed, "Okay she's not very nice to you but she's nice to me.... Sometimes" we both laughed, "I don't understand guys" I said loudly but also kind of under my breath. "Why don't you understand guys?" He questioned me, "Because you say that Emma is only nice to you sometimes, why would you be with someone who isn't very nice to you." Simon looked at me confused, "Adam?" He said not meaning to hurt my feelings but he kind of did, "But Simon I went out with him for 3 years, he was my first proper boyfriend and anyway I'm not even with him anymore"

When I finished that sentence Josh and Vikk walked through the maze doors, "Hiya!" I said turning away from Simon to face Josh and Vikk. "Hey, Didn't you guys get lost in there? We got confused for like a solid 7 minutes" Josh complained. "Nope, it only took us like 5 minutes" Simon bragged.

Josh and Vikk were shorty followed by Harry and Amy, then JJ and Tobi and Ethan and Cal where last.

"You guys were very good at that but the best team was definitely Mirrin and Simon considering they where finished in 4 minutes 39 seconds" the tour guide said, me and Simon high fives then rubbed it in the others faces.


We had been out all day and it was now 12pm and Josh, Vikk and Simon where filming a video in the kitchen where as I just went up to bed because I was super tired.

I was lying in bed just thinking about life. What if Simon was my boyfriend, why can't he like me the way I like him, I'm not that bad surely.
Hey!!! Do you think Simon will fall for Mirrin? Do you think he already has? :) I thought I would post two canters tonight, also I've been watching TheBurntChips periscope and he said goodnight to me. My life is complete <3 if you liked this chapter make sure you vote for it and don't forget to answer QOTC please <3

QOTC- Do you speak any languages? :))

Answer- I speak fluent English and Scottish.... Nah just kidding I obviously speak  English and I'm learning Spanish in school :) haha

Thanks for reading

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