Chapter twenty :)

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Couple weeks later

Me and Simon have been seeing each other for a couple weeks now, all the sidemen know. We haven't really made it official by calling each other boyfriend or girlfriend. Simon has told me he loved me but I haven't said it back. It's to early for me.

Mirrins POV

"Simon stop" I giggled and squirmed as he sat on my torso tickling me "What? I can't hear you over your screaming" he smiled at me, "Simon... St.. Stop" I laughed whilst in pain. "Say I'm the best looking guy you've ever met and I'm just perfect, then I'll stop" Simon teased. "Okay, Okay. You're the best looking guy ever and you're just perfect" I droaned as Simon sat listening to me. "Awe thanks Mirrin" he sweetly smiled and got off of me and stood at the end of the bed whilst I caught my breathe still lying on the bed.

I held my hand out and Simon grabbed it helping me up from the bed pulling me into a hug, I instinctively hugged him back. His hands wrapped round my waist and slightly down the back of my trousers but not in a sexual way, I wrapped my arms round his neck and snuggled my head into his chest.

"Simon..." I asked lifting my head up to look at him, "Yeah?" He smiled looking down at me. "Can we stay like this forever please?" I sweetly smiled waiting for his reply, "No unfortunately not because we need to go to Westfield and do some shopping" I looked at him and pouted, "Ugh I don't want to" I moaned, " Yes you do, I know you do" I giggled because what Simon was saying was true.

I grabbed my shoes and put them on whilst Simon picked up his vlogging camera and also put his shoes on. "I'm ready" I picked up my phone and walked out Simons room and down to Josh's.

Josh walked out as I was walking past, "Are you coming as well?" I smiled. "Yeah I could never miss out on a nandos" Josh laughed and we all headed for the car.


"Table for three please" Josh said when we got into nandos. "Okay follow me" the young and very pretty waitress said with a smile. We followed her to our table and sat down.

Every time the waiter came over I could tell she was checking Simon out and it was really bugging me but I didn't want to say anything because that would make things awkward between us all.

We ate dinner and we headed back to the sidemen house, when we got in Josh went up to his room and it was just me and Simon in the kitchen on our phones.

"Mirrin what's wrong with you?" Simon asked, "Nothing" I said not even looking up from my phone. "Clearly somethings wrong, you've barely spoke to me all evening" Simon said still looking at me. "Nothing is wrong" I huffed,

"Fine" Simon said looking at me and rolling his eyes. I held back my thoughts for 0.67 seconds before bursting, "I saw you checking out that waitress and if you couldn't tell she was checking you out aswell". Simon looked at me confused "Mirrin. Seriously?" I looked back at him with a serious expression "Yes seriously".
"You have to be kidding me" he scoffed "You think I was checking out the waitress" I nodded sarcastically in response.

"You look at guys all the time and I don't say anything to you!" He raised his voice. "What? When?" I shouted back. "All the time when we're in town or whatever" he said back. "Right, Okay Simon." I sighed standing up and grabbing my bag. Simon stood up and walked out the kitchen, I followed heading for the front door. As he started to walk up the stairs I left and slammed the door behind me before getting into my car and driving home.
Short chapter!! It started off all lovely and ended up a fight :// Am I the only one who doesn't like reading FANFICS were the guys get with each other like Emon and stuff? I just don't like it :||I'm really tired right now and I have fake tan on so I'm sitting in such an awkward position also I think I'm getting my Tragus pierced in the next couple of days, If I do I'll maybe show a picture of it :)) I know I said I was stopping QOTC butttt....

QOTC- How many piercings have you got or how many more do you want?
Answer- I have my ear lobe pierced twice, my cartilage on my left ear and hopefully my Tragus

Thanks for reading

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