Chapter eleven :)

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-few weeks later-

Simons POV

Me and Emma have been going out for a couple weeks now and she has been spending a lot of time at the sidemen house.

I walked into the kitchen where Vikk and Mirrin where. Mirrin has been really off with me recently and she hasn't been having a laugh with me like we use too, it's like she's distancing herself.

"Hey" I said walking to the fridge which was right behind where Mirrin was sat.
She looked up from her phone, looked at me and smiled, "Hi" she tucked her chair in almost as if she didn't even want to be in contact with me.

I looked at Vikk and he was looking at me, I gave him a look which said 'please leave' as I tilted my head towards the door and looked at the door he finally got the message, "Em... I'm going up to my room too edit a video" Vikk said un-naturally as he stood up and left.

"He's acting a bit weird" Mirrin said looking up from her phone, I nervously laughed and agreed.

We sat in silence on our phones while I ate my sandwich which I had made. I'm planning on asking Mirrin what's up with her because I don't like that she has barely been speaking to me, she used to sit next to me in the kitchen if there was a space now she sits as far away as possible.

"Mirrin?..." She looked up at me, "Mhm?" She replied, "Why are you acting funny with me, have I done something wrong?" I ask not so nervous because Mirrin isn't a scary person.

"Have I? I didn't even realise I have been?" She said as if she was a tad angry, somethings definitely up with her, "Yeah, you have barely spoke to me!" She looked back up at me without the anger in her eyes this time, "Well..its just..." Mirrin got cut off by the doorbell, "Can you hold on a minute?" She looked annoyed but she smiled and nodded.

Mirrins POV

I was about to tell Simon about how I had been feeling since he got with Emma but the doorbell rang, "Can you hold on a minute?" He asked, I was a little bit annoyed but I smiled and nodded as he left the kitchen to go and answer the door.

I can't hear anything from the front door and well to be honest I wasn't really all that interested, "Hey Mirrin." I looked up and saw Emma taking a seat next to me, anger filled in the pit of my stomach. Why did I hate her so much? Well I know why I hate her. There is just a bad vibe about her that Simon was obviously oblivious too.

"Hi" I said emotionless as I stared at my phone. "Mirrin what were you going to say to me?" Simon announced. No way was I telling him now! "Nothing it doesn't even matter" I snapped, standing up and walking out of the kitchen.

"What's wrong with her?" I heard Simon say, "Babes she hates us being together can't you tell!" I faintly heard Emma say, by this point I was storming up the stairs and Josh must have realised because he popped his head out his door.

"What's wrong with you?" He said following me up the stairs to my room, "Nothing Josh there is fuck all wrong with me" I was now snapping at Josh, he still followed me to my room as I threw myself on the bed.

"Mirrin you don't storm up the stairs like that for no reason" he laughed a bit, "Do you want to know what's wrong with me?" I said sarcastically "Em yes that would be helpful" Josh said cheekily, I didn't mind though because I was being quite rude to him, "Fucking Emma, Emma's my fucking problem. Her and Simon to be précis" I was now angrily typing on my phone.

"Mirrin you can't get angry at them because they are together" Josh said making me realise that what he was saying was the truth, "I... I know Josh but it's not them as a couple it's just her, D'ya know what she said to me the first night I met her?" I raised my voice, "No, What did she say?" Josh joked, "She said Simon was now her property and that I wasn't to hang out with him or talk much with him"

I could tell Josh was a bit shocked, "Why didn't you tell Simon?" I looked at Josh, "Oh yeahhh, Simon by the way I really like you and your girlfriend can see that but you can't and now she really hates me and doesn't want me to spend any time with you" I said sarcastically. "Well you don't say it in those exact words" Josh argued standing up and leaving my room, "Well how do I fucking say it!" I shouted down the stairs, "You'll figure something out!" He shouted which made me annoyed and I threw my pillow off the bed at the window.
I can't remember if in the last chapter I updated you about my friend that wouldn't forgive me???..... Well anyway she still hasn't forgave me and it's ridiculous because all my other friends and me think she is over exaggerating but she thinks she's being perfectly reasonable which makes me laugh hahaha :))
If you liked this chapter please vote for it and answer the QOTC!!! :)))

QOTC- How many siblings have you got??
Answer- I have 3 older brothers :((

Thanks for reading

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