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I'm just really bored right now and I have no ideas for this story at the minute so I just thought I would type anything that's on my mind :)

Today's my birthday and I'm a big 15! Haha. Also I had parents night tonight got all round a good report which is great and can I just tell you that I think my Art teacher looks like Simon which is really bad because I don't want to admit that I like him so it's super awkward. Needless to say he's my favourite teacher.

I'm actually so sick of people telling me I'm a negative person, like bitch I know I'm negative and I can't help it that's just me okay deal with it. Yes I do always find something bad about everything but that's me if you don't like it don't talk to me, simple.

It's currently 10:11 and I always aim to be asleep for 11pm because if I don't get Enough sleep then I'm really grumpy but I'm tired right now so I don't know if I should go to sleep now or stay on my phone till 11pm.... Decisions.

If you read this then hi! If you didn't then why not you just missed out on some crucial facts about me... Nah just kidding this is only really for my boredom.

Thanks for reading

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