Chapter twelve :)

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Emma's POV

I woke up next to Simon in his bed but I could hear Mirrin downstairs so what better opportunity to speak to her than now when she had none of the guys to back her up.

I got out of bed and pulled on one of Simons jumpers over my tshirt, I fixed my hair and headed down, I was near the kitchen when I heard Mirrin say bye to someone on the phone before she hung up. I walked in.

"Good Morning Mirrin, how are you today?" I said extra cheery obviously trying to annoy her, it seemed to be working. "I was great until about a minute ago" she fake smiled at me, "Awe Mirrin come on don't be jealous of me" I teased, "Me....Jealous of you. Why would I be?" She laughed.

I love how she try's to hide her 'love' for Simon.

"Mirrin we both know you want Simon but we both know you can't have him and I've started to turn him against you." I giggled getting a drink from the fridge. Mirrin glared at me with her icy blue eyes. "I don't want to be with him" she lied. "Mirrin babe your going to need to get better at your lying skills they're not you strongest point, now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go cuddle in bed with Simon" I smiled an evil smile and skipped out the kitchen, when I was leaving Mirrin shouted, "Fucking do that then you fucking evil cow" her response was priceless.

Mirrins POV

I was minding my own business on the phone to a nail shop because I was about to leave to get my nails done when Emma walked in the door wearing Simons jumper.

She teased me the whole time she was in the kitchen, I don't know why she hates me that much, I have literally done nothing, in fact I liked her for the first hour I got to know her then she just turned on me.

Anyway I was getting ready to leave for the nail place when she came in so now I'm going to go get my nails done and forget about that bitch for an hour or so.

Time skip to after nails (I'm really lazy)

I walked into the kitchen where everyone was apart from Simon. Emma, Vikk and Josh where sat in silence, when I noticed Emma I instantly rolled my eyes, "Where were you?" Josh asked. "I forgot to tell you I was getting my nails done" I smiled and held out my hand for him to look at them.

"Oooooh very nice" Vikk laughed. "Thank you Vikkstar123" I joked because I knew it annoyed him when I called him that.

"So what are you guys planning on doing today?" I asked, "I think we are going to film a football video, do you want to come? Amy's going!" Josh looked me."Yeah sure, it's not muddy is it?" I asked worried about my shoes. "No Mirrin don't worry about your shoes" Vikk teased.


We pulled up to a big white dome, I'm glad it was inside. There was 11 of us all together. All the sidemen plus Me, Amy, Calfreezy and Lewis.

We where now only waiting for Cal, Tobi, Amy and Harry to arrive. While we where waiting for them me and Simon where in the far corner of the soccer dome getting the football that JJ had kicked over whilst the rest where in the opposite corner setting up cameras.

"I'll race you to the ball" Simon said when we where half way across the dome, "Okay" I smirked as I started to sprint as fast as I could, "Oi your cheating" I heard him shout from a couple of meters behind.

I could hear Simon get closer behind me I tried to run faster but my shoelaces came undone and Simin accidentally stood on it, I went flying and some how managed to hit my self in the eye.

"Mirrin are you okay" Simon was stood over me, "I'm so sorry" he said helping me up, "It's not your fault" I said looking him in the eyes. I don't know why but I was almost in a trance by his blue eyes, I forgot where I was and who I was with because Simon slowly edged his way closer to me and our lips met in the middle.

Simon pulled away and I felt instant regret, "Simon you have a girlfriend" I whispered nervously, picking up the ball. "I know it's just.... Your eyes they're so blue" he said looking at me, however I looked straight ahead not wanting to make eye contact. We awkwardly walked back to where the others where, hoping that none of them saw us kiss.

"Mirrin what happened?" Vikk said making me panick, "What do you mean what happened" I stuttered back at him. "Your eye has gone all bruised and puffy" he said making me suddenly realise the pain in my left eye. I got my phone e out to look at it and sure enough I had a black eye and it was very swollen. "Me and Simon where racing and I tripped up and some how punched myself in the eye" I nervously giggled.

"Do you need to go to the hospital?" Josh worried, (must be the 'big brother' coming out in him)  "Josh I'm fine i just need to go home and get some ice on it" I smiled. "Do you want me to come back with you? Because I don't think you should drive back" Josh said, "Yeah, can you drive me back? But o want you to come back here and keep filming, I don't want to ruin anything!" I laughed.

"Right guys I'll be back in 15 minutes" Josh shouted grabbing his keys. "Im sorry" Simon said once more, "It's okay" I sighed whilst smiling at him.
The next chapter is going to be a continuation of this chapter!! If you liked this chapter please vote for it and answer question of the chapter pleasssse :))))  I went to the Xfactor live tour yesterday, it was so much fun and I got my new phone. I'm now officially part of the IPhone 6s rose Gold club, are any of you also in this club???? Haha. Btw I'm a wee bit stupid because I put the same QOTC twice :/

QOTC- How many siblings do you have??
Answer- I have 3 older brothers (torture) :///

Thanks for reading

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