Chapter twenty-three :)

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Couple days later

Mirrins POV

It's been a couple of days since I last spoke to Simon he won't answer any of my calls or texts and it's frustrating me that I'm making the effort to apologise and he doesn't care, I even went over to the Sidemen house but it's always Vik answering the door saying Simin isn't in when I know he is.

I was in my room when my phone rung, it was the head of Glasgow Uni. On the phone he said that I would need to pack a bag tonight and get ready to leave for tomorrow afternoon.

I tried negotiating with him but he was pretty set on me going over tomorrow, he said he had a dorm that I would have to myself until I decided wether I wanted to buy a place in the city or just stay in the dorm. I was hesitant to sta yes but I dont want to let anything stop me from carrying out what I've always wanted to do and if Simon can't support me then that's his problem.

When I hung up I got ready and drove straight to the sidemen house. I had to try again.

I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. I saw a figure head towards the door.

"Hey Mirrin, Simons not...." I cut Vikk off and just walked in, he didn't make it hard for me to walk in he didn't even try stop me.

I jogged up the stairs to Simons room, I could tell he was editing. I knocked lightly waiting for his response "Come in" he said, I walked in.

"Simon" he spinned around in his chair and rolled his eyes at me. "What is it?" He said emotionless. "Simon why are you being such a dick to me?". He just continued editing. "Okay well just thought I would let you know that I'm going to Scotland tomorrow afternoon, and you know I thought you'd maybe care but obviously not. Have fun editing the rest of your video" I stormed out his room slamming the door behind me.

"Mirrin wait" I heard Simon say, I felt a flicker of hope in my chest as I turned to face his door. "You dropped your phone" he said with a straight face holding out my phone. I angrily walked up the stairs and snatched my phone out of his hand. "Don't ever talk to me again" I said looking him straight in the eyes.

As I drove home tears fell down my cheeks and I could t stop them. All my relationships never work out, maybe it's best to have a new start in Scotland.


When I got in my apartment I angrily spoke to myself as I packed all my belongings into two suitcases. Because I rented this place none of the furniture was mine so I didn't need to worry about any of that.

I can't believe I tried to apologise to that shit-bag. All I tried to do was patch things up and all he tried to do was throw my apology back in my face. ________________________________Short chapter and if you could t tell this story is coming to an end. I have an extremely short attention span and I lose interest in things extremely quickly and I'm sorry if all of a sudden this story seems rushed :((

Thanks for reading

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