Chapter fifteen :)

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That awkward moment when I had to look up how to spell fifteen :|

Simons POV

Me and Josh where in the kitchen talking, everyone else was in their rooms. "Simon I know about you and Mirrin kissing" Josh smirked, "How do you know, did you see us?" I worried, scared in case Mirrins thinks I've told him, "No, Mirrin accidentally told me." He laughed. "Oh" I laughed back

"Do you like her?" Josh asked, "Josh I've got a girlfriend and she should be here any minute" I said back, Josh raised his eyebrows "I don't know why you like her" he asked, "Josh?" I spoke, "Yeah?" He asked looking at me, "Would it be bad if I only got with Emma to make Mirrin jealous?" I said quietly.

The kitchen door opened, "You what!" Emma stood in front of me with hers hands on her hips, she had just heard me say that. "Emma I'm sorry, I did like you" I tried to cover what she had just heard "Simon don't lie to me, you never liked me. I knew you liked Mirrin from the start." She shouted storming out the living room and up the stairs.

Mirrins POV

I woke up about an hour ago and I had got ready but I just lay back in bed on my phone. I'm just scrolling through Twitter when I heard someone stamping up the stairs then Emma bursted in my room.

"You knew all along!" She pointed at me, she was shortly followed by Simon and Josh, "Wait, what did I know?" I asked confused. "You knew Simon was only with me to make you jealous" by this point I was stood up in front of Emma. I looked at Simon with disgust before looking back at Emma, "Emma I didn't know, why would I let Simon make me jealous while hurting you. I might not have liked you but I still wouldn't purposely let someone hurt you whilst also hurting me at the same time" I said and Emma sighed, "Shit I'm sorry." Emma apologised. "Mirrin, Emma I'm sorry" Simon tried to apologise. "Simon don't." I shut the door before he could say anything else and it was is just me and Emma.

Emma started crying. "Mirrin... I'm sorry for being so mean to you, I guess I was just intimidated by how pretty you are" she sobbed, I pulled her into a hug. "It's okay Emma, I was bitch to you as well. Hey just forget about about Simon he's a dick, you deserve better." I said to Emma pulling away from the hug, she laughed. "Thanks Mirrin. I have to go I was only in to see Simon for a couple of minutes because I've got work." She walked out my room and down the stairs I followed her to the door, "bye Mirrin" she winked at me "Bye Emma" I laughed and shut the door before storming up to Simons room.

"Why the fuck would you do that Simon?" I shouted whilst walking in his room not even knocking, "because I really liked you and I didn't think you liked me" he argued back, "What about Emma, she really liked you?!" "I know I wasn't thinking" he said looking at me, "Simon do you want to know what's funny?..... I liked you, I wanted to go out with you" Simons eyes lit up "Do you not like me anymore then?" He said, "Well if that's how you treat girls then no not particularly" I walked out and shit the door behind me.

Why would he try make me jealous, he has no reason to make me jealous. Anyway today I'm doing nothing, I was planning on looking for a new flat to live in today because I feel like the guys are getting sick of me and I don't like it because they aren't letting me pay my way so I'm moving out. I have the money that I earn and the money my parents give me so I have enough.
Hey, can I just say something... You look really pretty today and you are an amazing person so I hope you have a good day/night (depending when your reading this) :))
If you enjoyed this chapter please vote for it, it only takes a couple seconds ;)  I'm doing that thing again when I lose interest in one fanfic and start writing a new one and I'm kinda loving the concept of the new one :((

Qotc- Do you prefer dark haired guys or blonde haired guys AND do you prefer brown eyes or blue eyes??

Answer- I personally prefer brown eyes and brown hair which is like the complete opposite of what Simon looks like but Simon is my only exception! ;)

Thanks for reading

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