Chapter five :)

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"Mirrin you ready yet" Josh shouted from downstairs, I quickly double checked my outfit, makeup and hair before I ran down the stairs.

I was wearing my black high waisted skinny jeans, with a black bralet thing which showed an inch of my stomach and my black checked shirt on top but I never buttoned it up and I was wearing my black vans. My hair was down and I straightened it.

"Mirrin do you want to drive because my car has very little petrol?" Josh sweetly smiled at me, "Yeah sure" I gave in to his persuasive smile. "Where are the others" I asked talking about Vikk and Simon. "They're already there they went to film another video" Josh said ushering me out the door.

I could see out the corner of my eye Josh looking about in my car, "Mirrin?" He asked, "Yeah?" I answered keeping my eyes in the road. "Why have you got Like 3 jumpers and 7 half bottles of water in the front seat" I laughed at his randomness, "Why don't you?" I laughed giving him a quick glance before fixing my eyes on the road, "Fair point!" He laughed.

When Josh started to give the directions I realised where we were going, Adams apartment place. I'm sure I won't see him he works on a Sunday anyway but I felt my palms sweat as we pulled up.

We parked outside and headed up, I wasn't the only girl there Harrys girlfriend Amy was going to be in the video to. Josh walked in I followed in behind him.

"Mirrinnnn!!" Cal shouted running towards me with open arms, "Callll" I ran and hugged him, we then linked arms and walked about the apartment like a couple of goons.

I love Cal he was so funny and we are so alike, he's just like the boy-friend I never really had (Josh doesn't count he's more like a brother)

Simons POV

When Mirrin walked in her and Cal shouted each other's name and hugged, they have been getting really close.

We already had the cameras set up and we where playing "Guess who". It was Me, Cal, Vikk, Josh, Harry, Amy and Mirrin and we had all put our "truths/stories" in a hat and Ethan was picking them out one by one and reading them to us.

Mirrins POV

I was getting a bit worried of all the lights and cameras but I really wanted to film this video so I got over it.

The order of chairs went Josh, Simon, Me, Cal, Vikk, Harry and Amy. I was glad that I was sat next to Cal and Simon because they both know how to have a laugh and I got on well with them both.

"I have had a dream about someone in this room" Ethan read out while smirking, "Wow, Wow, Wow do you think it was like a sexual dream or just like a normal dream?" Cal asked, "I think they meant sexual" Josh smirked which made me wonder who it was. We all voted Josh- Harry, Simon-Harry,
Me-Harry, Cal-Josh, Harry-Cal and Vikk and Emma voted for me.

I looked at Emma and Vikk in shock they looked at me back and laughed, "Going to start this off and say it wasn't me" I held my hands up, "Wasn't me!" Simon did the same, "Or me" Vikk and Josh said, "Was it you?" Josh looked at Cal "Nooooo...." He smirked and we all laughed, "Cal likes someone here, Lads hold onto your girls" Ethan teased, "Wait just to clarify was it a sexual dream or just a dream?" Simon leaned infront of me so he could see Cal, "It was about.. unicorns..." Cal blatantly lied. "Surrrreeeee" I teased.

We filmed for a long time but it was so fun because the guys made everything funny by turning it sexual. Me, Vikk, Josh and Simon stayed for a bit after while Cal edited the video and uploaded it.

He walked into the living room "It's up guys" we brushed it of until an hour later when Harry decided to read through the comments.

"Oi Mirrin they are all confused by you" Harry announced, I laughed a tiny bit confused, "They think you're either Simon or Cals girlfriend." I felt my cheeks burn up. They thought that in Vikks video last night I knew this because I read those comments when I went to sleep.

"Why do they all think that" I put my head in my hands to hide my cheeks. "Look, She's blushing" Amy teased. "No I'm not" I playfully argued back"
"Mirrin I think it's time we told them" Cal looked at me concerned and put his arm around me I was confused at first, "Me and Mirrin have been seeing each other for 2 weeks now" I hit cal on the arm, "Cal stop, they will actually believe you" I laughed. "Not going to lie I actually did believe him just then" Ethan laughed.

"Another one, 'I think that Mirrin girl goes out with Simon because in Vikks video she put her arm around him and she did the same in this video'  "  Harry read out again, "Can I not put my arm around someone without them being my boyfriend?" I exclaimed in a joking manner.

After we read some more comments we realised it was super late and Me, Simin, Vikk and Josh decided to go home.

{skip car journey cause I'm lazy af}

We walked in the house and just like every other day we all went straight to the kitchen. I plonked myself down on a stool next to Josh and went on my phone, I had a tonne of tweets from people so I read through them all and they all consisted of
@ MirrinAyres do the bf/gf tag with
@ miniminter7 pleaseeeee 🙏🏻
How did they even get my Twitter they much have done a lot of research on me to find out my second name.

Simon looked up at me "You getting the tweets too?" He sighed but laughed, "Yep, I have no clue how they got my Twitter or Second name but I think we should trick them!" I smirked, Josh and Vikk were now intrigued, "Yeah you two should do that, like actually make them think that you go out" Vikk said excitedly. Simon laughed and agreed.

"You should make a video and be like 'oh we thought we won't get caught but you guys are just to smart' and stuff" Josh sounded excited, but I'm not going to lie I was excited too.

"We can start preparing it tomorrow!" Simon said, "That's a plan but right now I'm going to bed" I yawned and walked out as they said goodbye. I must have been really tired because as soon as my head hit my pillow I fell asleep.
Ohhhhh they are gonna trick the viewers!!!!!  A new boy came to my school today and he's American and very hot so all the girls like LOVE him, he is also massive like so tall he has to be over 6ft and he's only 14, I'm not even exaggerating at all I'm telling the 100% truth. Anyway side stepping away from the babe that joined my school if you liked this chapter please vote for it, it only takes a second! :)) Also I have a completed Story called 'My Love miniminter fanfic' so you could go check that out of you want and I done a 50 facts about me ;))

QOTC- When's your birthday? I want to see if I have a birthday twin!!! Whoop woop!!!!
Answer- My birthday is the first of March :))

Thanks for reading

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