Chapter seven :)

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I woke up in the middle of the night after having a terrible dream about my parents and I couldn't get back to sleep so I just decided to go downstairs.

I snuck down the stairs and into the kitchen. Before switching the light on I looked at my phone. 3am.

I sat at the table with an apple and water whilst on my phone. I thought I heard footsteps coming down the stairs so I listened more carefully and I didn't hear anything else so I just brushed it off and went back to scrolling through Instagram.

"BOO" Simon spoke loudly while jumping into the kitchen, I got the biggest fright of my life and spilt my water down myself, "Oh my god Simon you gave me the biggest fright ever" I said holding my heart.

"I'm sorry" he said seriously. "It's okay" I smiled back, "Why you up at 3 in the morning?" He asked. I was still really upset about my dream. It's a dream I get at least twice a month where I relive the bad times with my parents, all the times when they told me I wasn't good enough or that they didn't care about me and when they left to go to Australia but never told me and left it up to Josh's mum to tell me.

"Just had a bad dream" I innocently smiled. "Somethings wrong just tell me" Simon sympathised with me looking into my eyes making me spill about my childhood. I don't know how he managed to do it because I never tell anyone about it, Josh is the only one who knows.

"Mirrin I'm sorry" Simon said moving to the stool closer to me and putting his arms around me pulling me into a hug, "It wasn't your fault, it's done anyway, nothing I can do about it now" I said pulling away from the hug.

The hug felt so natural. Like we where the only ones in the world. It was warm and inviting like no other hug. 'Stop it Mirrin he doesn't like you' I replayed in my mind as I looked into his eyes slowly falling for him.

I finished off my drink and we both headed back upstairs to our rooms.

How did he manage to get me to tell him that with one look into my eyes? I've got it he's magic? I joked to myself making myself giggle.
Just a really short chapter because I wanted to write tonight but I also want to try and get to sleep for 11pm so I only had 30 mins to write a chapter. It's short and sweet :). If you liked it please vote for it :))

QOTC- If you could have any super power what would it be????
Answer- I would love to be able read minds or change how I looked whenever I want that would be my power.

Thanks for reading

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