Chapter ten :)

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I was lying on my stomach typing up notes when the door bell rang. Shit. That will be Emma, I stood up and went to my mirror. I fixed my hair and topped up my makeup before heading down to the kitchen.

"Hiya" I smiled as I walked in to see Simon and Emma sat together and Josh, Vikk, Harry and JJ sat opposite in the kitchen. I sat next to Harry.

"Hi I'm Emma" She said with her Essex accent, "Hi, I'm Mirrin" I smiled at her and she looked at me funny then at Simon then back at me "Wait do you and Simon go out?" She asked out of nowhere I looked at Simon and laughed. Secretly wishing o could say yes.

"What? No!" Simon laughed "What makes you think that?" He asked with a confused tone in his voice. "I saw your video on my Twitter feed and it was a Q&A with Mirrin" she looked at me and smiled. "Oh that was just to trick his viewers, he's all yours" I joked.


Emma was actually really nice, nicer than I expected her to be and we actually got on really well.

We had all moved from the kitchen to the living room and we where watching Celebrity Big Brother. When it was the adverts the guys all decided to go get some food and drinks so that left me and Emma in the living room alone. I tried making small talk.

"So what age are..." She cut me off, "Listen here Simon is now my property, you can't have him any more. It's blatant you like him and you have an advantage since you live in the same house as him, but your little crush on him has to stop alright babe" Emma spat at me, "I mean I don't like Simon like..." She cut me off again "Okay you can be quiet now" I looked away at my phone.

How dare she be rude to me saying I like Simon, she's only known me a couple of hours. When the guys walked in I could tell Harry could sense the tension between us both, but he never said anything for my sake.

When we finished watching CBB I went back upstairs whilst the others stayed downstairs. Not long after I had got up stairs Harry followed. He knocked on the door, "Come in" I said, "What happened between you two?" He asked.

I explained the whole situation that happened and he was shocked that she just turned on me like that.

Josh's POV

Harry and Mirrin just went upstairs so it was just me, Vikk, JJ, Simon and Emma. So far I really like her, but that opinion changed when Mirrin left.

"So Mirrin?" Emma said "Yeah she's our friend" I smiled , "well she's a really pretty friend to have" Emma sounded jealous, "nah, she's definitely just a friend" I said back, "I saw she worked in a nightclub" Ellie sniggered. "Yeah what's wrong with that" JJ said cheekily. "Nothing, just not very classy"

I could see the guys get really annoyed at what Emma was saying about Mirrin because we love Mirrin.

"Maybe she's just sponging off you guys..... You know for the money" she smirked then looked at her phone.

"For all Simon knows you could just be with him for money" I implied. "Don't be silly Joshua, I love Simon"
Emma said, as Simon walked in she cuddled into him.

I really don't like Emma. She called me Joshua, the only people I let call me Joshua is Freya and Mirrin. "Don't you think she's scarily under weight?" Emma announced. Is this bitch just going to shade Mirrin all night. "You don't know anything about her so why don't you stop talking about her especially when she's not here.... Okay" Vikk said angrily. "I was just saying" Emma said, "yeah well don't just say next time" I butted in.

"Guys stop being so cheeky to her" Simon said. Is he for real? Is he really sticking up for her? "Yeah please you guys are hurting my feelings" she moaned, I just rolled my eyes at her and left the kitchen and I was followed by Jj and Vikk.

Simons POV

"Babes what's their problem?" Emma asked, "I don't really know they just really like Mirrin"
So what do you think will happen???? If you liked this please vote for it and answer QOTC! :))

QOTC- If you could have any accent what would it be??
Answer- I would have a Geordie accent :)

Thanks for reading

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