Chapter eighteen :)

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Josh's POV

It's Harry's birthday party today me and all the sidemen are heading over now, Mirrins going to be there I haven't seen her much since she moved out of the sidemen house.

Mirrins POV

Me and Ellie were getting ready for this party at Cals. About a week ago I texted Cal saying that I wasn't going to come because it would have been awkward for me to stand with Josh all night so he suggested I brought a friend and Ellie came to mind.

You know the saying every blonde needs a brunette? Yeah that's not the case for us, Ellie has really light brown hair.... Almost blonde but not quite.

Me and Ellie were now ready but we where just waiting because we didn't want to go to early but we also didn't want to be the last ones there. "I like your dress, where's it from?" I asked Ellie as we stood in front of a mirror checking ourself a out, "Topshop, what about yours?" She asks hip bumping me, "Topshop as well" I giggled. "Right lets go" I said taking a price of gum and turning the lights out.

I knocked on the door and Harry answered, I handed him the gift I bought him and gave him a hug, "Happy late Birthday" I laughed "Oh Harry this is Ellie" I introduced them "nice to meet you!" Harry shouted over the music.

I scanned the room before spotting Josh, "Ellie come speak to jo..." I turned around to see Ellie dancing with some guy I smiled and walked towards Josh.

"Hiya" I shouted giving him a hug. "How are you?" I continued "I'm fine, I see your eyes better" he laughed pointing at my eye, as I agreed with him Simon and Vikk walked over. "Hi" I said giving them both a hug, "hey how are you?" Vikk asked. "I'm great thanks" I smiled.

Simons POV

Mirrin looks amazing tonight. I remember why I liked her and she liked me, why did I have to try and make her jealous, I could have just asked her out and everything would have been fine.

That dress she was wearing fitted her so well, it showed off her perfect body and what I found cute about Mirrin was how small she was, she's not to small were it would be awkward but small enough that if she wears heels she still shorter than me. (Media)

"I'm going to get a drink, do you want anything?" Josh asked. "No I'm good" I held up my drink, "Yeah me too" Mirrin said as well. I'm glad Josh left because it gives me time to speak to Mirrin.

"You look really nice tonight" I complimented her, "Thank you, so do you" she giggled and looked down. "Listen Mirrin I'm really sorry about what happened between us and Emma, I'm sorry that I let her insult you and stuff like that..." Mirrin just looked at me, "It's okay" she finally replied, "So do you forgive me?" I smiled. "Yeah of course" she put her arms around me and gave me a hug. Finally, I'm so happy we are friends again but I don't think she will ever like me 'that' way again.

Mirrins POV

I'm so happy I sorted this out with Simon, that was my plan for tonight. I just can't say no to him, I was going to not make up with him because what he done was shitty but when he asked me I just couldn't say no.

I hate to say it but I think I'm falling for him again, after spending time away from the house I've realised how much I missed having him around even though we didn't go out.

{time skip they are all a bit 'merry'. Also Ellie went home it's definitely not because she has no relevance now in the story}

We were all leaving and for some reason instead of me walking down the corridor to my own place I was in a taxi heading for the sidemen house with Josh, Simon, Vikk and JJ.

I was in the middle of Josh and Simon with my head rested on Josh's shoulder whilst Vikk and JJ were in the seats behind us and it's safe to say I'm pretty drunk..... We are ALL pretty drunk.

"Mirrin, Simon" I heard JJ say. "Yes JJ" I smiled, "Why don't you and Simon go out?" He laughed. "Now JJ, the answer to that I don't actually know. Why don't we go out Simon" I asked turning my head to face him. "Because you don't want to go out with me after the Emma thing" he laughed, "Who told you that?" I smirked cheekily, "You did" Simon answered, "Nahhhh.... I don't remember saying that" I said whilst sitting up and facing Simon.

"Simon do you like me?" I asked confidently "Yes" he answered back just as confident, "Prove it!" I teased "Okay" he smirked and edged his way closer to me, our lips touched together. My tongue slowly made its way into his mouth as did his and I completely forgot I was in a taxi with 3 other guys.

"OHHHHHH" JJ shouted holding his phone up making us break our kiss, "Snapchat exclusive" I heard him say, I didn't take notice because I was shocked that me and Simon had just kissed in front of everyone else.

The taxi finally pulled up outside of the house and we all stumbled inside, I was linked arms with Vikk when we walked into the kitchen. I got a bottle of water from the fridge and made myself a bowl of cereal whilst I sat at the island with everyone else.

We all carried on but I suddenly hit a brick wall. And I was so tired, "Right guys I'm gonna have to love yous and leave yous because I am shattered" I announced standing up and grabbing my phone and water. "Night Mirrin, Love you" They all shouted "Night guys" I carefully made my way upstairs to my old room , I found a pair of pyjamas I had left so I flung them on and jumped into bed.
That chapter got a bit heateddddd. When I'm writing this it's a week till my birthday and I'm super excited :) I've already he my present which was my new phone but I'm still excited! I can't get the song 7 years out my head I actually love it so much <3 Anyway goodnight everyone I'm very tired. ZZZZZZZ

QOTC- What's your fav song/s atm???
Answer- 7 years, Pillowtalk & Alive!!!!

Thanks for reading

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