Chapter nineteen :)

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Mirrins POV

I was woken up by a thumping headache and a memory from last night, did I kiss Simon? I mean I'm not in the same bed as him so that's a plus I guess.

I sat up and took a sip of water, as the cold water went down my throat my head eased a bit so I slowly kept drinking and checked my phone.

As always I checked all social medias, liked the pictures I was tagged in replied to any tweets then it came to snapchat. I got to JJs story I could already tell what was on it and I didn't want to see. I braved myself and clicked it sure enough it was me and Simon kissing in the taxi.

If I had any hopes of Skmon not remembering the kiss then they were well and truly out the of the window all because JJ wanted a 'snapchat exclusive'.

I could try and delete it before Simon sees it, but then that's awkward if he has seen it then finds out I didn't want him to see it.

Maybe I should just face it that I like Simon and what happened, happened. I was drunk, they can't hold it against me if I was drunk. I'm going to have to face them all at some point today and if I get the first awkward big out of the way then the rest shouldnt be that bad.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom praying that I still had some of my stuff from when I stayed here and thankfully I did, so I jumped in a shower and got changed into a pair of leggings and a sdmn top I had left here also.

Simons POV

I was lying in bed when I heard the shower next door turn on, Mirrins still here maybe I can try talk to her today but it will be awkward if she remembers the kiss but I kind of want her to remember the kiss. I just want her to be mine, no one else's.

I got out of bed and went to my bathroom. I freshened up brushed my teeth and got changed into some joggies and a hoodie:

Mirrins POV

I got out the shower and got changed into some clothes that I had left here from a while back. There was only a pair of jeans and a jumper I had been missing for ages. Once I was ready I went down stairs and into the kitchen, hoping Josh would be there. He wasn't.

I jumped up on to the island with a glass of water by my side and sat on my phone for a while till hopefully Josh came down.

Simons POV

I think Mirrin has gone now, I must have missed her leaving when I was in my shower.

I grabbed my phone and headed down stairs to hopefully try and cure my hangover with some food.

I opened the kitchen door and saw Mirrin sat on the kitchen counter on her phone, she looked up at me and smiled, "Hi" she looked down and smiled at her phone.

"Mirrin" I made my way closer to her and stood in between her legs she looked up at me again and smiled, this time her hands wrapped around my neck and I slowly made my way towards her lips.

The sensation was amazing, better than our kiss last night because I was going to remember this clear as day. We kissed.

Mirrins POV

I wasn't expecting Simon to do that, for the months that I've known him I've never known him to be this confident with a girl. I'm glad he got the confidence though.

We stopped for breath "Mirrin I want you to be mine" He said kissing me again, "I want to be yours. Our secret though. Yeah?" I smirked and continued to kiss him "Yeah" he replied......

"Wow.... Walked in at the wrong time" JJ burst through the door making me and Simon break our connection, I jumped down from the work surface. "Well I'm just going to go now. I have lots of work to be doing." I awkwardly backed out of the kitchen smiling.

Josh's POV

I walked out my room because I heard JJ shout something from in the kitchen and I saw Mirrin just leaving, "Mirrin you leaving now?" I shouted down, "Yeah bye" she said abruptly and left.

"What's wrong with her?" I said walking into the kitchen, "I dunno..." Simon said at the same time that JJ said "Her and Simon were caught kissing..."

I smiled, "Okay, so one of you is lying and I'm guessing it's you Simon." Simon smirked. "You can't tell Mirrin you know" he begged, "Okay" I smirked.

I'm secretly glad Mirrin and Simon hooked up, it's been obvious since day one that they like each other and they are finally together.

Mirrins POV

I got back to my flat with the biggest smile on my face. Finally I can say he is mine.

I set my phone down on the island in the kitchen and sat down on a stool. I buried my face in my hands and giggled to myself, then the doorbell rang.

I stood up and walked towards the door and opened it, there stood Simon with a bag of my clothes, "You left these" he smirked. "Is that the only reason you came her?" I chuckled leading him in to my place. "Yeah that and well to finish off what we started." I turned to face Simon and he smirked.
Let's leave that there ;) Okay I'm going to stop doing QOTC because no one answers them and I look very stupid :// A helicopter just flew over my house and it has that big spotlight thing on over my village, I think it's Vv cool. Also today I found out that I really like TheBurntChip or Josh. I've never watched any of his videos but I find him really attractive. Is that weird? :)) I'm on my Easter holiday or 'spring break' so I should be uploading more but don't take my word on that :)) how was your Easter?? Good I hope, Hopefully you all got a bunch of yumny chocolate unless your like me and are not a big fan of chocolate so you got sweets ;)

Thank you for reading

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