Chapter 1

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Sorry about the summary. Can't help it though, but I hate Gruvia. I just made this for some reason so it can make a happy ending #^_^#. (Don't judge me if I hate Gruvia AND Nalu) Okay I should stop now and enjoy this story or chap

*Natsu's POV*

I woke up in the middle of the forest just like what my brother told me. I stood up and look around and saw many trees but landed to a huge scaly looking lizard, it must be a dragon.

I walked up to the humongous lizard and poke him with a stick pretending to be a child that was lost in the forest. The over grown lizard open his right eye a little and rose. He looked down and saw me, smiling. "Child, go away now." Over grown dragon said. "Nope! Who are you? What kind of gender are you? Boy or girl?" I asked the over grown lizard. "Child, do you not fear me? For I'm a real dragon, fire dragon to be exact." over grown lizard said... what? I like calling him that.

"I don't fear you! I'm happy with you!" I said while jumping like an idiot. "*SIGH* Your parents, where are they?" over grown lizard asked me. I pretend to go sad and force a tear to let out. "I-i don't have one nor a family....." I said but wasn't true. "Sorry for that, how about come with me. I'll teach you my magic and take care of you" over grown lizard said. I looked at him with a smile, a huge smile on my face and hugged him on his paw - I mean claw.

"But first, what's your name child?" over grown lizard asked me. "My name is Natsu Dragneel, you are??" "Igneel, king of fire dragons. Hop on my back Natsu, we shall return back to our home." the over grown lizard, now named Igneel said to me and I followed his orders and hop on his back then we flew. I pretend to be scared of coarse.

Wind blew past through me and fresh air smell. I love it. I wish my brother was here with me but....he's not here so I must be strong.

When we got to our destination, I got down from his back and looked at the huge cave. So dark but has few torches so it can see through it. "We will start our training tomorrow, get some sleep Natsu." Igneel said and I nod and slept at the ground of the cold cave, actually, I'm freezing here!! I shivered more and more then I curled myself, It is not a lie! "Oh right I forgot, come here beside me. It's freezing here I know." Igneel said but I ignored it and immediately went beside him and slept beside him while his huge wings covered me and kept me warm. "Goodnight Natsu..." " 'night Igneel.." I said and drop off to my sleep.

*Next Day*

"WAKE UP!" "5 more minutes.." I said and rolled. I heard a sigh from Igneel suddenly told me that the kids don't want so cause they can die for 5-6 days I think but I'm not like that since I'm immortal. "You won't eat any food till dinner ~" Igneel said while I play along what humans usually do when they got what they don't like the most. "I'M UP!" I yelled then I heard Igneel laughed.

"Can we just eat breakfast?" I asked and pouted. " After breakfast we will start our training, but first, let's go hunting. " Igneel said and I groaned. I of coarse already experienced to hunt but not with a dragon, it's not fair! They usually got the most and delicious one!

"Sure, hunting sound fun" I sarcastically said and Igneel sighed. "Fine, I will catch a food for us just when we are done eating, I'll teach you so much that your little brain of yours might explode" Igneel said and flew off. I rolled my eyes and waited for him to come back.

few minutes has passed and Igneel came back with a deer, 5 or 6 I think. Igneel mostly burned them all but cooked perfectly and eat while I just poke on it. "Come on Natsu, it's not burned." "But how can I eat it?" "Use your sharp teeth." Igneel said and I sighed and dig in to the stupid huge deer.

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