Chapter 20

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Okay, Here's the another new chapter and an important message to ENDandMaBillFangirl. My message to you is I will change your OC's character look like but the color of his hair and eyes are still the same, only his appearance will change.
Okay stop whatever blabbers that I'm saying and let's get started~
When they entered the guild. The guild was fine, no brawl or anything bad happened but Natsu wasn't there yet.

Aihato sighed but gonna visit him later. The book on Gray's grasp disappeared. Gray gasped and told them. "The book was gone!" Aihato looked at him and smiled nervously. "S-sorry..I've never thought you will be this shocked...hehehe" she said and show the book that he was holding.

Gray's left eye twitched but later on, calm down. Aihato gave Levy the book and let her use the wind reading glasses and she read it fast. While they are waiting for Levy to finish, Mizunami went to the bathroom, Aihato watching Levy, Gray sat on the corner table with Erza, Lucy and Happy and the rest chilling out.

Hours passed Levy has finished the half of the book which means another hour or hours need to be waited. Gray was getting impatient but Erza told him to stay still till Levy finished the book. Mizunami just gotten out of the bathroom and went beside Aihato, who is still watching Levy to finish it.

Another Hour has passed and Gray lost his patient already. "I can't wait anymore!" He yelled while slamming both of his hands on the table where he is. "Be quiet Gray!" Erza yelled while glaring at him. Aihato sighed since she knew already that he has a crush on Natsu. "How about you visit him at his house. You know where it is already. Check him if he was okay and do whatever you want from there just...don't break some stuffs okay?" Aihato said with a pleasing voice. Gray's mood brighten a bit and went to Natsu's house.

"Is it okay for Gray to go there? Natsu will be not happy with this." Erza asked with a worry tone. "I hope he will be fine. But I think he will be." Aihato answered her question and went back to watch Levy. "*sigh* I really hope ...." Erza mumbled.

Mysterious Person

The group got away! Well it doesn't matter. "They got away Master." I said with a lacrima vision and a cloak figure which I called master appear. "It doesn't matter but did they stole something?" he asked me and I nod. "What did they stole?" Master asked angrily at me. "I think it was a book of demons name" I replied to his question. He 'tch' and went off.

I sighed in failure that I failed to guard the underground library. I think the two were dragons and the rest are human mages but strong, how come they combine with humans? That was my thought until my companion's voice interrupted it. "What are we going to do now?" he has a white/snowy hair and yellow eyes. He asked me.

"We will return back 'there' and report it." I said to him. "But I thought you just told him?" "I meant to report it to master about the two dragons and the human mages combined" I sad to him. He nods and teleported without me. I look around for a bit and later on, teleported 'back'.

3rd Person

With those out of the way for a while. Gray was now running towards Natsu's house and barged in. He went to Natsu's room and saw him sleeping peacefully. Natsu's face was calm and had small smile on his face. Gray sighed in relief that he was fine but he wanted to know why did he act strange or who possessed him.

Gray knew he can't know those answers but he needed it, to help him too. Gray sat beside Natsu and cuddled with him with the blanket around him too. Natsu just scooted closer to him, enjoying the warm sensation that he feels. Gray also enjoyed Natsu's temperature and almost fell into a deep sleep.

Natsu's POV

My head hurts again.... I sat up and saw a blank surroundings, all black. "Hello?" It echoed through. I started walking toward but I feel like going in circles. I stop for a while and a familiar voice came to my head.

Hello Natsu-sama


Glad you remember me again Natsu-sama. Did you enjoy watching your FRIENDS getting almost killed by you?

I did not do it! You made me do it all those things to my friends!

Aw....How sad that you didn't enjoyed it. But did you know that your other self was just lying to you before I came to you?

Lying? He's lying to me?

Yes he is. The story of your past is not true at all. He is just making stories so you wouldn't know what was the real past you had. Even Aihato decided to lie to you when the time comes you asked her about your past. Those two are cruel isn't it?

How do I know I can trust you? You just made me do those to my friends!

But are they're really your FRIENDS?


*Sigh* Looks like I can never trick you. But it wasn't my fault when you learn the truth of your past. I warn you.

Warn me as you like but I'll never gonna trust you!

That is what you wished Natsu-sama. Don't go back to your words

And that was all. He was no longer talking to me. Peace was covering the darkness. No sound.

[Back to the present]

I woke up and blink a few times till I get used to the light and a warm sensation was wrapped around me. I tried to get up but I still can't since it was holding me like an iron grip. I looked at what kind of thing was wrapped around me and saw a two muscular arms.

I followed it to where it's attached and it was...Gray Fullbuster?! What the f***!! I struggle on his grip but that only causes a small groan and the grip tightened a bit.

I got irritated and set myself on fire. He fell of the bed and pounced at him with a knife on my hand, wonder where it came from? I put the knife near his neck with a glare and his eyes are full of fear. What am I doing anyway? "C-can you p-put the k-knife down....?" He stuttered and I let him aside from now and push him out of my room then locked it. I heard him yelled at the other side saying to let him in. "I won't and get out of here!!" I yelled from here to the other side and can hear some faint footsteps away from my room meant he was leaving but I know he was at the living room so I don't bother to leave my room.

I looked at the knife which I was holding and stared it suspiciously. I never grab this nor had this inside my room. I think this is Takehiko's doing so I let it aside and went back to my bed. I was freaking bored so I went to my desk and grab a paper and a quail and an ink and wrote to Zeref.

After that, I grab the crow at the cage. Of coarse I had an own crow so I tie it to it's leg and let it flew. I walked to the bathroom, to the sink and washed my face. I grabbed the towel and wipe it off.

I raise my head and look at my mirror. My left eye is still purple but I think half of it was getting crimson while my right eye is still onyx, strange. My other arm was still wrapped in bandage which I was glad it wasn't wet. I went back to my bed and stared at ceiling. Peace and quite....
About other two Oc's. I will let you know later on or tomorrow when I update again.

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