Chapter 16

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Minasan, kon'nichiwa! ! Watashi no mōhitotsu no OC wa, watashi ga kangaeru to, kono monogatari o yonde kansha no ku wa futatabi tobidasu kamo shiremasen! Son'nani min'na ni kansha! Hajimemashou!

It means ' Hello everyone!! Another OC of mine might pop out again I think and thanks does who read this story! Thank you so much everyone! Let's get started!'

3rd Person

Natsu woked up and saw Aihato straddling him by the waist while a blue haired girl was looking at her, suspiciously. "Thank goodness you're already awake! I thought that you were dead!" She exclaimed. "Um...can you get off me?" asked Natsu and she went back to her standing position. "I told you!" Aihato exclaimed with a confusing Natsu. "Alright, you prove it but care to explain why you have with the humans?" Mizunami said and she nod. "I am not onto that right?" Natsu asked them both. "No you're not in this conversation, please leave for our privacy" Mizunami plead and Natsu left them.

"Even tho Natsu-sama is a half human/dragon/demon, it doesn't mean you can team up or communicate with those low life humans! You're an officially a real dragon Aihato-sama! You're not a human anymore!" Mizunami exclaimed at Aihato. "Yes! I may not be a human anymore but I still had a pride for being a human! What's wrong with communicating with humans again like my old creature?!" she said "What's wrong with it?! Oh I'll tell you! Dragons was a very rare creature many centuries ago until we dragons taught them our magic! They used it to kill us till we are gone and we can't accept that! So we dragons killed every dragon slayer humans and won't let them escape! Not even a single person! The princess and Queen stop the war since it's getting bloody so they instead instruct us dragons, to remove their magic from their body even though it meant for them to die!" Mizunami yelled at her and it can hear outside.

The outside of the infirmary can be heard the two arguing but that, was not they are looking to. Natsu was surrounded by his friend with an eyes of full of questions that need to be answered right away. Erza started first "Tell us the truth Natsu!" he looked at them confusingly. "Huh?" was all he can reply which made Erza irritated. "Don't look dumb to us! Tell us everything Natsu!" she yelled at him while slamming her hand on the table.

Natsu's eyes looking at her soul. He stood up from his seat and walked out of the guild. "Erza, I think you shouldn't have done that..." Lucy said to her and Erza storm off. Erza went to the infirmary and slam open it. The two dragons was still arguing even tho Erza was there.

"Humans are humans! Humans and Dragons are not the same!" Mizunami yelled. "They aren't but how did we gotten to this topic?!" asked Aihato to Mizunami which they froze and thinks about it. Just an hour ago they were arguing about Aihato but now, they are arguing about difference between humans and dragons....

"Ahem." the two looked at Erza. "I hate to break your peaceful conversation but I would like to remind you that Natsu has ran off somewhere" said Erza. They both immediately got worried and ran out of the guild.

Meanwhile, Natsu was leaning against the tree, panting hard. His right arm has black marks that wasn't seen for centuries. The black marks appeared out of nowhere ever since he walked out of the guild. When the black marks grew, he felt pain. He sat down on the grass and looked up to the sky, his eyes were sleepy and was about to close but always keep it open.

He didn't know why did he left the guild at all but a voice keep telling him to leave so he left and the voice stop. The voice was a little sore if you asked him and a guy. He knew he heard that voice somewhere before but can't put his finger on it.

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