Chapter 22

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"Hey guys! Look!" Levy called them breaking the brawl and hurried to her side. They saw a mark was forming a name at the space and suddenly stop. It was written like this 'ミロキア  ナニジマ'. "It seems he's new..." Mizunami mumbled and dangerously look at the name. "How can you be sure he's new anyway?" Erza asked with curiosity. "Many centuries ago, our book is different. The books were the one's who will write what happened and the name of the new people in our origins. Just like what happened here, the book wrote it by itself meant he existed in this time now. Well, the book will wrote 'EXTINCT' beside the person's name that was knew as a dead person now so we can be sure if they are roaming around, alive or dead." Aihato explained and the others gave her a look.

Levy narrowed her eyes, the name felt familiar to her till someone interrupted it. "Hey shrimp, why is his name there?" Gajeel suddenly asked out of nowhere, snapping Levy from her thoughts and look at him confused. "Do you know him?" "Yeah, remember the last time job we took that they need help about something important for their children?" Levy nod "He's our client remember? Jeez, have you already forgotten?" she widen her eyes and furiously scratched her head. "How could I forgot that young sweet male!?" she exclaimed. Aihato look at her. "You knew him?" "Ah, oh, yeah. He's very kind and helpful. He is strong though for an ordinary person but never thought that he was a demon...." Levy sadly said. "Wait, you mean he is not a mage?" Mizunami asked and Levy nod.


Natsu stared again at the paper he was holding, he ripped it to shreds and went to the bathroom and took a bath.

Natsu was now in the tub, holding his rage. Natsu unwrapped the bandage on his other arm revealing the mark on him was spreading a little faster. His left eye was now fully bloody red crimson except his right eye was still onyx. After he took a quick bath, he grab his towel and went back to his room and completely forgotten that he turned on the air conditioner and the cold wind was now hitting his bare skin. He shivered and went to his  closet to put on his yet normal clothes just like before he worn. His scarf was not on his neck.

He grab the first aid and bandage his other arm so no one can see the marks. After that, he went to his door and was about to open it but stop when he remembered Gray was there waiting for him to come down. He growled darkly and just open the door and closed the AC. He went downstairs and to the living room and saw Gray had his legs cross while reading a book. He didn't seemed to notice Natsu cause his eyes were reading. Natsu slipped out of his sight before he realized he was already down and quietly closed the door.

Natsu just happily sighed in relief and was about to walk away but someone froze his foot. He look down to see an ice holding him from going anywhere and saw Gray in front of him with an impatient look. Natsu raised an eyebrow because of his sudden behavior and asked. "What's with your impatient look? Bored of waiting me to come down?" "Well, no need for me to answer since you've already answered it right?" Gray asked mockingly and earned a growl from Natsu. "Unfreeze this. I need an appointment to attend" Natsu said. "And where is this appointment to be?" "Why should I tell you?" Gray looked at Natsu then to his left eye, realizing his color left eye change he grab Natsu's chin and tilted to the right side to see his left eye clearly. It is totally a bloody crimson.

"I'll tell Erza about this" Gray mumble then let go of Natsu's chin. Natsu is getting irritated and his feet was now freezing cold. He use his magic and melt off the ice and manage to succeed. He quickly as fast as a lightning ran off and was now headed towards the Magnolia. Gray chase him using his ice to slide and and catch up to Natsu. When Natsu got inside the Magnolia, he sprinted towards the direction of Fairy Tail. Gray groan and swiftly carried Natsu in bridal style. Natsu was shocked and was now struggling in his arms. He leaned in towards Natsu's ear and whispered "I don't want to see you get tired because of running so I'll carry you" Natsu growl again "I won't get tired so put me down now!" he said and was struggling once again. Gray just sighed and dart off with a struggling Natsu on his arms.

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