Chapter 15

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My OC might pop out again in here and I will tell you what info my OC had so let's just go on with the story first before the blah blah blabbers of mine.

Natsu was sleeping peacefully till now. Aihato looked at Natsu worriedly. She had a bad feeling about the day when they'll leave. She can sense that someone was watching them. She went out of the guild, leaving Natsu first and went out to the forest.

Aihato stopped at the waterfalls which was frozen till down. She walled to the frozen waterfall and cast some spell " Watashi wa ōjo no doragon no shimo be to shite, watashi wa anata legend yōso, mizu no 1 hirakimasu. Suirō o kaihō suru koto ga dekiru yō ni, kono kyōryokuna shīru o kaifū. Densetsu to shinwa wa, karera ga tsuneni kettō sae kantōdoragonkyūdesu." (AN: I won't translate this)

A light circle appeared where Aihato's hands were. She move back and the ice melted. She watched the ice to melt till waterfall came back again. When it was done, the water was forming and turn into a dragon.

The dragon roared and looked down too Aihato. "A-aihato-sama?!" the dragon said. "It's been a long time ne, Mizunami" Aihato said with a smile forming on her face. The dragon shined and a human was now in front of her.

"Aihato-sama, I thought you were sealed?" Mizunami said. "I was but now I wasn't right? I know you will asked me how did I got off my seal but follow me, I have already found him" Aihato told her. "You're not joking right?" she asked her. "I'm not joking at all Mizunami" Aihato said. Mizunami told Aihato to lead the way and she did.

When the two already got to their destination. Aihato opened the door and was greeted with a brawl. "Are you sure he's here....Aihato-sama..." Mizunami said with a uneasy expression. Mizunami felt something strange and look around. Aihato realized this "You feel it too ?" she asked her. "Yeah, I know this aura but I can't tell who is it again." She told Aihato and stop looking around but still feel uneasy.

"Oh Aihato, welcome back!" greeted Master Makarov. "Oh, I'm back Makarov-san" Aihato greeted back. "I thought you don't like humans? Are you betraying us" Mizunami asked her and her eyes narrowed in suspicious. "N-no! Of coarse not! " yelled Aihato while Mizunami just looked at her, not believing at her at all.

The brawl stopped and just looked at the two. The two realized it but continue their conversation.

"If you are telling the truth, prove it to me" Mizunami said. "Fine"replied Aihato and went to Erza, Lucy, Gray, who was sitting there calmly. "Where is Natsu-san?!" She asked. Lucy pointed at the infirmary not even talking to her. Aihato was getting suspicious about her but went to the room.

Aihato opened the door to see Natsu asleep. She walked up to his bed and was about to shake him to wake him up bit a black spark was met to her hand. She backed away and looked at her hand, jt has bruises. She immediately healed herself and felt a strange or dark aura was forming around Natsu. She went out and told Makarov about Natsu's strange aura

Natsu's POV

Ugh. Where am I? Why is it pitch black in here?

"I loved to answer that question, Natsu-sama"

Voice? A man appear and it was a black aura I can see but formed into a person. "Who are you?!" I asked angrily. "No need to be mad Natsu-sama. I am your 2nd guardian that will lead you to your real origin." the man said. I feel a pain shot through my body and fell to my knees. I never felt this much pain before! "Ah.....I totally forgot that you can't heal yourself very quickly since you never know that you are a demon and dragon" the man said to me with a dark laugh. "I know that I am a demon! But didn't know that I was a dragon" I said to him which made him stop laughing. "You never knew you were a dragon? Great but I think that light element dragon girl told you already right? About you are the prince" the man asked me. I nod and stood up but met again with the pain.

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