Chapter 19

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3rd Person

Gray, Lucy, Erza, Happy, Levy and Makarov along with the two dragons was heading towards deep in the forest where they say no one can ever get out of there alive at all. Not even a powerful wizard also. All of them except the dragons was scared as hell because of what they heard about the deep forest place.

Aihato and Mizunami notice they fear and stopped on their tracks. The others also stop on their tracks and looked at them like they are not afraid at all. "Stop acting. We know that you've heard this place and it is not that kind of dangerous at all. Well, the strongest wizard that didn't survive is true though but actually, the demons was the one who set up the traps." Mizunami told them while putting both of her hands on her waist. "We knew the code so no need to be afraid of death." Aihato said while smiling over them.

They calm down a bit but still have the fear inside of them. They didn't notice that someone was watching them behind the withered tree but good for hiding since it was dark over that hiding place.

While the groups were heading towards the another secret underground library deep in the forest. Natsu's left eye was still purple and looking at the lacrima, who was heading towards the another underground library is Aihato and the others. Natsu gritted his teeth and slightly got angry. He stood up and walk back to his house.

When he got there, he went to Aihato's room, which was easily found where it was and he looked over the table and open the drawer where there is a full of paper files. He grab it all and started to read it.

After a few Minutes or hours, he was done reading and brought out the lacrima to see the group of Aihato was still walking. He put the lacrima on the table and look every table Aihato has and looked inside the drawer to see if there is anymore files.

He was about to give up until he saw a box.

He was very suspicious now about that box but gonna slide it off since any other girls only put their accessory there. He grab the lacrima where the first table he looked and hid it. He was about to leave until he heard a knock towards the window.

He saw a crow. He raised an eyebrow in confusion but suddenly saw a rolled paper at the crows leg. He opened the window and the crow went to the box where he slide it off and put it right there then left. He closed the window and looked at the small paper. He grab it and read it. The letter was from his brother.

He was know getting curious. Why would his brother sent Aihato a letter anyway? He knew he shouldn't open it but the interest is going way too much so he opened it and read it.

'Behavior strange. Controlling. Too late. Mind voice lied. Didn't know the
truth of the real reason. Left eye. Be aware.'

What? Natsu asked himself. He didn't know what Zeref was planning but there is something strange about the letter that his older brother sent to him. He will figure it out later.

He rolled the paper back and put it where the crow left it and open the window so she will think that a person snuck through the house and left the window.

Natsu closed the door and was heading towards the underground library.
When he got there, he saw the forbidden long time books was there and grab 50 of them. He read it till he found the book he was looking for. What was he looking for anyway?

Back to Aihato, they are now standing in front of a huge gate with a crest n the middle. "Is this the place?" Asked Makarov and Aihato nod. She first said something which we cannot understand now and the crest on the middle cracked open along the gate.

The gate opened and you can see four weird stone crest each of the weird doors which was made of gems. "Pick one" Mizunami said. They all looked at her , confused. "Why should we pick one? You two are the one who only knew this place." Gray said. "She was talking to me.." Aihato said and was now standing on the last weird door with the crest also cracked. "Oh..." was all Gray can say.

When they entered, one by one, the torches lit up and brighter he tunnel or whatever. It was cold for humans to be inside but for dragons or demons, they won't get cold by it. When they saw another huge door with a lot of gems, Aihato was about to open it but Mizunami put her hand on her way meant to stop.

"Someone is ahead of us" Mizunami said and now can sense another aura further away the tunnel. "What do you mea-" "Shh!" shushed by her. "Okay this might be not a good news at all but someone is following us. We need to get out of here without the two noticing us escaping." Mizunami whispered to them. "Why are you whispering?" Whispered Erza. "Their ears are good hearing like us but they can't hear a whisper voice so we need to softer our voice." she explained.

"How can we get out of here anyway?" Aihato asked then whispered. "Why are you asking me?! You are the one who is good at escaping strategies!" Whispered but yelled Mizunami.
"I do not!"
"Yes you do!"
"I do not!"
"Yes you do!"
"I do not"
And on and on. "If you two don't cooperate, we won't be able to get out you know.." Lucy said interrupting their routine. But she got a point, later argue, now cooperate. "Fine but she will do the plan!" Mizunami said/whispered. "Fine..." Aihato replied and told them what to do or whatever they were talking about.

Meanwhile, Natsu was now tired. Tired to find the book that he was still looking for and somehow, his left eye was still purple. He was about to give up now until he hit a a shelf and lots of books fell down to him and hit him. He was now in the piled of books.

He pop out of the pile book and sighed. He gotten out of the pile of book and was returning them one by one till he felt a dark aura coming from the book he was now holding. It has no title on it. He open it and saw some words on it. He knew it was just a boring and useless book so he returned it on the top shelf.

After he was done cleaning up. He went back to his house and went to his room. He opened the door to his room and saw something on the nightstand. He walked over to it and saw the book with no title on it. How did the book even got there?

Unknown, he was being by Takehiko who just brought that book to his nightstand. Smile plastered to his face.

Natsu's eyes was getting heavier by the minute and thought he was just tired because of the cleaning and reading so much books. He went to his bed, opened the air conditioner and went off to sleep.

*Back to Aihato*

They are now running towards the exit of the gate. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOOD AT PLANNING!" Mizunami helled while running. "I JUST TOLD YOU AN HOUR AGO THAT I AM NOT GOOD AT STRATEGIES!" Aihato yelled back while also running. Behind them was the others but also had a strange book hold by Gray.

When they gotten out of that place also the place of deep in the forest, they were walking and wobbling sometimes because of the running. "At least we outrun those two..." Aihato said. "Who are those anyway?" Levy asked. "We don't know but I think they are one of Takehiko's followers." Aihato replied and stopped at the entrance of the guild.

"I hope Natsu-san is already here.." Aihato mumbled and went inside the guild.

If you are all wondering about the chapter 3 and 14, the part of Natsu's past. I will tell you. Inside Natsu's head the voice of his other half was just lying to him so he can't know the real cause of his parents death or he'll go rampage about it. Aihato's story about Natsu's past was the real one. Sorry for making you confuse about those two chapters.

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