Chapter 9

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I won't update for a while but let's do this chapter 9 part today and maybe tomorrow too....I think but I already updated my other story/stories. Go check it out and enjoy reading this story~

Natsu's POV

When we got inside the modern house, it was pretty neat and huge in the inside. "Natsu-san, follow me." Aihato said and I did. We got inside room I think? "Here Natsu-san is the living room." she said and let me look around. (AN: I will tell you later what kind it is after this story.)

We moved on and she showed me the..... kitchen.


Tired! PRETTY DAMN TIRED! I let myself fall from my bed and curled while Happy has a own room so I am alone here. Now that I think of it, should I return to my guild or let them find me since the stripper is still there. I gotta admit it that I can't take off my mind about Gray. I hate him yet, why am I feeling different. It's not like I was crazy or anything but it's different feeling, it's like I still love him but on my other is that I hate him.
I think the two were perfect for each other, besides, no one will ever like me for me being a demon. I let a small tear drop on my face and wiped it immediately.

The door opened and Aihato was holding a tray, for my dinner I think. "Natsu-san, here is your food. The dining area is not finished yet so eat here instead, I'll come back once you are done. Gonna instruct the workers tho" Aihato said. I nod and grab the tray and thanked her. But before she left, "Remember to knock next time" I said and she nod then closed the door.

I looked at my food and ate it slowly, my stomach has no appetite at all so I set the half finished tray beside the table and......why the heck am I freezing here?!

I grab the white blanket and wrapped it around my body. I trembled a little and realized that I haven't taken a bath yet.

The door once again slam open and reveal with a cheerful Aihato. "You didn't finished it?" "No, don't have any appetite now" I said and was about to go inside the bathroom until Aihato throws something on me. I look at it " Wear that every night cause we set up an air conditioner here so we know you may freeze and decided to give you that fluffy and cute pj's~" Aihato said while fangirling herself. She grab the tray immediately and slam the door closed before I can reply.

I stood there door a moment then realized something different on my pj's.
Why is it pink....?
Wait. pink?


I want to catch her this instant but let it aside for a while since I'm pretty tired. I removed all of my clothes and walk inside the hot and steamy bathroom. I instead took a shower since I want to fell asleep in my comfy bed~

After that, I put on my *sigh* pink pj's and throw myself at the bed. I rolled around the bed until I found something interesting. I grab the lacrima that is beside the bed and examined it closely. Dark and has a little bit white. I traced the white and t it glowed. I suddenly let it go and it showed a picture and letter. I read it

' Dear Natsu,

I now perhaps you are in your new house since I ordered Aihato to build you new in one day cause your house is too small and old so, here is my present for you. I hope you learn so much more about our parents true identity and be careful at your next journey. I'll give you a clue, a mountain also but pretty dark. No one can leave and no one can pass. No one also can get through unless the gem has return to it's place. That's all for the clues and I gotta go now since I have to be somewhere now. Hope we meet, again..Natsu

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