Chapter 6

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I woke up and got out of my tent and saw Happy sitting there waiting for me. I grab some fruits in my bag and ate it and of course, I also gave Happy. Don't want to starve him right?

Once we are done eating, I fixed my things, same with Happy and clear all the traces until there was none left. "Let's go Happy" I said with a sly smile "Aye sir!" He then grab the back me and flew higher. Happy used his max speed to speed up but then, stopped and asked me. "Natsu......where are we going???" Great! "We are going nowhere. Just find a cave in the mountains" I told him and I know he nod and went to where many mountains are but not far away from Magnolia.

Seriously....a cave? Why the cave?!

None of your business!

But it is MY business! *Pouting*


Okay okay, I will stop and let your thoughts in yourself only....


"Natsu! Look! A cave!" Happy said and that snap me and looked where Happy said is. It's huge but I want to see the inside "Go down to that cave" I ordered him and we flew down safe on the cave's ground. I let Happy jump on my shoulder to rest while me going to look inside.

Inside the cave, sure it's pretty dark but I can see some cracks on it. I lit my hands with my fire and realize there was something shining beside me. I look over where the shiny thing is and looks like something stuck on it. "Natsu, what's that?" Happy asked me "Don't know" I replied.

I put my hands on the shiny stuck thing and tried to pull it out. It's pretty hard to pull it so I decided to used one of my magic spells and it sure do the trick.

The ground or more like, the whole mountain along with the cave shaked. I lose my balance so I fell to my ass while Happy, holding on me as tight as possible.

Once the ground stop shaking, I stood u p and remove some dust on my clothes and Happy back on my shoulder. I looked at my hand where the gems is still there. It looks pretty...

 It looks pretty

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The color..... I can't describe it very well but-- WAIT?! Get out!

Grrr..... I will get out but you better tell me what kind it is!

Hai hai!
"Natsu, look!" I snap out and look where Happy is pointing to. The gem, I think, glowed like a torch on the wall and was leading to the somewhere else cause the glow was still glowing on the end.

I was about to take the path while holding the strange gem on my hand until I heard someone's familiar voice called me. "Get out now salamander!" 'Gajeel' I thought and suddenly, the gem that glowed disappeared and it was dark again. I use my flames to get back to the cave's entrance while Happy, again was in my shoulder.

I got out of the dark cave and really saw Gajeel with my team. "Natsu!" Lucy suddenly tackled me to the ground while hugging me. I tightly hold the gem on my hand so it won't fell. I suddenly heard Gray 'tch' and I can hint that he is jealous. Jealous of what anyway?

"You better not run away anymore Natsu, we want answers what Happy whispered about" Erza spoke. I stood up, Lucy still hugging me until I push her off. I lowered my head, bangs covering my eyes, avoiding them making a shadow and let Happy grab my shirt and flew back to the guild.

Now tell me what kind of gem is it?

*Sigh* Fine, I think it has violet, blue, little bit of white and pink


Yeah, that's what I said right?



"Natsu....were here..." Happy said. "G-gomen..." sure I space out and now my team along with Gajeel looked at me suspiciously. "Going inside or not?" I asked them and Erza was the one who entered first and I first hesitate to enter but Lucy pushed me in, that b**ch!

*Normal POV*

When Natsu entered with Lucy pushing him in, the guild members asked Erza many questions. "WILL YOU ALL SHUT UP!!" Erza yelled at them. They shut up and Natsu was looking to left to right and up and down. "Oi!" Gray suddenly yelled in Natsu's sensitive ears. Natsu cringed in pain because of what Gray have done. Gray started to feel regret what he done and was about to say sorry until Erza punched his head, he also cringed in pain.

"Can you tell us now what Happy meant your old self?" Lucy asked politely and Natsu was still cringing in pain *AN: I fell bad now....*

They waited Natsu to recover from his pain while Happy is starting to have a little fear and worry for his buddy. Happy suddenly saw Natsu motion his finger to come closer to him and whispered. "Hold tightly on my pants, we are going to get out of here" Natsu whispered to him only to Happy without Gajeel hearing it. Happy wants reasons but just nod.

Natsu stood up from his pain and Happy, holding his pants now. Natsu smirked widely and said "Good luck finding me again" he said then again, transport himself somewhere.

All of them tried to stop him by grabbing him but too late! "DAMN IT!" Erza roared and went to the master's office.

*Far away again*

A cloaked person was in front of Natsu's house with a note on the door that the hooded person left. "You're reaching it Natsu...." the hooded person mumbled and disappeared not leaving a trail.

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