Chapter 3

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Just enjoy reading~

Natsu's POV

When gramps opened the wooden big door, I was greeted by a table flying pass to me. I immediately dodged it and hid behind gramps, pretend to be scared. "STOP THE FIGHT!" gramps yelled and turn into a huge form. All of them stop and looked at him feeling fear to him. "CAN YOU STOP FIGHTING JUST FOR A MINUTE! THIS IS WHY I HAVE SO MANY PROBLEMS WITH YOU BRATS! IT'S ABOUT THE DAMAGES YOU ALWAYS GIVE ME!" gramps yelled. All of them look down in shame. I heard gramps sighed and shrunk to his normal form. "Brighten up, raise your heads children. Just don't do any damages and greet our new member" gramps said and step away to see me.

All of them went suddenly to me asking so many questions... "Let him talk!" a scarlet hair girl with an armor perhaps that's she was wearing, yelled and everyone moved out to see me. "Sorry about those guys, what's your name by the way?" She asked and offered me a hand since I fell on my but. I took the offer and replied to her question. "Natsu Dragneel, who are you?" I asked politely. "Erza Scarlet, nice to meet you Natsu. Let's introduce you to everyone!" Erza said happily and I happily followed her.

*6 hours later*

I was finally done being introduce to all, I meant it, ALL of the guild members in here. "Oh right Natsu, get a guild mark at Mira" Erza said and I went to the white hair girl, who always fight with Erza. "Um.... Mira-san.." I tried getting her attention then she looked at me "Oh hey Natsu! What you want now?" Mira asked me. "Erza said I should get a guild mark stamp that is she said, from you..." I asked shyly..... ugh, i hate acting it but I need to.

Mira then blushed then her background shine then held herself or more like hugging herself giving me creeps "How cute..." she mumbled and a short white hair girl step in front of us. "Mira-nee, you are scaring him" I perhaps recall her name is Lisanna, said. They began to argue while I just waited for them to stop. I suddenly felt someone tap my shoulder, I looked at the person and it was the raven hair stripper, Gray. "Let's fight pinky!" he yelled while position in battle form. "No" I replied. "You chickening out? How pathetic and weak are you?" he asked me then my eyes are ready to turn bloody red but I controlled it. "May I ask, what did you say?" I asked politely, I am really trying to.
"I said how weak and pathetic are you"
"I think I heard the wrong words"
"No you didn't! I swear you are just weak and pathe-" I cut him off by giving him a punch on the face. He was suddenly sent to the other tables and he got up and looked at me while rubbing his forehead. "What was that for?!" he yelled at me.

I suddenly felt a dark giving presence just touched my shoulder. I looked at the person and saw Erza. "We do not fight here, and I will appreciate if you just follow it" she said coldly. "So? You're not the boss of me. On the other way, why should I follow your orders if you are not the master?" I said back to her while glaring, my dangerous warning glare at her like I want to rip out her soul. I can sense her horror through her eyes and I like to see it closer but I shook of that doings now. "What did you say?" she asked me very dangerous voice. "You heard me and I won't be repeating it" I said simply.

'Kill her'

Huh? What was that? Is my other half started to go out of control or is it just me?


Now it yelled through my head. I ignored it and return back to reality to see Erza her fist is about a meter to my face. I quickly dodged it and kicked her on the gut. She fell unconscious. "Whoa, is the armored girl just knocked out by a newbie?" Mira asked Erza while poking her cheek. "Shut up..." She manage to say in that state? She's a little strong if you ask me.

'Pathetic, you should've had killed her instead of knock out'

Okay that's enough, I'M GONNA ANSWER THIS VOICE NOW!

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