Chapter 23

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"Since Mizunami reported to me, everything what's going on here. Natsu-sama's behavior was now changing into a different one." Ishi said and more gotten confused. "She meant since Mizunami reported to her about what's happening here and the chaos will bring, She also meant Natsu-san's behavior or more like personality was changing to it's opposite personality that he dislike, for example. He cared and never hurt his friends before but now he hurts someone and just left without a word." Aihato explained and everyone understood it. "How come they understood you instead of me?" Ishi asked with a hint of jealousy in her voice. "That's because you explain straight and not explaining well Ishi-sama.." Aihato sighed and Ishi got angry but let it slide off since it was true.

"I recall that you've already saw Takehiko right?" Ishi asked the two which gotten a 'no' reply. "But you've encountered his two alliance right?" the two nod. "Well that is now your biggest mistake" Aihato raise an eyebrow "How can be that our biggest trouble?" "That's because the two can track you down by looking at your presence and form. Well, I also encountered them and gotten into a little fight" Ishi said and suddenly heard a thrashing sound inside the infirmary. She rushed their while the others was just listening to the sound.

Ishi opened the door and saw Natsu thrashing around the bed. Ishi called her two companions and held Natsu as long as they can till he only stop.

Natsu's POV


This again....what does he want now

What do you want now, demon!

Ara ara, Natsu-sama. I've never thought you will nickname me as 'demon' since I am.

I don't care! Get out of my mind now! You have no rights to control me!

You're right Natsu-sama but, that is my only plan to make you com to us and agree with us.

Tch! Why do you want me to come to you anyway?! There is nothing special about me!

That might be true Natsu-sama but you are the royalty and you can be special. You have an enormous power building up to you, wanting to let go and was about to explode just for you to use it.

Enormous power? I don't have that! I only have dragon slayer magic and nothing else!

But there is Natsu-sama, you have both light and dark power inside of you. Locked away many centuries ago and sealed. Also locked away the true memories of yours.

Memory of mine?

Yes and stop and remove that mask of yours you were saying. It's beautiful if you show your true self instead of playing along with the scene, helping others is not your style at all right?

You may be right but I cannot remove my mask! It is the only one who will cover up my negative emotions running through me! If they knew what or who I really are then they'll abandon me like that day!

Well, it's not good at hiding your true self just so you can play their scene but that is not your time. For being like this isn't like you and it isn't your style at all. It was disgusting to see you act with them, Natsu-sama...

I won't listen to any word you say Takehiko, I will play my role scene till the time is come!

Do as you please Natsu-sama but it doesn't matter since the mark will be finish in 3 weeks by now


Well let's just say Natsu-sama I just gotten a spell that can make any magic that process slower to fast.

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