Chapter 8

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💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝*Natsu's POV*

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*Natsu's POV*

Is it just me that I heard Aihato and my other self said the same both the same time or my ears cracking? "Natsu-sama, I will willing to help you at your journey and your problems but, do you perhaps now know where is the demons place last many years ago?" she asked me in her human form. "No, after I heard the story from you I never thought it involves me but....who is that two that is on the picture?" I asked and pointed where the two woman's were holding an orb but the other one earth.

"Those two......those two are the princess and the queen, if I remember....their name Okay I totally forgot after this many years but one of those pictures is your mother with the dragon form on your right straight direction." she said to me. Now that she mentioned it, I totally forgotten my mother's face also.

"N-natsu-sama?" I think I spaced out and snap after she called me. "You can remove the '-sama'. I don't like the formalities, it creeps me" I said while shivering a little and I think it's getting colder....brr.....

"Okay Natsu-san" she said while smiling, why is she smiling in this cold!? "Oh right, since we know Zeref-sama will leave you, he insisted that you go somewhere and bla bla bla. I bet you found Igneel, the fire dragon king?" she asked me and I nod. "We sent him to take care of you and teach you his magic but it seems he left you isn't it?" I nod while bangs covering my eyes. "Sorry Natsu-san.... But we must go home now" "Home?" I asked and that may be my stupid question. "We are going to your new home Natsu-san. I told one of my followers to make you a new home till tomorrow so we will be sleeping here for awhile. " home huh?

"Here" she hand me a folded letter. "I presume it's from Zeref-sama, read it Natsu-san while I go hunt for us to eat" she said and flew with her wings on her back. Yup, she's still on her human form. I opened the letter and read it:

"Dear Natsu,

How you've been? I hope you're alright. I know that you have reached where our mother's home and learned her origins. I hope you aren't mad that I didn't tell you about her true form. Our father is a demon so go to the direction where you can see an abandon castle which is probably destroyed because of the council but, as long as Aihato was by your side, she has a very sensitive smell than you so she can track where is the old castle of demons. Be safe on you journey....Natsu
    Your older brother,                                                                                                           Zeref Dragneel"

"Aw... I never thought Zeref-sama will write like this. It's so cute and caring for him!" I suddenly jump and saw Aihato giggling and swaying. What a strange girl. "I-I thought.." "I am done catching the prey and done cooking them so let's eat!" she exclaimed until Happy interrupted. "Natsu....where are w--" he stopped and looked at Aihato, same as her then yelled. "AAHHH! A HALF HUMAN AND DRAGON!" "AAHHH!! A TALKING BLUE CAT!!" they both yelled at the same time and it hurt my ears again. "S-sorry Natsu-san/Natsu..." they both apologize to me at the same time again.

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