Chapter 10

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Here is the chap 10. Hope you like it~
Normal POV

With Aihato running around the underground library like a child lost something, she keep bumping anf falling on her face yet she can't stop since one of the Fairy Tail members have found this area.

She only need 'that' book to cover the place up but it was forbidden. She got no choice but to search that book on the underground library as fast as she can. She searched and search non stop.

*With Natsu*

Natsu, still wearing the 'thing' but it disturbs him. He looked outside his window to see someone running which way this house is. Natsu, forgotten the 'thing' stuck on him and ran towards Happy's room which cause him to open many doors at high speed.

When Natsu finally found the room where Happy is, he kicked the door open and saw Happy eating fish peacefully.

Happy saw him and smiled. "Want fish Natsu??" Happy asked him while pointing the raw salmon. "No thanks..." Natsu replied and grabbed Happy out of blue. "Hey!" Happy exclaimed but Natsu paid no intention on him and just go to the living room. Natsu explained Happy why he grabbed him out of blue and he understood it.

"Now that reminds me, why do you have a cat ears and a cat tail Natsu?" Happy asked while pointing the cat ears and tail. Natsu blushed slightly and looked away "Don't pay attention to it..." he mumbled which Happy didn't heard it and continued to eat his raw fish.

" UWWWWAAAAAAAAAHHHHH" "What's that?" Happy asked. "Let's look for it" Natsu suggested and Happy agreed.

*Back to Aihato*

"UWWWWAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" was heard through the underground hallways which a dragon slayer can hear it a bit since it's a bit deeper. "Where is that stupid book?!" Aihato exclaimed and was trying to go deeper inside the library but with a huge messy open and rip books were on the way, she can't fly nor pass through it. Aihato was sitting cross legged and starting to think where the heck is the forbidden section book again since it's been many long years had passed.


The library's door opened and the person was there is Natsu and Happy. "Aihato!" Natsu called her which her attention was on him now. "H-Hi Natsu-san..." Aihato waved a little with a nervous smile.

"What's this place?" Natsu asked while Happy just went off somewhere deep inside the library. "This place is the underground library, of coarse it's obvious but here, this place had all kinds of books, forbidden or not and sometimes, there are myths of books which we can summon or cast. But since this place was on many years ago, I have forgotten where is the book I was looking for. " Aihato explained while scratching the back of her head.
"How about we look for it" Natsu suggested. "No can do Natsu-san! That's too much for you to handle this messy place and dark and dusty. You can get hurt and your cuteness might lessen!!" She exclaimed and reason which made Natsu's eyebrow twitch in anger about the last sentence.

"NATSUUU!!" Happy flew and hit towards Natsu's face with a scared look. "What's wrong bud?" Natsu asked while pulling Happy away from his face. "I-i saw s-s-something s-scary!" Happy stuttered. Aihato lit up "Where?!" she asked, demanding and Natsu and Happy flinched on her demanding tone. "I-it's on the left then right side" Happy replied and Aihato run towards it.

The two stared into space until the ground shake. "W-what the--" "NATSU-SAN! PLEASE HOLD ON TO SOMETHING!" Aihato yelled where she was. Natsu grab Happy and held him tightly to his chest then grab on something hard so he won't fell easily.

Natsu's POV

While I held Happy close to me, I saw a lacrima and grab it. I looked at it for a moment to see this building has now a barrier. I think Aihato done this.

When the ground shake stopped, I got up and look at the lacrima, I saw 5 familiar faces and a one unfamiliar face. I think they look confuse until they spoke. " Child, there is no building here." Gramps said. "You're joking right?" Erza asked the person. "NO! It can't be! It's right here!" the person exclaimed while pointing where the hidden I think, building is.

"I may not see but I think they may set up something, like an illusion." Lucy said and gramps agreed to it. "Lucy's right, maybe there is an illusion. So let's go find freed or Levy!" Gray said. Tch, why are they here?

"Natsu-san, ?" Aihato asked me worriedly. I nod and let Happy rest on my shoulder. "Why are those guys here?" I asked her demandingly. "I don't know Natsu-san, but I already set up the barrier and illusion so they won't see this place" Oh, so that's why she's looking for that book. "Well, it's great you cast it but do you really have to find that book? You can just cast it and it's pretty simple" I said to her. "About that......the thing is that.........I need to cast a spell that is forbidden that's why I need that book." she reasoned and she looked down. I feel bad and hugged her. She seemed to be surprise but hugged me back.

Once we aparted, I heard the voice on the lacrima. "This will be hard to dispelled the spell Lu-chan but I guess I can do it" Levy said. "It seems you need to stay inside your room Natsu-san..." Aihato said and punched me on the gut, I never knew she was this strong and I black out.

Normal POV

Laying on the underground Library's floor where Natsu is, Aihato teleported Happy back to his own room and same with Natsu but the cat ears and tail stayed. Aihato fixed the books that was scattered and teleported herself elsewhere.

*Far away*

Zeref was standing in front of the city called 'Alvarez Empire' where he was called king. He was treated there kindly unlike the others. He smiled and went inside the city happily.

That's all and sorry for the wrong grammars and I think some spellings if you saw one. Nya~

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