Chapter 21

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Gray's POV

I was still shaking in fear. Remembering Natsu put the knife near my neck and his threatening eyes. Speaking about him, his left eye was purple with the half of it's pupil was crimson but his right eye is still....onyx. His other arm was securely wrapped in bandage.

His tone just last day or the other day I think was very strange, his voice is demonic. I think he is hiding something from us, but why? Why is he hiding it? Did he not trust his family anymore? Or is it because, that happened....?

Natsu's POV

I was still laying down on my bed, thinking how to hide my left eye so they won't ge-- no, that will make more suspicious than I thought. I sighed quietly and rolled on the other side of the bed, facing the window.

A small knock came from m window and I happily opened it and let it in. The crow I sent put the paper on my table and return back to it's cage. I closed the window and went to my desk and read it.

'I warn you. They WILL defeat you'

What kind of reply is that?

I threw the paper away and grab a paper and then a quail, of coarse, don't forget the ink. I wrote down

'What do you mean by that?!'

I went to the crow's cage and tied around it's leg with the paper and let it flew outside the window once again. I look at the nightstand beside my bed where I put the knife and it was gone. Where did it go?

3rd Person

While Natsu was still looking for the knife and Gray waiting for Natsu to come down. Let's go back to the guild where the others were.

Aihato was still looking at Levy, who is still reading the book. Mizunami, who is now glaring every person who tried to get close to her or just by passing her even though they didn't do anything wrong. Erza with the others was still at the table, now getting bored and sometimes sulking for no reason.

"Levy-san, how much longer?" asked Aihato. Levy stopped her reading for a while and look at her then return to the book. "I don't know, it's seems they are thousand or maybe millions of demons are listed here and when did the time you called me with '-san'?" she asked her. Aihato turned away her head. "Does it matter?" she asked and Levy didn't replied since she was onto the book now.

Suddenly, a huge heard of a crash was now heard from the other side of Levy's table. Aihato looked where the location of the sound and saw the unconscious person, who had a large bruise on it's face with his nose bleeding a little and was laying at the broken table.

Aihato turned where the person made it to the poor human and saw Mizunami, with an expression of full of anger. Erza and the others didn't mind since they didn't notice it nor what was going on right now.

Aihato walked forward to Mizunami which is finally she left her seat and confronted her. "What are you doing to this person Mizunami?!" she questioned her and was received by a death glare, more scarier than anyone. Others flinched on her glare even though it's not directly to them and the only one who didn't flinched is the group who was doing nothing, like they just don't care and Aihato. "This person is looking straight to my eyes. Got a problem with that?" asked Mizunami and Aihato just glared harder at her.

Well, let's just say one huge problem and serious conversation started a huge brawl once again.

With those first out of the way, let's return to the two boys.

Natsu was now repeating the back and forth steps, waiting for the crow to come back and that was sent a minute ago.

Gray's POV

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