[3] Night of the Party

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*Shiro's POV*

I was trudging into school with heavy feet that morning, if I was able to, I would have slept all day today curled up in my bed without any worries. I must have had a certain look on my face because not many people were talking to me or looking at me when I got into the classroom. I slumped into my seat slamming my head on my desk and quickly passing out not even caring if I was missing anything important.

I vaguely remembered teachers coming over and trying to wake me up, but I didn't even open my eyes nor respond so they eventually gave up and walked away to teach again.

It wasn't until I felt myself being lifted that I was opening my eyes only to be met with black hair. I frowned sleepily not knowing anyone who would do this for me, so taking a deep breath I nuzzled my head into the neck of the person holding me closing my eyes again. I felt the person tense their back at my movement, but kept walking. It was warm and very comforting on whoever's back I was on and I drifted back into a soundless sleep. Stirring again when I heard someone talking, I tried focusing back into reality. The smooth rhythm of walking was still there though so instead of fully waking up I just continued listening to what was being said.

"Shiro-chan looks kinda cute when he's sleeping huh Takashi." I heard a higher pitched voice giggle.

'Takashi!' I tensed which I knew for sure he noticed so I guess my time of pretending was up. "Where...?" I trailed off as I pulled my head up realizing I was on Takashi's back. I felt heat rise to my cheeks as I squirmed to get off. "M-Morinozuka-san wha- AH!" My struggling apparently caused him to loose balance and I fell off landing hard on the floor him falling next to me with a grunt. "I am so sorry!" I squeaked. Yes I squeaked, because I was afraid for my life. "Are you okay?" I only got a grunt in reply as he stood and dusted himself off and held out a hand. I hesitated only slightly before taking it with a slight smile and let him pull me up. "T-thanks." I scratched the back on my head shyly as the three of us headed off to the host club.

"Shiro-chan you sure slept a lot today." Mitsukuni laughed as he jumped onto Takashi's shoulders where I had been previously perched.

"Eheh yeah guess so." I said awkwardly scratching my head. "Thanks for um helping me out." I mentally face palmed myself wanting to hide in a corner.

"Not sleeping well?" Takashi asked in his low monotoned voice. I nodded lightly laughing and going to open the door. Mitsukuni jumped down and ran ahead of us, but Takashi paused and stopped me from going in. I gulped curious of what he was going to do. "You should take care of yourself." I blinked confused as the tall black haired boy walked by me.

'What just happened?'

Still not all there I just let my feet carry me into the room over to a couch where I plopped down and spaced out. I was still extremely exhausted even if I did sleep all day during classes.

"Are you okay senpai?" I glanced to see Haruhi looking at me with concern. I yawned and forced a smile.

"Yeah just tired. How is the dancing coming along? You have a week before the dance to learn a waltz that can't be easy." Haruhi gave me a small glare to which I chuckled to and stood back up. "My dear sir," I started with a bow. "Might I have this dance?"

"I'm supposed to be a guy to everyone you know." she replied with no emotion. I peaked up and smiled playfully.

"No one but the club is here at the moment." I saw her inhale deeply before taking my hand.

"Alright, but just until the guests arrive."

"But of course my good sir" I winked and began talking through the steps at which the male part takes for her to learn.

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