[21] A Reluctant Day Out With Kyoya

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*Shiro's POV*

I had somehow managed to sneak out of the house with everything being so busy. It was the last day of summer so I decided to spend it at the mall. There was some kind of play going on up on the roof later today, so I figured that I could just walk around and see what everyone was selling. I was walking down a row of small stalls that were set up like a farmers market when I noticed a very familiar black haired boy with glasses dozing off on a bench. 

"Kyoya?" I asked leaning down a bit to get a better look at him. His eyes opened slowly not yet focusing on what was around him. He put his hand to his head and closed his eyes again as if he was thinking about something. "Kyoya you there?" I asked again waving my hand in front of his face. His eyes snapped open in surprise. 

"Shiro-senpai? What are you doing here?" I blinked and leaded back putting a hand on the back of my neck. 

"Well I actually enjoy coming here from time to time." I heard him sigh heavily at my response. "Actually what are you doing here? Never would have thought to see you in a place like this." 

"Tamaki dragged me along." He said standing up and looking around. "The others are here too." I hmmed in thought for a moment before putting my hands in my pocket. 

"Well we should try and find them before Tamaki does something stupid like call your name as a missing child over the intercom." I chuckled softly at the glare that Kyoya gave me as we turned to head further into the mall. 

"Hey Shiro-senpai can I ask you something?" I turned to look at him and blinked confused. "What happened to your face?" I started panicking on the inside. I had totally forgotten that my father had cut my cheek just a couple days ago and it was still healing. 

"Oh this?" I reached up and gave him a fake smile. "A cousin of mine and I don't get along very well. We kinda got into a little fight is all. I wasn't expecting him to have had a pocket knife up his sleeve."  I laughed nervously hoping that the lie was good enough to hold him over. If we were going to meet up with the others then I needed to make sure I kept that story straight as well. Mostly I was hoping that Honey wouldn't see through it since he knew the truth already. 

We stopped walking briefly when I heard Kyoya's stomach growl. He started to pat himself down checking all of his pockets probably looking for his wallet or even his phone. "Damn it." He muttered under his breath. 

"Hey I'll treat us to something. There are some decent places around here even for your pallet of taste." He was about to say something when a kid suddenly ran into his legs falling back and landing hard on the floor. 

"Oh wow I'm sorry." I watched the boy freeze after looking up at Kyoya. Taking a look myself it was obvious why. Kyoya looked like he was about to murder the poor kid. I brought my hand up and lightly karate chopped his head which snapped him out of the look and had him turning to me in confusion. 

"Don't scare the poor kid Kyoya it was an accident." I turned to the little kid and held out my hand for him to take giving him a warm smile. "You okay?" The kid took it shyly, but nodded before running off back to his mother.

"Tamaki's a dead man when I get my hands on him." I overheard Kyoya mutter and covered my mouth to hide my laughter. 

"Kyoya-senpai? Shiro-senpai? What are you two doing here?" We both turned to see Haruhi standing looking confused. Kyoya simply brought his hand to his chin thinking. 

"Hey Haruhi!" I gave her a smile. "We were about to get some food want to come with?" 

"Uh sure Shiro-senpai, but is there really anything you like around here?" 

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