[14] Shiro's Wonderland

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*Shiro's POV*

I looked around the empty halls. It was unusual to see the school so empty. I walked by the front office and heard some talking inside. It was muffled, but it sounded familiar. I shrugged it off not thinking too much on it and walked down another eerily empty hall. I paused by a large window looking outside. The scene was beautiful and calming. A heard a chime come from the room next to me and looked over. A small paw waved at me and I blinked confused. I took a step closer and I saw a stuffed bunny dancing and eating a banana. "What the-" I ran inside only to stop short as the bunny turned to look at me and started descending into the floor. I felt my jaw open in shock and dashed forward. I wasn't quite paying attention to where I was running and ended up slipping on the banana peel that it had left falling forward. I was expecting to land on the ground but the peel was placed just right so that I was now falling down a very dark and long hole that the rabbit had just went down. I felt my eyes widen in panic. The landing part was not exactly going to be a nice one. 

Much to my surprise, however, it did up by an okay landing as I fell onto a large red rose scattering petals everywhere. I stood shakily and brushed off some of the petals looking around. This room was about as empty as the last one only there was a large piano in the middle next to a palm tree? "Why is there a tree inside a building?" I looked up to see a little kid with a monkey tail and ears in the leaves. "Uhm excuse me kid?" The monkey kid freaked out by my appearance grabbing a banana, knocking some others day and ran a little ways away from me before taking a large bite and suddenly turning into a cloud of pink smoke. "He disappeared?!" I took a step closer and backed up when I saw the kid now extremely tiny jump out of the smoke running to a set of small doors and running through them slamming them shut behind him. "Okay so didn't disappear just shrunk. What the hell even is this place?" I walked over to the small door opening it to get a better look inside. Both the bunny and the monkey kid were there and it looked like they were whispering something. When the monkey kid saw me though they both took off further down the hallway. I stood back up. "There has got to be another way out of here." I wasn't entirely trusting those shrinking bananas; that was way to sketchy for me. Although with another look around the room that may be my only choice. I leaned down and picked one up that fell earlier from the monkey kid. "Well here it goes I guess." I peeled it open and took a bite. A cloud of pink smoke wrapped around me as I felt myself shrink. 

I ran towards the small door and headed inside. It was really dark in the hallway and I could barely make out anything at all. I squinted when the wall in front of my suddenly lit up in red. "Caution? For what exactly?" My question was answered by the floor opening up underneath me causing me once again to free fall through the air. "Seriously!" I screamed on my way down until I hit water. I swam to the top taking in a large intake of air. "A pool now. Jeez." I swam over to a set of gold rails that indicated stairs and pulled myself up. 

"You've cried a bit huh?" I blinked and looked over to see a guy that had the face of a human but everything else about him was a caterpillar. He was sitting on top a large mushroom, clipboard in hand and a pipe swirling around him. 

"I'm sorry what do you mean that I cried a lot?" The man thing turned and pointed to the large pool behind me. 

"The pool represents the hardships you went through in life. To be able to fill one of this size is something. It's larger than the last one. You really must have it rough. Oh and you should probably get out of the water soon. It isn't exactly safe." I heard bubbling behind me and saw what looked like the faces of my cousins who bullied me from  when I was younger. I pulled myself out of the water the rest of the way barely escaping the bite of weird hybrid mix of cousin and crocodile robot. 

"The hell were those things. Wait a second am I back to normal yet?"  I asked examining my body.

"Not yet, but we can take care of that for you if you like?" I looked up at the caterpillar guy walking closer to him.

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