[28] A Secret Ending

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*7 years later*

*Third Person POV*

Shiro was frantically pacing the small room trying to calm down. It was a pretty big deal for him and what was about to happen. All he could do was fidget with his sleeve undoing the small button and redoing it over and over again.  There was a small knock and he spun towards it as the door to his room opened and in came a very familiar face. He smiled stopping in his tracks and turned  himself to greet the woman who had entered.

"Haruhi. I'm glad you are here." Shiro walked over and hugged the smaller woman. It had been a few years since everyone has gotten together after graduation, but she still looked the same. She hugged him back with a small chuckle.

"You are super nervous aren't you? Goodness you are shaking." Shiro pulled away rubbing the back of his neck. He laughed sheepishly as the two walked over to the small couch nestled in the corner and sat down. Haruhi could see how much Shiro had changed in the past few years, but she was also happy for him. He really made a great name for himself taking over his family's company turning it around and making an outstanding success for helping out those who needed it. Haruhi reached out her hand taking Shiro's and rubbed a small circle on his knuckles trying to calm him down. "You are fine Shiro. There is nothing to worry about. You got his father's blessing for today you should be happy. Everything will be fine."

"I hope so." Shiro said glancing at the ring that sat on her left hand. "I just want us to be as happy as you and Tamaki." Haruhi laughed.

"You will be Shiro I promise. It's almost time for you to be whisked away with the love of your life forever." Haruhi leaned forward and placed a quick peck on Shiro's cheek before standing and heading to the door. "Deep breaths and you will do just fine." Shiro watched as she closed the door behind her and stood again. She was right it was almost time. Walking over to the small dressing table, Shiro picked up a small key chain of 8 different colored roses and smiled. Ever since he had gotten the gift it had always been a sort of lucky charm. It also held a special place in his heart with those he considered family. Now it was time to take the next step forward in life.

Shiro walked over to the set of doors that marked the beginning to his new life. On the other side he heard a hush fall over the crowd as music started up. He fidgeted one last time with his shirt making sure it was perfect and placed his hands on the door. Pushing them open he saw at the end of the aisle the man he was going to spend the rest of the days with. Shiro took a deep breath and started walking. He glanced over to the the idiot trio hugging each other comically crying like the weirdos they were. Honey and Haruhi were standing next to them giving him a warm smile silently cheering him on. Kyoya gave him a short nod, but there was still a smile on his face. Surprisingly not one of secret intent. All in all though nothing had changed with the members of his family and Shiro was happy as his gaze settled back on Takashi.

Takashi's face lit up as he watched the man he loved walk towards him. Today was the day the would begin the new chapter in their life together. He was so happy that his family had supported him in this and had supported in how Shiro changed the reputation in his own family's name. He felt the tears start to well up as Shiro stood to stop beside him. This was it. This was the day he has been waiting for.

"We are gathered here today to bring together these two men in a sacred bond." Shiro and Takashi turned to the man dressed in robes that stood before them holding a book. They both smiled a rush of excitement running through them. The man looked around briefly to see if anyone would object and seeing nothing but happy faces continued on. "Take each others hands and say the vows that you have wrote to each other." Honey walked up then holding a small pink pillow that held a set of simple gold bands. Takashi smiled turning to face Shiro fully who did the same. Takashi reached out and grabbed a ring holding onto Shiro's hand looking him straight in the eye.

"Shiro. Life has thrown at us many obstacles, but I can't say that I would ever want to fight through them with anyone else. You mean so much to me and I can say with confidence that I will be there for you no matter what. I give myself to you and only you for the rest of our days. I love you, Torshiro." Takashi smiled as he slid the ring into place. Shiro blinked back the tears that threatened to fall. He wasn't going to cry, not yet anyway. 

"Takashi. You have been there for me in my darkest hour when I needed you most. You are my light and savior. I couldn't ask for a more perfect partner to stand by my side. You are my everything and I swear to you that I will be there for you whenever you need me. I love you, Takashi." Shiro sniffed as a tear escaped without his consent and he slipped the ring onto Takashi's hand. They looked at each other happily as the man next to them closed his book.

"May you two be forever be blessed in your new journey." He gave a nod to Takashi who leaned in sealing their marriage with a kiss. Shiro happily swung his arms around his lovers neck deepening it. The small crowd cheered loudly at the newly wedded couple. Whistles and shouts came loudly from the two twins who teased the two to get a room. The wedded couple pulled apart grabbing each others hands and headed out the door towards their new life together.


I couldn't just leave the story at the hospital I wanted to end it on something more cute for everyone so I did and I can't stop smiling! I loved writing this story and I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who has been really supportive in my ridiculously long time to write this story. I was very insecure about finishing it and if it was any good, but seeing the comments you guys made helped out a lot. It really means a lot that so many people enjoyed my story. Like I never in my entire life would have guessed that over 74K (as of me writing this now) of you would read this. I am shocked beyond all happiness and the number only keeps growing! It makes me feel so proud as an author. I love writing, but I love it more when people enjoy reading it as much as me. (and yes even I would go back and read and fangirl scream along with all of you)

I do really want to continue writing other works, but I am a little stuck on what to write next. Whether it be another fanfiction or an original work. I'm asking for your opinions on the matter. What would you guys like to see in the future?

If you guys want me to do a fanfiction then on what would you guys like? I have a lot of ideas (mostly animes), but I wanna write for you guys as well! 

Just let me know! I would enjoy hearing from all of you =D! 

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